Jesus Fast Day 6

Atomic Power
“As the Creator is greater than that which He has created, so is the power wielded by the Christian through fasting and prayer greater than that wielded by the atomic scientist.” – Franklin Hall

The next three devotional days may be review for many of you, but these stories are prophetically and Biblically foundational to everything we will discuss. If you have heard these stories before, bear with me. If this is your first time hearing these stories, you will understand why I am gripped by God to call the global Church into the 40-day fast and extended seasons of fasting and prayer during this pregnant moment and decade.

In 1999, I was approached by a Youth With A Mission (YWAM) leader who asked me to help him call the whole world to a 40-day fast to unleash the harvest of the new Millenium. I thought to myself, “Lord how can I call the world? Nobody knows who I am. But if this is you, have a prophet call me with a dream that I am flying a plane and dropping an atomic bomb.”

There was a reason for this somewhat unreasonable request. At the time, I was reading a book that would be pivotal in my life’s calling: Atomic Power With God Thru Fasting And Prayer by Franklin Hall. That very night, a prophet called me with that exact dream! I was flying a plane and dropping an atomic bomb! Whoa!

It was in 1946 that Franklin Hall released this booklet and it began to fly across the world, moving thousands to enter into long fasts for evangelistic power and harvest breakthrough. It seemed that for an entire season the spirit and grace of fasting rested on the Church. Reports of fasting from around the world began to come forth, with many testifying of God’s supernatural power and salvation.

But I believe much more was happening. I am now convinced that a global season of fasting and prayer precipitated a worldwide miracle harvest. Franklin Hall said that 1946 through 1950 was a fasting era. By 1952, two hundred thousand Atomic Power books and over six million pieces of literature were published and distributed all over the world by Hall and his team.

 Within the year following Hall’s release of Atomic Power, healing evangelists like Oral Roberts and T.L. Osborn launched their ministries with extended fasting. T.L. Osborn read Hall’s book in 1947 and was stirred to enter into long fastings which launched him into one of the most remarkable evangelistic careers. Hundreds of thousands attended his crusades. Miraculous healings and deliverances followed. Osborn thanked Hall for his impact through the book, saying, “Our lives have been revolutionized by fasting and prayer.” Oral Roberts fasted seven months in 1947 and then his renowned healing ministry broke out.

Franklin Hall’s newsletter stated that, “A few of the other (not too well-known then) ministers who had major fasting experiences by our writings in the 1946, 1947 to 1950 fasting era and who also became famous (as healing evangelists) are: Wm. Freeman, Gordon Lindsay, A.A. Allen, O.L. Jaggers, Gayle Jackson, Oral Roberts, David Nunn, Wm. Branham, W.V. Grant, Wm. Hagen, Dale Hanson, and Tommy Hicks” (Don’t Cry For Me Argentina).

Do you see the pattern? Unknown evangelists rediscovered the power of The Jesus Fast (extended fasting without food) and a divine reenactment of Jesus’ power exploded on the earth. That was 70+ years ago. The sick and the dying, the harassed and the helpless, demand a new manifestation of Jesus’ healing power.

And shall not we, the children of these Pentecostal forerunners, turn our hearts back to them and return to the sacrifice of the 40-day fast? What if thousands globally entered into The Jesus Fast? I tell you, stadiums will be filled all over the globe and the world will come flocking to Jesus, who is the Savior, Healer, Baptizer, and Soon-Coming King!

This is not theory, friends. This is what happened when men and women read Atomic Power. And this 40-day devotional series is their testimony. More to come on Tommy Hicks and the rest of these guys later!


God the Mighty One! We cry out to you! Unleash your spiritual atomic power through my life and through your church. Release a worldwide mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit that we may be your witnesses!

Jesus Fast Day 5

In light of a recent message regarding the baptism of the Spirit and Fire and it’s symbolic reference to zeal I thought Lou Engle’s Post for today was timely:

Bread From Heaven

“Passion is the north star compass for your calling.” Yesterday we spoke concerning passion as the mainspring for the 40-day fast. Passion is the north star compass for your calling. It enables you to make sacrifices that otherwise would be unthinkable. Have you written down the dominating prophecies, dreams, and inward desires that we spoke of yesterday? Take time, ponder these things, and be possessed.    

Today, we want to continue to help you climb this 40-day mountain. Jesus said, “This kind cometh not out but by prayer and fasting” (Matt. 17:21). To fast without prayer is starvation. Or at best, a diet. You can lose weight and lose your salvation at the same time. Prayer provides the oil that lights the lamp that illuminates the darkened path of your ascent to spiritual conquest. Eating takes hours of our days. We think about it, we talk about it, we spend time preparing it, eating it, and thinking about what we’ll eat before we go to bed. Almost without question, you will, during this fast, have dreams that you’re breaking your fast. You’ll wake up thinking “Oh no, I broke my fast!” Actually, the dreams reveal what really has a hold on you. In fasting and prayer, we find ourselves beginning to feast on bread from heaven that truly satisfies. Jesus said, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” (John 6:51). In place of your normal eating times, set aside much time to pray and read the Word. Pray your promises and your passions. Put your headphones on and be swept along by the sounds of heaven’s epic music soundtrack that is playing above you and in you. Worship God. In fasting with prayer you know in the deepest sense that you love God more than anything. Job said, “I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food” (Job 23:12). Do not be discouraged if there is no light coming to you during the fast. Endure and persevere in your pursuit. “He who walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord and rely upon his God” (Isaiah 50:10). Almost by definition, the wilderness of fasting can be a dark place, but the realm of the invisible sometimes cannot be seen in the daylight of our normal existence. Stars can only be seen at night. It may be in your darkest moment of this fast that a dream comes and lights your lamp forever. Or it may be after the fast that angels will come and minister to you, like what happened at the end of Jesus’ fast. In many fasts that I have entered into, dreams have come and shown me a new dimension of God and a new direction of purpose. Other times, it seemed like the heavens were closed. But the Bible reassures us that the Father will reward you openly for the fast you do in secret (Matt. 6:4). 

Your soul will be attracted to entertainment and food, anything just to keep your mind off of the fast. Know that the fast creates a vacuum in your soul into which spiritual water is to be poured. Be careful what you pour into your soul. In the natural, fasting removes toxins from your body. I read somewhere that in a 30-day water fast, you actually get a new stomach through the renewal of your cells. Spiritually speaking, you receive a new capacity for spiritual renewal and breakthrough. Shut down other voices, shut down all the noises so that you can hear another voice, “the voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord’” (Isaiah 40:3). Open the faucet of your spirit man through crying out to God, “Fill me with your Holy Spirit! Give me a revelation!”    

 Find the fellowship of fasting friends. They will fuel your fire. Speak often with one another and God will listen and hear. He will write you down in his diary of devotional lovers. Your fast moves heaven. Lock on to another brother or sister who will fast with you, for two are better than one, if one falls another will lift him up (Eccl. 4:9-10). For 35 years, I’ve had my close fasting friend as my wingman. We have flown together with revelation. Share your revelations with one another and that revelation will fuel your fast.  
Prayer: Lord we ask for bread from heaven in this fast. We ask for personal revelation that we can live by – every word that proceeds from your mouth! We ask for dreams and visions. We ask for the salvation of five unbelievers in this forty days. Lord of the harvest send laborers into their lives and here am I send me! 

