Prime the Pump

One day, a man was lost in a desert without water, but he saw an old makeshift structure. He knew he couldn’t make it much longer, so he got to the covering as fast as his worn-out legs could carry him. To his surprise, inside he found a jar of pure looking water. This jar was on the floor next to a pump.

As he reached down to pick up the jar of water, though, he noticed a sign.

Filled with relief, he walked over to the jar to quench his overbearing thirst. As he reached down to pick up the jar of water, though, he noticed a sign. The sign read, “Use this water to prime the pump. When you have gotten as much water as you need, refill the jar, and leave it for the next person who will pass this way.” 

This man suddenly found himself on the horns of a dilemma because he was so thirsty that he was close to dehydration. What if he followed the directions on the sign and there was no water in the well? What if he poured out all of the water he now held in his hand and got nothing in return? Was that worth the risk to even try? The man had to make a decision to either fill himself now, or pour out what he had and take the chance that deep down there was so much more. The man made the choice to prime the pump. It was a good choice because the water flowed freely. He drank to his delight and collected enough water to take him on his journey. Before he left, he filled the jar and placed it next to the note. Under the words of the note, he wrote, “Trust me. It works!”

Thanksgiving and Christmas are soon approaching. As a result people are becoming mindful of what they are thankful for and who they want to share their love with. As you are being distracted by all of these different things let me gently remind you of what the Apostle Paul stated was true of all those born-again of the Spirit: As you have therefore received Christ, [even] Jesus the Lord, [so] walk (regulate your lives and conduct yourselves) in union with and conformity to Him. Have the roots [of your being] firmly and deeply planted [in Him, fixed and founded in Him], being continually built up in Him, becoming increasingly more confirmed and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and abounding and overflowing in it with thanksgiving. (Colossians 2:6-7)

One of the fundamentals of being a Christian is thanksgiving. In a culture that has become vehemently self-centered, and obsessed it is imperative that we focus our attention on thanksgiving. In fact I learned many years ago that I have to incorporate it in my life as a daily discipline. I’ve also discovered that thanksgiving actually aids in priming my spiritual pump. Each day many of us will begin feeding on God’s Word and having our quiet time with Him. Others will focus on their priestly responsibilities of praying for the needs of others. But it has been my experience that when I simply focus on me and others that often miss the very ONE I live for. He is the Reason for my existence.The very first thing, I and others, need is to “re-center” ourselves in Him. Consider ministering to Him through thanksgiving. Note that the word thanksgiving is made up of two words: “thanks” and “give.” Psalm 100:4 reminds us that we are to “Enter His Gates With Thanks- Giving. We enter into His Presence with the giving of thanks. This is an aspect of our sacrifice of praise. So I challenge you to create a thanksgiving journal and come up with 10 things a day that you are thankful for.

Lastly, note that Colossians 2:6-7 assumes that if someone has received Jesus as Savior, Lord, and Baptizer (Christ) they will be rooted, built up, and established in the faith as they overflow with thanksgiving. Build up your spirit man through overflowing with thanks. Prime that inward pump by exercising the will of your soul engaging in what’s already occurring in Heaven and in all creation – the giving of thanks.