Every Believer A Witness Testimonials

I trust that following last Sunday’s message everyone has had the opportunity to edit and rewrite their personal testimony. Until this week our challenges have been to see people the way God sees them, loving them from an eternal perspective. The other was to seek to obey the Lord in the area of sharing your faith. This Sunday we were challenged to not only write our testimony but to share our testimony. Remember the beginning line to open up the conversation regarding sharing your testimony? “I’m going through this class at church and they’ve asked us to share our personal story with two people who aren’t members of our church. Could I take 3 minutes of your time and read my story to you?” There aren’t too many people who will turn you down when you take this approach. So I encourage you, if you haven’t taken the time to share, to do so. Someone you love or care for may have been waiting for you to do so.