Jesus Fast – Day 5

I thought I would share this post from Lou Engle from Day Four of the 40 Day Jesus Fast:

You Can Climb This Mountain
“No one climbs Everest without a mesmerizing motivation of passion.” – Lou Engle“And the angel of the Lord came back the second time, and touched him, and said, “Arise and eat, because the journey is too great for you.” So he arose, and ate and drank; and he went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights as far as Horeb, the mountain of God.” – 1 Kings 19:7-8We hope that yesterday’s video from my friend, Dr. Vaughn Lawrence, helped you in preparing for a healthy fast, but many of you may still be wondering how you can even do a 40-day fastYou may be asking, “What kind of fast should I do? How can I do a 40-day fast or any extended fast? How can I climb this 40-day mountain?” Recently, the wife of the young man who helped me write and edit my most recent book, The Fast, had a dream in which they were struggling to climb a mountain that was very difficult and steep. She looked up and saw me above them on the mountain, calling and encouraging them to come up to the top of the mountain. This young man had been feeling a desire to fast. I said to him, “I think the mountain is the Mountain of the Lord. Moses fasted for 40 days on the Mountain of the Lord and Elijah fasted for 40 days on that same mountain. I think the Lord wants you to come up to the Mountain of the Lord and fast for 40 days.” He had just completed his water and juice fast at the time we were finishing the book. God changed his life; he discovered his scroll. The 40-day fast can be done and the rewards are very great. As we are at the beginning of our 40-day journey together, you may be daunted by the sheer height of such a climbing endeavor. I understand. Paul boasted that he spoke in tongues “more than all of you” (1 Cor. 14:18). My claim to fame is that I’ve broken more fasts than all of you. It is amazing that the minute you begin to fast, that beautiful pink box of donuts appears at the office and immediately you start thinking, “I’ll start my fast at Noon.” For the next few days, we want to help you climb this mountain. First of all, you must understand that fasting must be born and motivated by the Spirit. “Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness.” – Mark 1:12     “I should fast” or “I need to fast” will never bring about the kind of motivation required to subdue the appetites of the flesh. Legalism and law will not liberate you into the flight of freedom in fasting, they will only bring you under bondage and accusation. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God”(Romans 8:14). The Gospel writer of Mark said that the Spirit of the Lord drove (ekballo’d) Jesus into the wilderness to fast 40 days. It was the impetus of the Spirit that enabled Jesus to overcome the most intense temptations to eat. This is why we write this journal – to create within you an overpowering faith, a divine motivation, and an expectation for an unbelievable breakthrough. In fact, you would not even be reading this journal if God was not leading you by the Holy Spirit. It is our conviction that once again the Spirit that drove Jesus into the wilderness is now driving the Church worldwide into the wilderness of the 40-day fast because a great light is about to dawn.  Passion is like a mighty river that breaks the dam of our fleshly obstinance to spiritual sacrifice that brings great spiritual reward. When an inward desire to fast begins to overtake you, you can bet that the devil is not tempting you. No, the Spirit of the Lord uses inward desire, the life force of passion, to drive you into a new dimension. Many times there’s a build-up of the force of that river – overwhelming circumstances that nothing can move, an inward desperation for change, dreams and prophecies, even books that get into your hand (like this one) are the voice of the Lord screaming inside of you, “Fast for the unfolding of your new future!”    As you begin to climb this mountain, do not look at how steep the climb is, but look to the peak of spiritual pleasure that is at the top of that mountain. I would encourage you to ponder and be possessed by the prophecies, dreams, yearnings, and prayer requests that are stronger than the very desire for food. Live this fast under the shadow of a dominating prophecy. At the right hand of God “are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11). Look to the rewards of fasting, not to the temporary reach for Adam’s apple. Take this moment right now to write down a list of what you want and need from God: a friend to be saved, a disease to be healed, a calling to be heard, an addiction to be overcome, a job or career to cross into, a  people group to be won. Set your eyes on things above, not on things below (Col. 3:2), for the joy that was set before Him, Jesus endured the cross (Heb. 12:2). 40 days is not too steep a climb for eternal pleasure, impact, and reward. Let passion be the fire for The Fast!
 Prayer: Lord, we pray that you would release the fire of prophetic passion on the thousands that are fasting. I pray that they would live under the shadow of a dominating prophecy that would so capture them that this fast will become a joy and not a burden. I pray that the joy set before them will release grace to endure the suffering, the Cross, for the reward that is coming, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Jesus Fast Guidelines

We are amazed at the response of tens of thousands who are joining together for The Jesus Fast. Prayer and fasting are gifts from God to reset the compass of our hearts toward Him and focus our intercession for a breakthrough. I believe these next 40 days will shake the nations and prepare us to be sent into all the world to proclaim the Good News! I know many of you are doing your very first extended fast.  Praise God for your obedience!  Please read over these guidelines from my website and prepare your heart and body in these next days leading up to the fast.
With this call to enter into extended fasting, we must prepare ourselves adequately so that the fast can honor God and fulfill its purpose. I want to share some thoughts from our own experiences to help and encourage you.
 1. Seek medical advice if you are older or have health challenges 
2. Fast and pray to humble yourself and purify your worship – In Fasting we are not trying to get something from God; we are seeking to realign our hearts’ affections with His. We do holy violence to the “pleasures which wage war against the soul,” opening the way for a greater submission to the Holy Spirit. Lust is a perverse form of devotion. Fasting enables us to cleanse the sanctuary of our hearts from such idols.
 3. Take time to pray and read the Word – This may seem obvious, but busyness and distractions can keep you from devotions. Reading books with testimonies of victories gained through fasting will encourage you. Register at to schedule your fast and receive encouragement by email.
 4. Have a clear target for prayer focus – Without a vision (a clear, prophetic prayer goal), the people perish. During a fast, I have four or five prayer goals I have clearly articulated. When I am not deeply motivated by a clear goal, I usually fast until breakfast! Write down your vision so you can run with it.
 5. Do the fast with someone else – Two are better than one! We encourage young people to talk this through with their parents before starting the fast. Parents and kids should consider fasting together.
 6. Do not give in to condemnation if you fail – The “to fast or not to fast” dilemma can be a major tool of the enemy. Even though you may fail several times, God always extends grace. Hit reset and resume right where you left off.
 7. Husbands and wives, consider sexual abstinence for the sake of prayer (1 Corinthians 7:5)
8. Determine the length in advance of the fast, not after you start• – A total fast is without water. This is extremely hard on the body. Do not go beyond three days.
• A water-only fast is a very challenging but deeply spiritual experience. Many people can endure forty days on water alone, though this is dependent on one’s weight and metabolism.
• A fruit and vegetable juice fast allows you to enter into fasting but still gives enough energy to function. Most people can do a forty-day juice fast. Out of consideration for their health and metabolism, I encourage teenagers to drink juice and protein drinks to sustain them.
 9. Prepare physically – Two days before your fast, limit your intake of food to fruit and vegetables. Fruits are natural cleansers and easy to digest. Stop drinking coffee before the fast. Prepare yourself for mental discomforts such as impatience, crankiness, and anxiety. Expect physical discomforts. You may experience dizziness, headaches and different kinds of pains. The headaches are not necessarily a sign to stop fasting. Your body is working to cleanse itself of impurities.
 10. Prepare for opposition – On the first day of your fast, you can bet doughnuts will somehow show up at the office or in class. Your spouse (or mom) will suddenly be inspired to cook your favorite meals. Take this as encouragement from God to press ahead! Many times you may feel increased emotional tension at home. My fasts are just as difficult on my wife as they are on me. Satan tempted Jesus on His fast, and we must expect the same. Discouragement may come in like a flood, but recognize the source and take your stand upon the victory of Christ.
 11. Fast in secret – Do not boast about your fast, but do not go to extraordinary lengths to mask it when people inquire; if necessary, just let them know you will not be eating. The bigger deal you make of it, the more attention you draw. Be discreet, be transparent, then move humbly along.
 12. Break the fast over several days with fruit juice and/or light soups
On a light juice fast or a water fast, your digestive system shuts down. It can be dangerous if you eat too much too soon. Break such a fast gently with several days of diluted, nonacidic juice, then regular juice, followed by fruit and vegetables. When breaking one of my early water fasts, I ate too much too quickly and almost needed hospitalization. Be careful!
 13. Feel free to rest a lot and to continue to exercise
14. If you are pregnant or nursing, do not fast, PERIOD
15. Expect to hear God’s voice in the Word, dreams, visions, and revelations – Daniel prepared himself to receive revelation through fasting (Daniel 10:1-3). Scripture also speaks of a fasting reward (Matthew 6:18). Expect God to fellowship and communicate with you in special ways.
 16. Breakthroughs often come after a fast, not during it – Do not listen to the lie that nothing is happening. It is my conviction that every fast done in faith will be rewarded.

