Thank You’s, and Returning To Church

Good morning Bethany Church family! I just wanted to send out a thank you to everyone who has brought or bought meals for our family following the birth of our grandson. We have eaten really well. (I’ve gained back the weight from the fast) As you can tell from the picture above he is growing up rapidly, causing his Papa (Grandad) to be envious of his ability to grow a full beard even though he is only 3 weeks old. (LOL).

Thank you, thank you for your love and support of our family during this time. It has meant a great deal to Stephen, Amber, Jackie and myself. We have the greatest church family!

Also I wanted to thank John David and everyone who came out to remodel our sanctuary stage and paint the lobby. If you get a chance, say a word of thanks to: JD and Charlotte Price, Vic Medlin, Mary Quinn, Matt, Kristan, Evan and Nate Wagenmaker, Jody Stowe, Ron Drogan, Art Meza, Rob Owens, Nate Manning, and Kent Lee.

By the time we return to worship this Sunday, May 24 we should have a new looking stage. Also on that note: the Governor of NC has lifted the restriction on churches gathering to worship. With that in mind please follow these guidelines:

If you have had a fever, or have a fever – for what ever reason – STAY HOME and watch the service online!

If you are in the at risk age group for the virus use discretion and practice caution in returning to church. I know it’s not the same as coming to church, but for now you watch the service online.

If you feel more comfortable in returning to church wearing a mask: wear a mask.

Those who want to gather for worship while taking the proper precautions are encouraged to do so. Chairs in the sanctuary will be placed approximately 6 feet apart, while couples, and families will obviously be encouraged to sit together.

Following the service Sunday morning we will be having Memorial Day Cookout. Bring drinks, dessert, and chips for you and your family – and enough for a guest. Our church will be providing the meat (Thank the Lord for meat!)

Lord willing we will see you all at church this Sunday morning, May 24.