Here Am I Send Me!

“Consciously or unconsciously, one lives not only one’s life but the life of one’s time…are our dreams, for example, to some degree facets, of a larger mass dream that is beginning to happen in the world? To put it another way, when God wants to initiate a new movement in history, God does not intervene directly, but sends us dreams and visions that can if attended to, initiate a process.”  -Walter Wink

I think it’s very significant that in a previous video I shared how my daughter dreamed of Loren Cunningham and through it was sent to the Himalayas. In this video, (Check out Lou Engles Day 20 – The Jesus Fast) I share how my son dreamed of Loren Cunningham from which he was sent to the Himalayas. I wonder how many people are dreaming of this man, the founder of Youth With a Mission (YWAM) across the earth. I wonder if their dreams are tens of thousands of echoes of Loren’s original dream.

In 1956, 20-year-old Loren Cunningham while on a singing tour in the Bahamas, asked God to speak to him. “Suddenly I was looking up at a map of the world,” said Loren. “Only the map was alive, moving!” It was like a movie playing before him and he saw waves crashing over nations and continents. He said in his book ‘Is That Really You God?’, “The waves became young people, kids my age and even younger covering the continents.” He was seeing waves of young people preaching the gospel in the nations. According to Mark Batterson more than a half a century later, there are more than 18,000 YWAM staff members in 1,100 ministry locations in more than 180 countries.

Was my daughter and son’s dream ‘Here Am I Send Me’ the continuation of the original dream of Loren Cunningham? Isn’t that amazing that one dream could be a seed that if watered and nourished, could become a tree whose branches and fruit fill the whole earth? Behind my daughter and son’s dreams of Loren Cunningham, there was their father’s throbbing prayer at work. I wonder who was praying, “Lord of the harvest, thrust forth laborers,” in Loren’s spiritual downline. It’s time for the fulfillment of Loren’s mass dream.”

NOTE FROM ROBERT: Years ago I had left our denomination believing that it was not right to remain expecting the people I was pastoring to repent of rejecting the Holy Spirit and His Ministry. I felt I had no other choice but to leave and pursue God’s call on my life through other means. During my time away I was deeply burdened by the condition of the American church – in that we had nothing to offer a person which would motivate them to get out of bed to seek Jesus. I greatly desired that God would send me to the marketplace to minister to people there. One day as I was driving a semi across Aurora, Colorado the Presence of God came in the truck. I thought of a waitress who was a single mom, working two jobs, having three mouths to feed. She had no reason to get out of bed and seek God. She was doing the best she could. I thought of all the others who had abandoned Jesus and His church and I began to cry as God’s Presence intensified. I cried out to the Lord, “Here am I send me.” I naturally assumed He would send me to the marketplace. But His response surprised me. Months later I had a dream three times in a row. After the third dream I said to the Lord, “If you are trying to say something to me you will have to make it clearer than this.” And He did. He revealed to me that He wanted me to go back to the denomination that birthed me. I challenged Him on this by replying, “Lord, You don’t put new wine into old wineskins.” To which He replied, “Robert lets get something straight. I observed the feasts, the festivals and the Law. I went to the Temple and synagogue. I was available to change people’s hearts – not the religious system of man. That’s all I’m asking you to do. Be available to change people’s hearts and don’t worry with the system.” From responding in obedience to this call God has since challenged me to be willing to go to the ends of the earth with His Gospel. Is there any other option available to those who say they love God? To love Him is to obey and submit to Him. He makes it clear that if we really love Him we will obey Him – any other response is simply hatred. Are you available to be surrendered, submitted and sent? God is looking for laborers for His Harvest. Will you pray, “Here am I Lord, send me?”