Jesus Fast 2020

Please take the time to sign up through the Lou Engle video that John David will be releasing today. The Video post has a website sign up that will provide you with additional devotionals from Lou Engle. Also take the time to choose the fast that you are going to partake in.

Lou lists the following fasts: The Original Jesus Fast: Water-Only – According to Luke 4:2, Jesus was driven into the wilderness by the Spirit and ate nothing for 40 days. He drank only water. A 40-day fast on water is the most physically difficult fast and should be undertaken with complete rest and under medical supervision because of the extreme danger of over-toxification, breakdown of vital body tissues, and loss of electrolytes. We encourage you to be led by the Spirit into a water-only fast.

Juice Fast: A juice fast is a fast where you drink only juice and water (primarily water) and do not eat any food. This type of fast will provide you with more energy than a water-only fast. This is an excellent type of fast, because you will lose all hunger cravings while still maintaining a certain level of energy that allows you to function. On a juice fast, we recommend drinking only fresh-pressed juices, which you can make at home with a juicer, or (if you don’t have a juicer) cold-pressed juices which you can buy at a store. You want to avoid juices with high acidic content, added sugars, and pulp. Drinking juices with pulp causes your metabolism to start back up, bringing back all of those difficult-to-deal-with hunger pangs. For a great resource on fasting, one of our fasting heroes, the late, great Bill Bright, compiled an entire fasting guide found here.

Smoothie Fast (Liquids-Only): A smoothie fast allows you to still get all the necessary nutrients you need to function, just in liquid form. You still deprive yourself the pleasure of chewing and eating solid foods. Smoothie fasts allow you to still get lots of servings of fruits, vegetables, protein powders, and whatever else you choose to include in your fast.

Daniel Fast: The Daniel Fast is the most well-known type of fast and is done according to the pattern revealed in Daniel 1:12 and Daniel 10:2-3. On this type of fast you will be able to still fulfill all of your life’s requirements, while denying yourself some of your typical diet’s pleasures. This type of fast is very healthy for your body as well. A Daniel Fast is essentially a vegan eating plan with more restrictions. It is a plant-based diet where the only beverage is water. You can read more about the Daniel Fast here.

Media Fast: If you are unable (or do not feel led by the Lord) to do any of the food-related fasts, consider doing a social media, video game, or movie (Netflix or other streaming service) fast. In 2018, the average American spent 1 hour and 57 minutes on social media every day. It takes only about 71 hours to read the entire Bible at an out-loud reading rate. If the average American replaced their time spent on social media with reading the Bible, they would be able to read the entire Bible in 37 days!

Other Types of Fasts: For 40 days, you could fast a certain favorite food, coffee, or one thing that you usually spend time doing. You can be creative. Ask the Lord what He would want you to fast during these upcoming 40 days.
*With water-only, juice, and smoothie fasts, consider taking a few days before your fast to detox your body in order to prepare it for your liquid fast. You can find more tips to prepare for your fast as compiled by our friends at IHOPKC here.

Regardless of which type of fast you choose, in place of your normal eating (or social media) times, set aside much time to pray and read the Word. Fasting creates a vacuum in your soul. Fill that void by feasting on God during your fast. When you would have gone to social media, pray. When you would have eaten a meal, feast on God’s Word. When you would have gone to a favorite food for comfort, go to God for comfort.

Our hope is that these options have given you a faith and confidence that there is a type of fast that you can do! As you choose your fast, we look forward to you joining us for the 40-day Global Jesus Fast starting March 1st. God Bless!

Lou Engle Ministries

Seek God For The City: 2020

“Seek God for the City: 2020” begins today, February 26. If you haven’t read the meditation and prayed the prayers it’s not too late.

Psalm 27:8 You have said, Seek My face [inquire for and require My presence as your vital need]. My heart says to You, Your face (Your presence), Lord, will I seek, inquire for, and require [of necessity and on the authority of Your Word].

When confronted with Scriptures like this many are quick to remind you that no one can see God’s Face and live. Exodus 33:20 But, He said, You can not see My face, for no man shall see Me and live. Yet, we are commanded to seek God’s Face. Though, in contrast, there are those who claimed to have seen God’s Face and lived. Was God lying, or is the Scripture contradicting itself? Neither. One of the things I love pointing out to people is that Jesus was God when He walked the earth. In other words, They saw God. To which they will typically counter that argument by stating that He was simply living as a man during His earthly ministry – He wasn’t really God. To which I agree. Yet this statement is only half the truth. For following Jesus’ resurrection Jesus appeared too over 500 people (1 Cor. 15:6) as God. Was Jesus glorified as God following His resurrection? Absolutely. So how do we reconcile the differences? The differences are reconciled when you understand that in the Old and New Testaments man could not look upon the Face of the Father and live, but they could look upon Jesus’ Face. Jesus was making appearances throughout the Old Testament long before He arrived as a baby in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. Consider the following:

In Ex. 3:2 it states: The Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush…

Angel of the Lord is used exclusively in the O.T. This term is never used again in the New Testament. What escapes our notice is that this “Angel” refers to Himself as the Lord: Ex. 3:4-6 And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the midst of the bush and said, Moses, Moses! And he said, Here am I. God said, Do not come near; put your shoes off your feet, for the place on which you stand is holy ground. Also He said, I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God.

This Angel of the Lord spoke as God. Regarding the use of this term the Amplified Classic contains the following footnote for Gen. 16:7: “The Angel of the Lord” or “of God” or “of His presence” is readily identified with the Lord God (and other passages). But it is obvious that the “Angel of the Lord” is a distinct person in Himself from God the Father. Nor does the “Angel of the Lord” appear again after Christ came in human form. He must of necessity be One of the “three-in-one” Godhead. The “Angel of the Lord” is the visible Lord God of the Old Testament, as Jesus Christ is of the New Testament. Thus His deity is clearly portrayed in the Old Testament. The Cambridge Bible observes, “There is a fascinating forecast of the coming Messiah, breaking through the dimness with amazing consistency, at intervals from Genesis to Malachi. Abraham, Moses, the slave girl Hagar, the impoverished farmer Gideon, even the humble parents of Samson, had seen and talked with Him centuries before the herald angels proclaimed His birth in Bethlehem.”

In fact if you were to go through all of the Old Testament references to the Angel of the Lord you discover that He appears quite frequently. This Term is used in Gen.16:7-13 regarding Hagar. It is used of Abraham in Gen. 22:11-16 when he is about to sacrifice Isaac. In Gen. 22:15-16 it states: The Angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven a second time 16 And said, I have sworn by Myself, says the Lord…. You discover it in the account of Jacob wrestling with the Angel of the Lord in Gen. 31:11,13 the Angel of God said to me in the dream, Jacob. And I said, Here am I …..13 I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed the pillar and where you vowed a vow to Me.

In the book of Joshua is an amazing account in which Joshua encounters the Angel of the Lord Who refers to Himself as Captain of the Lord’s Hosts. The term Lord of Hosts, Yahveh-Sabaoth, means Lord or God of Angelic Armies. How powerful is that? The other interesting thing about this passage is that angels never receive worship from man. That’s how we know that this is Jesus, and the Angel of the Lord. Josh. 5:13-15 When Joshua was by Jericho, he looked up, and behold, a Man stood near him with His drawn sword in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, Are you for us or for our adversaries? And He said, No [neither], but as Prince of the Lord’s host have I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped, and said to Him, What says my Lord to His servant? 15 And the Prince of the Lord’s host said to Joshua, Loose your shoes from off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy. And Joshua did so.

All of this to say, when we are commanded to seek God’s Face, we are being commanded to not only seek God’s manifested Presence, but an experiential encounter with Jesus. Question is, Are you willing to turn to see?

Seeking God’s Face Day 1 (February 26): We have heard Your Voice calling to us. Yet too often we have allowed the noise of life to obscure Your call. Although we’ve ignored You before, we now hush our hearts long enough to respond to Your Voice. You are calling, “Come! Come nearer! Come seek My Face!” Our hearts answer back to You, “Yes! I’m coming! I will seek Your Face!” This really is the deepest longing of our hearts. This is what we were made for: To know You. To come near You. To love You. We seek You because You first sought us. Please keep calling us, and we will keep coming.

