Messages from God

Sunday was a great day to be in the House of the Lord with my favorite people. I wanted to go around and “bear hug” all of you. Our trips to Indonesia and Maryland had exhausted us physically but created a greater desire to be back with our church family. What a welcome home we had with our guest Brad McClendon. I was left with the impression that no one wanted to leave church. (I believe we were here till 1:30) Many received prophetic words as tears flowed freely, and the Presence of God flooded the room. Matt Wagenmaker reported seeing the reflection of a “man” about 7′ tall standing behind Brad with his hand resting upon his shoulder. Matt rewound the video to see if the camera recorded the event but our “visitor” left no evidence of his visit. (How cool is that?) Also Brad asked at the beginning of our service if anyone was having shoulder issues to raise their hand. Several raised their hands in response. As a result, Cass Thompson reported that she had been suffering badly from a torn rotator cuff, and was having to wake up and take medication to lessen the pain. She reported that Ssnce Sunday’s meeting she has had no more pain. Praise the Lord!

After this Sunday’s service many of you received prophetic words and may be wondering, “What do I do in response?” Scripture teaches in 1 Thess. 5:20-21: Do not spurn the gifts and utterances of the prophets [do not depreciate prophetic revelations nor despise inspired instruction or exhortation or warning]. But test and prove all things [until you can recognize] what is good; [to that] hold fast. AMP Classic  Thus we are taught from Scripture to test the word from the Lord. But how do we test them?

1. A prophet must not contradict anything God has previously revealed. 

2. A prophecy must exalt Jesus Christ. 

3. A prophets life must be consistent with the prophecy he or she gives. Are they honoring Christ and bringing glory to Him, or are they bringing attention to themselves? Are they walking in humility, and does their ministry produce humility? Does their ministry produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit?

4. Because someone meets the above criteria does not necessarily mean that the message is from God. The leaders of each particular assembly should be the ones who make the determination. 

5. Prophets and prophecies should be submitted to the Shepherd or shepherds of the church. The prophet or the word should never circumvent the spiritual authority God has put in place (whether we like, or agree with that authority or not). 

6. A Prophet or prophecy should rarely give direction, or counsel. That is the job of the pastor.

7. Prophecy should meet the conditions of 1 Cor. 14:3: But [on the other hand], the one who prophesies [who [b]interprets the divine will and purpose in inspired preaching and teaching] speaks to men for their upbuilding and constructive spiritual progress and encouragement and consolation.

These are great guidelines but what if you have to wait to see if the word becomes a reality? Here are a few pointers:

  1. Some words are “destiny words” regarding your future. For example, in the book of Genesis, Joseph received dreams that he would rule over his father, and brothers. The shepherd boy David was anointed to be king by the prophet Samuel – even though Saul was still king. All destiny words are usually conditioned upon cooperating with the Lord in the process of becoming who He said you would be.
  2. Prophetic words will cause several reactions: “I can’t see it,” or “I can see it,” or “That’s confirmation regarding something I’ve had in my heart, (or were praying about.)” The prophetic word should support, confirm or clarify somethings we are already having clues about. Or they may cause you to pray about something you hadn’t even considered. (You see that in the case of Gideon).
  3. If you received a word you didn’t agree with simply release it. Those who have a prophetic ministry are simply stepping out in faith regarding what they believe is the Spirit of God. A practical reason why we are to test the words given.
  4. If you received a word that intrigued you even though you can’t see how it could ever happen. Then simply pray about it. Record the word, dating when and where it was given, and continue praying over it. The reason for doing this is because you will forget. If it’s from the Lord the enemy will try to get you to doubt it, or forget about it.
  5. The Lord does not want you to be passive regarding the word. He wants you to thank Him for it. Believe and trust that He will bring it to pass. Step out in faith positioning yourself to become a manifestation of that word. Also seek reputable resources to help educate you regarding the word, and position yourself among others who can help you grow into your word.
  6. Lastly if you have any questions regarding a word, or the gift of prophecy, please feel free to talk with me about it. I will do my best to answer any questions you may have, and provide wise counsel.

Paul exhorts us in 1 Cor. 14:1 Eagerly pursue and seek to acquire [this] love [make it your aim, your great quest]; and earnestly desire and cultivate the spiritual endowments (gifts), especially that you may prophesy…..Remember you are the Lord’s sheep and according to John 10 Jesus’ sheep hear His Voice. So pursue this gift, stepping out in faith to listen, and minister the word of the Lord. With every step you please the One Who made you to be like His Son. (Hebrews. 11:6).