Sons of Thunder, Part 2

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today, once again I want to blast forth this Matthew 9:38 prayer that the Lord of the Harvest  would Ekballo The Sons of Thunder into the earth’s seething legions of the lost. In 2009 I was going into a 40 day fast in Kansas City. Before I entered into the fast I dreamed that my belly was being operated on. I woke with a prayer, “God are you trying to operate on my appetite so that I can be a Daniel that shifts history through prayer and fasting?” In the middle of that fast, a prophetic intercessor, emailed me with a dream. In the dream I was lying down sleeping, and I was fasting. Five angels came into my bedroom and were operating on my belly. Then they took the book of Daniel, lit it on fire, and sealed it into my belly. The scene changed and all these young people were coming to me with t-shirts on and written on those shirts were the words, “Sons of Thunder.” For 10 years now I have been believing that like Daniel, who when he understood that it was the time for the Jewish jailbreak out of Babylon, fasted and prayed to initiate that mass exodus. I have believed that in a kairos time God would lead me to enter into a 40 day fast that would release the new breed of musicians, The Sons of Thunder. Could we be in that fast now?

A couple days ago I received this email from a man following The Jesus Fast and reading my devotionals: Early this week I had a dream and your name (Lou Engle)  appeared in white. Underneath your name, the word “sons” appeared in yellow. Prior to the dream I had no idea that you existed. After researching your name, I found and watched your YouTube video, “Sons of Thunder” and visited your website. I am convinced I am a part of the prophetic sons and daughters you are raising up in prayer, fasting, and intercession.

Amazingly on that very morning prior to receiving this email, for some strange reason, I put on a Sons of Thunder t-shirt. My wife even said, “Why are you wearing that shirt?” I just felt lead. I believe it was a whisper,  a supernatural synchronicity. The prophetic whisper exploded faith in my heart. It’s time to pray for the new breed to clothe themselves with the Sons of Thunder t-shirt mantle, bring the music of heaven down to earth, and reap the harvest of the ages.


Lord of the harvest we beg you, ekballo these musician laborers into the mass harvest fields of young people waiting for Your music to transform their lives. God, like David’s music delivered Saul from his demons, loose the sound that will deliver a demonized generation. Bring forth the songs of freedom. God, release heaven’s Woodstock in our day and our age. Release the sound on CNN, and MSNBC and beyond. God, thunder from heaven! AMEN!