40 Day Jesus Fast Challenge

Sunday, March 1 – Thursday, April 9

Challenge 1: Seek the Lord through Prayer & Fasting – to Stir the Fires of His Spirit in You OR Seek Him for a Baptism of the Spirit and Fire.

Challenge 2: Commit to a Night, or Several Nights from Mar. 1 – Apr. 9, 6:30 – 8:30 PM, for 40 Days, or 6 Weeks – of Ministering to the Lord through Thanksgiving, Worship and Intercession.

Prayer Focus: Seek the Lord for a Wedding of the Spirit and Word – in your life, and our church. Seek the Lord for a Sovereign Move for Revival and Awakening.

If you desire to sign up for Lou Engle’s Daily Devotions during the 40 Day fast you can subscribe at:

Confession & Declaration 39

Romans 8:29 For those whom He foreknew [of whom He was aware and loved beforehand], He also destined from the beginning [foreordaining them] to be molded into the image of His Son [and share inwardly His likeness], that He might become the firstborn among many brethren.

I love mysteries. Everything from UFO’s to Stonehenge, from Pyramids to Big Foot, from the Loch Ness Monster to Easter Island, and the Bermuda Triangle. I just love them. What is it about them that’s so intriguing? I believe, that in part, it’s what’s left of the child within. When I was a child I grew up in areas where there were woods, secret creeks, and holes in the ground. All of these things fascinated, activated, and fueled an all too active imagination. Yet, probably the greatest reason that mysteries capture our attention is that they are imbedded in our soul, or spiritual DNA. An obvious example is found in the story lines of every good movie, book, or play. Think about it, “Why does every good story have a hero, or heroine? Why are movies, and books boring without an enemy to conquer, a challenge to overcome, and a happy ending?” Why do our souls soar from this common story line? The common denominator, is that all of these things call to “His Story” in us. For some reason, when we were younger, we knew that we were made for something more. But as life happened, and we grew older, we slowly released those hopes, and dreams. The sad truth is that many, if not most, have never stopped long enough to ponder why our dreams, and imaginations were designed for much broader possibilities than this life could contain. Combined, these aspects of our nature act as a compass pointing us away from ourselves to the greatest of all mysteries. What is that mystery? Paul begins answering this question in the Book of Ephesians.

Ephesians 3:3-10 [And] that the mystery (secret) was made known to me and I was allowed to comprehend it by direct revelation, as I already briefly wrote you.When you read this you can understand my insight into the mystery of Christ.[This mystery] was never disclosed to human beings in past generations as it has now been revealed to His holy apostles (consecrated messengers) and prophets by the [Holy] Spirit. [It is this:] that the Gentiles are now to be fellow heirs [with the Jews], members of the same body and joint partakers [sharing] in the same divine promise in Christ through [their acceptance of] the glad tidings (the Gospel). Of this [Gospel] I was made a minister according to the gift of God’s free grace (undeserved favor) which was bestowed on me by the exercise (the working in all its effectiveness) of His power. To me, though I am the very least of all the saints (God’s consecrated people), this grace (favor, privilege) was granted and graciously entrusted: to proclaim to the Gentiles the unending (boundless, fathomless, incalculable, and exhaustless) riches of Christ [wealth which no human being could have searched out], Also to enlighten all men and make plain to them what is the plan [regarding the Gentiles and providing for the salvation of all men] of the mystery kept hidden through the ages and concealed until now in [the mind of] God Who created all things by Christ Jesus. 10 [The purpose is] that through the church the complicated, many-sided wisdom of God in all its infinite variety and innumerable aspects might now be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities (principalities and powers) in the heavenly sphere.

Did you pay attention to the final verse? Part of God’s mystery was to unveil His plan of salvation for all mankind through His Son. Talk about “do-overs,” or “mulligans.” This mystery is the ultimate “do-over” of all times, and of all ages. What is that mystery? Think of it from Heaven’s perspective. God creates angels to serve alongside of Him in Heaven, and in the created universe. He designs a “Big Blue Marble” in the cold, empty blackness we call space. Then out of all the other “marbles” He calls forth time, life and creatures to inhabit its space and make it home. From these creatures, He fashions something far more inferior to angels – He makes man and woman. To the angels they must have looked awful puny, but to God they were His crowning achievement. To make matters worse God the Father, doesn’t select a Cherubim, or a Seraphim, one of Heaven’s Arch-angels, to rule this earth – but a mentally deficient, physically weak, spiritually infantile man. You know the rest of the story. One of those angels became so offended that he led a revolt to displace the Father, and dethrone the man-child. And in some respects satan’s plan seemed to have worked. That is until Jesus. Talk about the unveiling of a mystery. Our God is so awesome – the devil, demons and angels didn’t get the whole picture yet. Paul tells us that if the devil had of – he would never have crucified the Lord of Glory. They couldn’t see the ultimate plan – the Father was just getting warmed up. For not only did He send His Son down to earth to be a man – but this man came and took the punishment that we deserved, and defeated death, hell and the grave. But for the Father this was like flexing His pinky finger. He wasn’t done yet. Not only did He raise His Son from the dead – He began raising the slaves of satan, and enemies of God from being spiritually dead. But the story gets better. These slaves begin to serve Jesus bringing other slaves of satan to life. These former slaves begin to build God’s Kingdom on earth to clash with the kingdom of darkness. Going “awol” they enlist in Jesus’ Army to wreak havoc on the darkness with the Light of the Gospel Blood. Risen from their graves their hearts begin to beat again, dreams come to life, and now they live for something more – for some One more. At first the risen ones think their dream’s end is found passing through Heaven’s Gates. But then the story reaches a crescendo of anticipation never before imagined. Their part in the mystery – is to be conformed to Jesus in every way, co-reigning with Jesus, turning back the clock to God’s original design. Jesus has won for the Father a Forever Family, but greater than that – son’s and daughters that are chip’s off the old Rock – Jesus. The greatest part of the story? These sons and daughters are crazy in love with the Father’s son, and His Father. They want to be just like Them. They want to do the things He does. Truth is they can’t get enough of Him – they want to be forever with Him.

We overcome the accuser through the Blood of Jesus by declaring that the Father’s design for us is total metamorphosis. We’re not just a do-over, nor a make over, we are New Creations in Jesus Image. We are sons and daughters of the Most High. We – are God’s New Creation! We are His Kingdom on this earth!

Declaration 39: Thank You Jesus, that I have overcome the accuser of the brothers through Your precious Blood by being transformed into Your image – sons and daughters of the Most High. Thank You Jesus, that I am Your New Creation, Your Kingdom on this earth! Thank You Jesus, that I am part of the Mystery – Your Chosen one. I am not a do-over. I am not a make over. I am a blood, bought, born-again, happy ending! I am Your happy ending and You are mine. You are what I’ve always looked forward too; Who I always wanted to be. You are everything I imagined, dreamed of, and hoped for – going far beyond the limitations of all my expectations. Hallelu-Jah! WE – all the angels, all creation, all the planets, suns, and stars burst in applause and praise to You! WE – join the songs. WE – join the shouts. Lift up your voices and your hearts – you fishes and creatures of the seas. Raise your hands all you trees of the fields swaying, and dancing to His Glory. Burst forth in praise all you creatures of the air, the land, and the sea – and give Him the Glory! Hallelu-Jah! Hallelu-Jah! Amen!!!

Confession & Declaration 40

Romans 8:37 Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us…..AND….. 1 Corinthian’s 15:57 states: But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Greek word for conqueror is made up of two words: “huper” – which means in behalf of or for the sake of; over or beyond. The second root word is “nikao” and its where we get our modern word “Nike.” “Nikao” means to carry off the victory, or to come off victorious; to conquer or prevail. You see this word used extensively throughout the letters to the 7 churches in the book of Revelation. It’s typically translated, “overcome.” Revelation 2:7 To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of lifeRevelation 2:11 He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death…Revelation 2:17 To him who overcomes (conquers), I will give to eat of the manna that is hidden, and I will give him a white stone with a new name engraved on the stone….Revelation 2:26 And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations— Revelation 3:5 “He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.Revelation 3:12 “He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name.….Revelation 3:21 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne,Revelation 21:7 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.

