Hide and See

Why does God take pleasure in hiding things in plain sight? How do we make walking off with Jesus into eternity a beginning instead of a final destination? How does “tending” or “dressing” God’s garden in us find it’s fulfillment in and through His Living Word?

Proverbs 25:2 states that “It is the Glory of God to conceal a matter…” revealing God takes great pleasure in hiding things in plain sight. The examples are numerous but some of the obvious ones are Jesus, Holy Spirit, revelations from the Word of God, and prophecy. Four prophecies, have been hidden or embedded in the Garden story – hidden for you and I to unearth its treasures. As I have explained in a previous blog one of those prophecies is based on my interpretation and opinion. (I’m entitled. We all have two armpits) Those prophecies are: a) The Word of God will walk through His Garden (b) A Final Day of the Spirit is Coming Soon (c) satan will bite Jesus’ heel but Jesus will crush satan’s head, culminating in satan’s final destruction (d) and lastly, God will provide a Way to the Tree of Life through His Mercy.

In yesterdays blog we discovered that Jesus’ “Middle Earth” has emerged in sons of Adam and daughters of Eve through a new birth. This new birth has caused His garden to emerge in a land hostile to God. Paul would go so far as to say that this aspect of our nature actually hates God (Romans 8:7). As followers of the Final Adam – Jesus – it is our calling to pick up where our ancestors dropped the ball (or fruit, as in the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil). Their call was short-changed through a lie that had them sacrificing God’s Word for something that tasted good. Good, especially man’s measured good, has and always will be the enemy of God’s very best. For proof of this look no farther than the story of the Prodigal Son in which the elder brother became his father’s enemy. Why? Because of the elders goodness achieved apart from a relationship with his father. In Jesus’ parable the goodness of the elder brother is just as deprived as the evil of the younger. Again we have to ask the question, Why? Because both were centered in the “core” of the fruit of the knowledge of “doing to be.” Satan’s lie was, “If you do this – you will be.” Thus reliance upon the soul held mankind firmly in its grip as spirits withered and died. This iron, grip of death has a choke hold on those who would seek to live otherwise. Through the Final Adam we are resurrected from “doing to be.” New life has been breathed into our spirits catapulting us from our carnal graves. Yet satan doesn’t give up so easy seeking to keep the shroud of death wrapped tightly around our spiritual vision. I am convinced that this shroud or veil is removed through the Word of God. But not just the black and white words that the sons of hell, the Pharisees, were masters of. But the God-breathed words of the Spirit. These are the words that emancipate. By God’s grace, Jesus, the Voice – the Word, comes to us untangling the matted root systems of generations of religion, tradition, and ancestral rebellion and sin. He frees us to walk with the Word. To hold His hand through chapters, paragraphs, and pages discovering eternal life is relational, not a final destination. Albeit, misfortune has fallen to the impoverished masses who have made reading the word their final destination overlooking the treasure buried just beneath their proverbial feet. They fail to realize that walking off with Him into eternity isn’t a destination but a beginning. But how? Where do we begin?

Genesis 2:15 And the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and guard and keep it. The Living Words of God are unearthed through tending, guarding and keeping. To tend or dress in the Hebrew means to “to do, or to make; to worship, or obey; to serve.” Although the term is typically applied to agriculture, it has also been used in reference to the artisans and craftsmen throughout the Bible, and of those who labor for another as in the the priests who served God in the Tabernacle and Temple. In this case their labor or service wasn’t a burdensome one but joyous, a form of worship. Webster’ Dictionary of English Words offers uncanny nuances, and Biblical parallels between God’s garden and Word when defining the word “dress:”

dress – 1a: to make or set straight b: to arrange (troops, equipment, etc.) in a straight line and at proper intervals 2: to prepare for use or service specificallyto prepare for cooking or for the table dress a salad 3: to add decorative details or accessories to EMBELLISH 4a: to put clothes on b: to provide with clothing  archaicDRESS DOWN 6a: to apply dressings or medicaments to dress a wound b (1): to arrange by combing, brushing, or curling (2): to groom and curry c: to kill and prepare for consumption d: CULTIVATETEND especiallyto apply manure or fertilizer to dress a field e: to put through a finishing process especiallyto trim and smooth the surface of (a material, such as lumber or stone).

As you can see all of these serve to connect God’s Garden to His Word. Why wouldn’t it? His Garden exist’s because of His Word. When we “dress” or “tend” to God’s garden applying His Word we begin to set things straight; we arrange our selves for battle; we prepare ourselves for service; we add details to our lives; we clothe ourselves; we apply the medications to our wounds, sicknesses and infinities; we arrange, combing and brushing, through our knotted lives; we prepare spiritual food for our nourishment (even our death); we apply the manure and fertilizer needed for God’s Spirit and His fruits to grow in us; and lastly we trim and smooth the surface of stoney hearts causing even these to cry out in worship and praise to Him.

In next weeks blog we will seek to see how we can apply the other directives given Adam regarding God’s garden.