Today is Day 40 of the Confessions and Declarations. They were intended for the purpose of seeing our minds transformed by the truths of Jesus’ words to defeat the lies of the evil one who seeks to accuse and mislead us from who we really are in and through His Precious Blood. These truths, and so many more that I have not covered, are there to give us something to fight towards. Like the Children of Israel from of old, we also have been given a Promised Land. Yet this land will not fade away, nor be hidden behind prophetic symbolism and mystery. It’s our inheritance, or manifest destiny. Until that destiny is manifested we must fight in behalf of or for the sake of Jesus – our Savior, Lord and Conquering King. We must fight over, and beyond the obstacles that life may throw at us. By His Grace we will overcome carrying off the victory already won through Jesus. The really good news is now you have more revelation regarding what to do when you stumble and fall. Always remember you are continually being washed in the Blood of the Conquering King (1 John 1:7 Greek Tense and Word for “cleanse”), and all you have to do is get back up and continue advancing the Kingdom.

My theme song, Underdog, by Audio Adrenaline, encourages me, and I trust its words will encourage you: I am so weak and I’m so tired, It’s hard for me to find enough strength to feed the fires that fuel my ego and consequently all my pride has all but died which leaves me down on my knees back to the place I should have started from. Been beat up been broken down, no where but up when you’re facedown on the ground. I’m in last place if I place at all but there’s hope for this underdog! You can call me the underdog!  I’m in this race to win a prize the odds against me. The world has plans for my demise what they don’t see is that a winner is not judged by his small size but by the substitute he picks to run the race and mine’s already won! 

Never forget that you and I are Jesus’ underdogs.

Lastly may I leave you with the words of another song that should remind us of Who we are fighting, and the battle He has already fought and won: Swallowed into earth’s dark womb and death has triumphed that’s what they say. But tried to hold Him in the tomb the Son of Life rose on the third day. Just look the gates of hell they’re falling crumbling from the inside out. He’s bursting through the walls with laughter (Hah!) Listen to the Angels shout. His plan of battle you know He fooled them all. They led Him off to prison to die. But as He entered Hades Hall He broke those hellish chains with a cry. Just listen to those demons screaming. See Him bruise the serpent’s head. The prisoners of Hell. He’s redeeming (Oh!). All the power of death is dead. Just look the gates of hell they’re falling. Crumbling from the inside out. He’s bursting through the walls with laughter (Hah!) Listen to the Angels shout. (Listen, oh, listen). It is finished. He has done it. Life conquered death. Jesus Christ has won it! (The Victor by Jamie Owens Collins, redone by Keith Green)

Declaration 40: HalleluJah! I praise You my Precious Jesus, that you have already won the battle defeating satan, hell, sin and death. As Your servant the Apostle Paul wrote: Death is swallowed up- utterly vanquished forever – in and unto victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? Thank You Jesus, You give us the Victory, making us your conquerors! I praise You that I am Your underdog that I’ve Been beat up. I’ve been broken down, and that there is no where but up when you’re facedown on the ground. I’m in last place if I place at all but there’s hope for this underdog! I’m in this race to win a prize though the odds are against me. The world has plans for my demise but what they don’t see. Is that a winner is not judged by his small size but by the substitute he picks to run the race and mine’s already won! Thank You Lord Jesus, You have already run my race before me and that my race has already been won. I have overcome the accuser of the brothers through Your Precious Blood because You have already overcome. Grant me Your Grace and the Power of Your Spirit to keep on running and overcoming for the Reward of the Lamb and for His suffering.

Confession & Declaration 38

1 Corinthians 6:3 Do you not know also that we [Christians] are to judge the [very] angels and pronounce opinion between right and wrong [for them]? How much more then [as to] matters pertaining to this world and of this life only!

I remember back in the 90’s I would make reference to this Scripture and the people I was preaching to would look at me like I had grown a third head. We can banter about why this passage of Scripture has been ignored all of these years but what needs to be asked is, “Has true, Biblical Christianity, been replaced with something less revolutionary?” My answer to that question is, “Absolutely!” We rarely blink an eye when we discover that the first believers were called “Christians” in Antioch (Acts 11:26) and the full implications of that designation. You can imagine the average pew sitter in America replying, “Yeah! So what?” Let me say it in a way that awakens you, “You are Jesus.” Now people’s feather’s begin getting ruffled and they begin thinking you have asked them to saddle up to a trough of poison flavored, Kool-Aid. Now I am not suggesting that we take Jesus’ place but what I am saying is that the modern day Church has lost sight of what we have actually been called to be and do. Let me explain it in a way that you can swallow, or drink it in (Don’t worry – there is no poison in these words). John 14:7-9 If you had known Me [had learned to recognize Me], you would also have known My Father. From now on, you know Him and have seen Him.Philip said to Him, Lord, show us the Father [cause us to see the Father—that is all we ask]; then we shall be satisfied. Jesus replied, Have I been with all of you for so long a time, and do you not recognize and know Me yet, Philip? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say then, Show us the Father?

Jesus is making the assertion that He and the Father are One. If you have seen Jesus you have seen the Father. But let’s take this a step further. John 14:23 Jesus answered, If a person [really] loves Me, he will keep My word [obey My teaching]; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home (abode, special dwelling place) with him.

This passage of Scripture is stating that If we really love Jesus we will do what He says (Sadly, that’s revolutionary enough for some church-goers). If we do what He says then the Father and Jesus will come to us and make their home with us. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 states that we are temples of the Holy Spirit. If we are temples, then we are homes. And if we are both Who is residing on the inside?

Most would have no problem with that assertion when connected to the exhortation learned when we first trusted in Christ. For many a pastor, or Sunday School teacher would ask, “Do you want to invite Jesus into your heart?” But here is where a profound truth has been buried. Adding the Scriptures together we’ve discovered that if you’ve seen Jesus, you’ve seen the Father. The Father and Jesus are building their Home and Temple in our houses, and temples. But the sum total of that equation is: If you’ve seen me – you’ve seen Jesus! If you’ve seen me – you’ve seen the Father. Now that is like a punch in the face. It exposes so many things. It exposes our unbelief. Our lack of experience of this truth as a reality. It exposes the impotent, water-downed version of Christianity that we have been espousing. See the truth of the matter is this, If we are struggling with this foundational, fundamental truth – why would any believe that Christians were made for judging angels?

But let us broaden our gaze and take a look at the bigger picture. Before 100 AD the New Testament Church had grown so exponentially that there were very few citizens or slaves in Rome who had not become followers of Jesus Christ. The government determined that this “cult” must not simply be suppressed but totally annihilated from the known world. They enacted wholesale slaughters of anyone suspected of being a believer. Men, women, and children were rounded up tortured, and killed in horrible, unimaginable ways. But even the threat of suffering, torture, and death was not enough to suppress it. Now imagine that you are the devil and you see this insurrection going down in the world you are the prince of. What are you going to do? What can you do to stop this? It took you some time to recognize that this was the very method that you used to crucify Jesus, and look at how that turned out. So you’ve got to come up with a better plan. Something more subtle, but effective. And he did. In 320 AD, the Roman Emperor, Constantine, made Christianity the state religion of Rome. That was the beginning of the downhill slide of true, Biblical Christianity. Pagans, and unbelievers began joining the ranks of those who had been born-again of the Spirit resulting in the Church, and her message being watered down, and diluted.

Before this time killing Christians was a spectator sport that filled the coliseums. After this royal decree Christianity, and the Church, was reduced to a spectator sport. The Goats, champions of the soulish, or carnal man, took the reigns of the Church, suppressed the sheep, and exalted the intellect over the spirit of man, and the Holy Spirit of God. What was once an army composed of life- surrendered, death-defying, soldiers was now reduced to luke – warm, half-hearted, C- Team bench warmers.

Why is this truth – you will judge angels – a threat to the devil of hell? How do you use this to overcome the accuser of the brothers? Because it exposes the truth that you were made for more than just looking at the back of somebody’s head. You were made to co-reign with Jesus. You were made to judge satan and all his demons of hell. You were made to have dominion and authority over – even them. Can you see why satan has buried this truth? That you were made for more than this life? We have been taught that the final destination for all saints is Heaven. That is not true. That is not Biblical Christianity. You were made for more than a “retirement home” in the sky. You were made to be with Jesus – to be like Jesus – to do the things Jesus did and is still doing. You were made for co-reigning with Jesus and defeating the enemy.

Declaration 38: Father I come before You today asking Your forgiveness. Forgive me for accepting these lies from hell. By Your Grace and Holy Spirit rise up in me that I may become the little Jesus You destined me to be. Give me grace to shake the dust off of this nonsense, and begin loving You and Your Word, doing what it commands. Grant me Grace, to align my life completely with Your Word, so that when people see me – they see You, and the Father. Thank You Jesus, for this amazing gift of Salvation! You truly have made me for more than going to church. You’ve made me the Church to be the Church – the Body of the Resurrected Jesus! Thank You Jesus, that the same power that raised You out of the grave is at work in me – conforming me into Your Image. Thank You Jesus, for Your Precious Word, and Holy Spirit, Who brings its words to life, and brings me to life. Thank You Jesus, that I’ve always known I was made for more. That I’ve always known that their is a destiny and purpose for my existence. Thank You Jesus, for the day we get to line up beside You, and judge the devils of hell who tormented us; who attacked and betrayed us; who lied and deceived us. Thank You Jesus that we get to bring down the wickedest empire of all empires through the Revolution of the Kingdom of God! Thank You Jesus, that this Kingdom resides within me. Your Home is inside of me. I am Your Temple, Hallelu- Jah! Thank You Jesus, for the Blood! Thank You for the Blood! Praise Your Name for the Resurrection Power that courses through my veins! Hallelu- Jah! Hallelu- Jah!

Confession & Declaration 37

Colossians 3:3 For [as far as this world is concerned] you have died, and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God.

The context of this passage places an emphasis on who you really are to be. That who you are really going to be is hidden in Jesus. But the good news is that you are also hidden in Christ – in the sense of your guilt, sin and shame. All of that has been hidden in Jesus.

Zephaniah 2:3 Seek the Lord [inquire for Him, inquire of Him, and require Him as the foremost necessity of your life], all you humble of the land who have acted in compliance with His revealed will and have kept His commandments; seek righteousness, seek humility [inquire for them, require them as vital]. It may be you will be hidden in the day of the Lord’s anger.

The prophet writes: It may be you will be hidden in the day of the Lord’s anger. The Good News is that through the Blood of Jesus there’s not a question of whether or not you will be hidden. Your sins have been buried deep in the Cleansing Stream of the Blood of the Lamb.

I may have shared this with you before but the illustration is worth repeating. If you were to take a sheet of paper and attempt writing all of your sins on it – front, and back. Then take another sheet of paper and write the word JESUS on it. Fold both sheets of paper in half then insert the paper with your sins on it into the folded paper with Jesus’ Name on it. The illustration concludes with the question, Now Who do you see? The answer? Jesus. Just Jesus.

This is powerfully illustrated the night before Israel was to depart Egypt. We know from Scripture that the Israelites were commanded to take a year old lamb, sacrifice it, and take its blood and paint the top of the door frame and its sides. When the angel of death passed over and saw the blood – he would not visit the house with the judgment of God. When the angel passed over he wasn’t measuring how good the people were. He wasn’t looking at how well they brushed the door posts in the blood. He wasn’t looking at the type of house, or what kind of door they had. He was only looking for one thing: had the people trusted God, obeyed His Word, and applied the blood to their door frame. That’s pretty powerful for it illustrates our responsibility: trust, obey, and apply.

You are hidden in Jesus – but you still have a responsibility to trust His Word, obey and apply it to the door posts of your life. You overcome the accuser of the brothers when you learn how to paint the door frames of your mind, heart, will, emotions, and personality in the Blood of Jesus. When you apply Jesus’ Blood to the door frames of the “gates” of your soul it causes the enemy to passover. Why? Because he can’t go through the Blood. That’s true in the spiritual realm and the physical. What’s really interesting is that you can apply His Blood to your physical and spiritual house. Through His Blood you really are hidden from the assaults of the enemy. As the old hymn goes, Would you be free from the burden of sin? There’s power in the blood, power in the blood. Would you o’er evil a victory win? There’s wonderful power in the blood. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the blood of the Lamb. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the precious blood of the Lamb. Would you be free from your passion and pride there’s power in the blood, power in the blood. Come for a cleansing to Calvary’s tide there’s wonderful power in the blood.

Confession & Declaration 36

Isaiah 49:14-16 NKJV Zion said, “The Lord has forsaken me, and my Lord has forgotten me.” 15 “Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you. 16 See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; your walls are continually before Me.

The Lord saves our tears in a bottle, our prayers in bowls, and counts the number of hairs on our heads. How much proof do you need that the Lord is crazy about you? In this passage the Lord Jesus is speaking to the people of Israel, and letting them know that they are so precious to Him that He has tattooed a picture, or the name of Israel, or both – on the palms of His hands. Now when you take into account that Jesus is the One talking in this chapter, you can’t help but wonder where the nail scars ended up in the middle of that tattoo.

Yet when it comes to the topic of the Lords’ hands the Bible has something to say: John 10:29 ESV My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.

Isaiah 41:10 ESV Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:13 ESV For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”

Psalm 139:10 ESV Even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.

There are some powerful pictures of what the Lord does with His hands: He holds us, upholds and strengthens, and holds our hand. John 20:27 records something that should amaze and astound us: Then He said to Thomas, Reach out your finger here, and see My hands; and put out your hand and place [it] in My side. Do not be faithless and incredulous, but [stop your unbelief and] believe!

Jesus’ perfect, resurrected body still has the scars from the piercings in His feet and hands. His body still contains the scar in its side. The hands that hold you, uphold and strengthen you are the same hands that reach out to hold your hand. Jesus wants to hold your hand. These are the hands that freely stretched themselves out so a nail could be driven through them. The thought of that just crushes me. The Creator of the Universe reaches out His hand to hold ours and our response? We put a nail through them.

But this is what you got to get. If Jesus is holding your hand, holding you in His hand, protecting you, watching over you – what can satan do to you? Come on – really? Some may object and say, Well he could engineer circumstances to hurt of kill me. And then what? You are going to see Jesus face to face. You are going to be able to trace the scars in His hands with your own fingers. I ask again, What can satan do to you? How precious are you to Him?

I crack up when people complain over people shouting their praises to Jesus – getting loud and noisy in their songs. Why do I laugh? If they think it’s loud down here wait till we stand before the Lamb of God and see those scars. You wait. It’s going to be so loud it will make thunder sound like the pop of a child’s cap gun. Why do we raise our hands? To put them into the nail scarred hands! To give Him the Glory, Honor, and Praise – He is due. And you know what? It still isn’t enough.

Declaration 36: We worship the Lamb of Glory. We worship the King of kings. We worship the Lamb of Glory. We worship and sing. And with my hands lifted high, I will worship and sing. With my hands lifted high I come before You rejoicing. With my hands lifted high to the sky as the world wonders, Why. I’ll just tell them I’m loving my King. (Dennis Jernigan, “We Will Worship the Lamb of GLORY!”)

Thank You Jesus, that Your hands hold me, uphold and strengthen me. Thank You that Your hands are stretched forth toward me because you want to hold my hand. I want to hold Yours. I want to feel the scars that love me. I want to trace them with my fingers, and collapse before You in adoration. Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain! What can satan do to me? I’m in Your hands, covered by Your Blood, and Your’e crazy in love with me. And Lord, I’m so crazy in love with You. Thank You, thank You and again thank You!

Confession & Declaration 35

I trust that you are seeing that you are precious to Jesus simply on the evidence of the riches of our salvation found in Jesus’ shed Blood. I also trust that you are not simply reading the declarations but saying them aloud. There is power and transformation found in our declarations and confessions. Remember the Scripture we began with: Rev. 12:11 “They overcame the (accuser) through the blood of Jesus and the Word of their Testimony…” The overcoming is enforced through our words (the Living Word) and our testimony (Who Jesus is for Us, What He has done – and is doing – by and through His Blood).

Today we see that we are precious simply by the fact that He placed His Spirit inside of us. Ephesians 1:13-14 NIV 13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.

The day our hearts were moved to trust Jesus for salvation, and we met the conditions of His Covenant we received the Holy Spirit for salvation. Before Jesus’ sacrifice, resurrection and ascension – the Holy Spirit would come and go, but not remain. You see this symbolized as Noah released the dove from the ark. Once the dove found a place to rest and roost it ceased to return to the ark for safety. David voiced this in Psalm 51 when he asked the Lord to not take His Holy Spirit from him. Yet once Jesus ascended to Heaven He released the sealing of our salvation with His Precious Holy Spirit. He no longer leaves – but remains.

Why would this encourage you and I to know that we are precious to the Lord? And how can this be used as a weapon against the accuser of the brothers?

In Matthew 3:11 it states: I indeed baptize you in (with) water because of repentance [that is, because of your changing your minds for the better, heartily amending your ways, with abhorrence of your past sins]. But He Who is coming after me is mightier than I, Whose sandals I am not worthy or fit to take off or carry; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

Deuteronomy 4:24 states: For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God. Then in Deuteronomy 9:3 it adds what His Fire does: Therefore understand today that the Lord your God is He who goes over before you as a consuming fire. He will destroy them and bring them down before you; so you shall drive them out and destroy them quickly, as the Lord has said to you.

Because our God is a consuming fire guess what happens to anyone who chooses to pass through it? They die. It would be negligent of me if I did not take the time to point out how you are able to stand amidst His consuming Fire. You are able to stand, or rather rise, because you have chosen to identify with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. You’ve been crucified with Jesus, picking up your cross daily – to follow Him. Thus the way you use this knowledge against the enemy is through simply exerting the Truth that you have been baptized in the Holy Spirit and Fire. Why should we declare that? Because God is a Consuming Fire destroying, bringing down, and driving out His enemy and ours – thus satan can’t remain. He cannot pass through His Fire.

We know that we are precious to the Lord simply because He has caused His Spirit to dwell within. Very few rarely take the time to understand and grasp what this means. I usually begin this discovery by pointing out that the 11 Disciples of Jesus received the Holy Spirit from Jesus after His Resurrection (See John 20:22-23) But there was no transformational change in the Disciples. Why is that? They had simply received the Spirit of God to secure their salvation. What few fail to examine is that Jesus exhorts these same Disciples, along with the 500 He had appeared, to receive the Baptism of the Spirit. I make this assumption based on the 120 who had gathered to pray in the Upper Room to receive this Promise, and the exhortation in Acts 1:4-8. There are no contradictions in God’s Word and thus there must be an explanation for the differences found in the two passages of Scripture. (And there most certainly is) John 20 is about the Disciples being sealed for salvation (See Ephesians 1:13-14). While Acts 1 is about the Disciples being empowered to be little Christs – little anointed ones. This is why Ephesians 5:18-20 states that the believers were to be filled with the Spirit even after he stated in Ephesians 1 they were already sealed by the Spirit. One is for salvation and the other is an equipping to be Jesus’ Witnesses, Ministers, and Missionaries. I split these out into these categories because of what the modern church has done to dilute these terms. In Jesus’ day one Christian didn’t just do the work of evangelism, and another the work of missions, and another minister to others. No, if you were a disciple of Jesus, Born – Again of the Spirit – you did all three.

The other thing I really enjoy pointing out is the expectation the New Testament Church had as they prayed in the Upper Room. I enjoy asking a certain question that modern day believers typically fail in understanding. The question is this: When Jesus promised the Baptism of the Spirit, did the disciples and believers have a clue in understanding what to expect? In my limited experience through out the Body of Christ I can say that within that narrow scope the modern believer always fails to answer this correctly. The answer to the question is, Yes they did have a clue. In fact, you can actually find it in Scripture. Numbers 11:16-17 And the Lord said to Moses, Gather for Me seventy men of the elders of Israel whom you know to be the elders of the people and officers over them; and bring them to the Tent of Meeting and let them stand there with you. 17 And I will come down and talk with you there; and I will take of the Spirit which is upon you and will put It upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with you, so that you may not have to bear it yourself alone. Then in verses 24-29: So Moses went out and told the people the words of the Lord, and he gathered seventy men of the elders of the people and set them round about the Tent.25 And the Lord came down in the cloud and spoke to him, and took of the Spirit that was upon him and put It upon the seventy elders; and when the Spirit rested upon them, they prophesied [sounding forth the praises of God and declaring His will]. Then they did so no more. 26 But there remained two men in the camp named Eldad and Medad. The Spirit rested upon them, and they were of those who were selected and listed, yet they did not go out to the Tent [as told to do], but they prophesied in the camp. 27 And a young man ran to Moses and said, Eldad and Medad are prophesying [sounding forth the praises of God and declaring His will] in the camp. 28 Joshua son of Nun, the minister of Moses, one of his chosen men, said, My lord Moses, forbid them! 29 But Moses said to him, Are you envious or jealous for my sake? Would that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them!

There are numerous examples of this throughout the Old Testament in which when the Spirit of the Lord came upon someone they were able to do amazing things: artisans, elders, judges, prophets, priests, Kings, and disciples of the prophets. When Jesus said He was going to be baptize them in the Holy Spirit they knew exactly what He was referring too – and they wanted it! They wanted to be like the Spirit anointed saints of old and empowered to do the works they did. Do you see how the enemy has robbed us of this? Diluted and made this truth impotent? Can I let you in on a secret? Jesus doesn’t change (See Heb. 13:8). If it was available back then – its still available now. Do you see and understand why you are precious to the Lord? You were made for more than looking at the back of somebody’s head and calling that worship, or Christianity. What a sad joke has been played on the modern day church, and satan has us exactly where he wants us.

Declaration 35: Lord Jesus, Baptizer in the Spirit and Fire. I praise You for the greatness of Your Salvation, that You made me for more than what I’ve understood. Thank You Jesus that You dwell in Consuming Fire and no power of hell can pass through it. Thank You Jesus that Your Consuming Fire lives in me. Fan the Flames with the Wind of Your Spirit. Empower me with Grace and revelation to throw the kindling of my flesh onto its glowing embers. Call me to raise up and ascend in holiness that Your Fire’s may roar to life in me. Thank You Jesus that the promise still remains, and that You don’t change. I need the Baptism, the Infilling and the Fire of Your Holy Spirit. Blaze in me! Light revival fires through me. Use me as Your witness, minister and missionary. And Lord thank You, thank You, thank You that you have poured out Your Spirit into my life to raise me up with power like the prophets, elders, judges, priests, and kings of old. Thank You Jesus! I truly have overcome the enemy by the Blood of the Lamb! Burn within, burn without, and light me ablaze with Glory and Passionate Love. Thank You Jesus!

Confession & Declaration 34

Galatians 4:5 To purchase the freedom of (to ransom, to redeem, to atone for) those who were subject to the Law, that we might be adopted and have sonship conferred upon us [and be recognized as God’s sons].

Ephesians 1:5 For He foreordained us (destined us, planned in love for us) to be adopted (revealed) as His own children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the purpose of His will [because it pleased Him and was His kind intent]—

It is amazing that Jesus is our Elder Brother and that we are co-heirs with Him. But even more amazing is the fact that we have been adopted into the Father’s Forever Family. Why is that so amazing? Well let me explain. When Paul wrote the above passages he had in mind the Roman concept of patria potestas. What in the world is patria potestas? Which in latin roughly translates to “power of a father.” The website, U.S. Legal defines the term as: The authority held by a male head of the family over his legitimate and adopted children and other descendents in the male line who are not emancipated. In earlier days the father had extensive power over the family, which included the power of life and death. However with the advent of time, Patria Potestas became limited to the responsibility to support and maintain family members. This is also termed as fatherly power.

Now that is really powerful. But in Roman times the concept of patria potestas also included freeing someone from slavery. The reason being that often those who were adopted had been slaves of their master. Once adopted the slave was made a son, and vested with the privileges, and relationships which came with their new status. Thus they were translated from calling their masters, lord, to calling them Abba, Father! What’s even more amazing is many of the terms we have covered thus far are integrally related with terms such as union with Christ, regeneration, conversion, repentance, faith, justification, sanctification, perseverance, and glorification. These terms become even more powerful when combined with the concept of adoption. Thus adoption becomes more like the embracing and restoration of the prodigal son – receiving a robe, the ring, the feast, and the celebration. And as the parable goes, the Father had been scanning the horizon for his long, lost son and when he caught view of him, pulled up the hem of his robe, tucked it in his belt, and ran to embrace his son. That’s our God and that’s our Heavenly Father.

Thus we see that being related to Jesus has its “perks.” The Father has responsibility to support and maintain us, and we move from being slaves to full-fledged members of the Family. We are no longer in a Master – slave, or Judge – prisoner position. No, now we are in a Father and son relationship. Hallelu – Jah!

Do you see the power of this term and how it can be used against your enemy the accuser of the brothers? When you have the accuser reminding you of your past – you can remind him that he needs to take it up with your Elder Brother, and Father. You are no longer slaves but have been adopted into the Father’s Family. You belong to them: Father, Son and Holy Spirit! It’s Their job to support and maintain you. It’s their fight. The Bible says, The Glory of the LORD will be your Rear Guard. In other words, God’s got your back! Press on! When Satan messes with you – he has picked a fight with the entire Godhead. That’s the coolest picture. It’s like Marvel Comics the Avengers.

Declaration 34: Holy Father. Abba – Daddy, I praise and worship You. You are my Beloved and I am yours. Thank you, thank You for adopting me into Your Forever Family. I thank and praise You that the entire Godhead has my back. Your Glory is my Rearguard. Thank You that I am no longer a slave to sin. Thank You that I am a child of Yours. Thank You for scanning the horizon for me, hitching up Your robe and running to embrace me. I leap into Your arms Father and receive Your Love. I hold You tight as You hold me. I am Yours. You have adopted me. I am Your son – by the Precious Blood of Your Son. Thank You Father for Jesus paying for me to adopted by You. You are my Treasure and Delight. I worship You! Thank You Father! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Holy Spirit! You are my Family. What a marvelous Family it is.

Confession & Declaration 33

Romans 8:29 NLT For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.

Hebrews 2:11 NLT So now Jesus and the ones he makes holy have the same Father. That is why Jesus is not ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters.

The take away from both of these passages of Scripture is that Jesus is our brother. What’s more profound that that? You’ve been adopted…. by the Creator of the Entire universe. Ephesians 1:5 For He foreordained us (destined us, planned in love for us) to be adopted (revealed) as His own children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the purpose of His will [because it pleased Him and was His kind intent]—

In one of the past confessions and declarations we discovered that we are co-heirs with Jesus. Now in hindsight I should have covered this topic first – then expounded on the fact that as adopted children we now have an inheritance. But I digress. My hope is that you are seeing the interconnectedness of it all. Paul refers to it as the Great Mystery of God (“mega – musterion” or the “musterion basileia ouranos” = “Mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven“). The Great Mystery is that through Jesus, the Father is getting the Forever Family He’s always wanted. On top of that? He’s rolling back the clock of the restoration of all things – or former things. The former things are going to become new – again. In other words: He’s not just getting the old band back together again; the duet singing group of Adam & Eve. Nay, nay, nay. He is building a “Von Trapp Family Singers Group.” You know, “The Hills are alive with the sound of music,” and “doe, a deer a female deer, ray, a drop of golden sun,” and so forth. (Now you are going to be humming that song all the live long day). Our Father is putting together a new band – a family band. And Guess what? Jesus has the lead vocals.

As sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve – through Jesus, we get to pick up where our grandparents left off. We get to inherit the Father’s business, and co-reign with Jesus.

Another thing we need to understand and receive is that Jesus is our Elder Brother. Now that is pretty powerful. I don’t know about you but I did not grow up with an older brother. I was the older brother and I had a younger sister. One thing I can tell you about that relationship is that we had a typical brother and sister relationship. We loved each other, but boy could we have some arguments. But here’s the thing: it was one thing for me to get angry at my sister – but you had better not mess with my sister. Or it was going to be a really bad day.

Which reminds me of a dog we had for over 15 years. Her name was Maggie. Near the end of her life we got her a companion friend – we named Toby. Maggie and Toby were as different as night and day. Maggie was the elder dog, more Grandma than Mom, to our puppy Toby. And as dogs go, and especially as puppies and elder dogs go, Maggie had to “school” Toby in knowing his place. Which often wasn’t pretty. Maggie was a quiet, shepherd mix. Yet she was quick to put you in your place with her ferocious bark. Which, as you can imagine, was used quite frequently, on the white, spunky, cockapoo puppy, Toby. As Maggie grew older though, she developed hearing loss, dementia, and a little blindness. What’s amazing is that little Toby became her eyes and ears. Jackie tells of a time when she was out walking the 2 dogs, and a bigger, more aggressive dog went to attack Toby. Guess what happened? You guessed it. Maggie came to Toby’s rescue. She was quick to get between Toby, and the aggressive dog, taking an agressive stance, with hair raised, and teeth clenched, growling, and snarling. (You know who won that battle). Funny thing is that Maggie expressed her pride, and confidence through her tail. The happier and more confident she was the tighter her tail would curl. After that throw down, Maggie’s tail was wound tight with delight. She showed the other dog who was boss. It was as if she were saying, “I can bark at this dog – but not you. This is my dog! So back yourself off to what ever hole you crawled out of.” What a crack up.

But here’s what you need to get: Jesus is your Elder Brother. He’s your “Maggie” and you’re His “Toby.” You belong to Him and anything that attempts to get between you and Him – is going to have a really bad day. Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and as C.S Lewis states in the Chronicles of Narnia, “He’s not a tame lion.”

Declaration 33: Lord Jesus, my Elder Brother, Who is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah! I praise Your Name that You are not a tame lion. You are wild at heart, untamed, and extreme – going beyond what is usual and expected. Hallelu-Jah! Thank you for adopting me into Your Forever Family and making me Your own. Thank You that through Your Blood and Body You get between me and the enemy. Thank You that You let him know that I am Yours, and he can’t have me. You are my Big Brother – what can satan or man do to me? Thank You for restoring all things and re-forming me into Your image. Thank you that I have overcome the roaring lion, satan, by the Roaring Lion of the Lamb of God. Thank You that You are my Lion, and I, Your Lamb! Thank You Jesus! I praise Your Holy and Wondrous Name!

Confession & Declaration 32

Luke 12:6-7 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And [yet] not one of them is forgotten or uncared for in the presence of God. 7 But [even] the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not be struck with fear or seized with alarm; you are of greater worth than many [flocks] of sparrows.

This statement is made in Matthews,’ and Lukes’ Gospels. In both accounts the context involves four things: obedient discipleship, persecution, fear, and death. When studying the topic of hair throughout the Bible you come to some interesting conclusions. Hair can be a symbol of vanity or self glory; sin or separation unto God.

For example, in the Old Testament there was what was known as a Nazarite Vow. During the time dedicated to the vow the participant would not cut any of their hair. At the end of their “fast” they would shave all of their hair as a sacrifice to God. As I read this passage in Luke I couldn’t help but ask, Why did Jesus use the topic of “hair” to make His point? The answer is two-fold. First He is making a contrast and comparison between our lives, and something as insignificant as sparrows, and hair. Second He is drawing attention to our consecration, and dedication. The Nazirite vow is taken by individuals who have voluntarily dedicated themselves to God. The vow is a decision, action, and desire by its participants to yield themselves completely to God. By definition, the Hebrew word nasar, simply means “to be separated or consecrated.” Our lives were yielded to God to be separated, and consecrated for His Glory. Our lives are our sacrifice unto Jesus. Yet it would be real easy to discount or belittle our sacrifice when clumped together with all those who have surrendered their lives to Jesus. What we must understand is that to Jesus, our sacrifice is no small thing. He wants you to know that your life is such a treasure to Him, that He not only notices your sacrifice, but how many hairs are on your head. He wants you to realize that if He cares for the little sparrow, then your life means much more to Him than them.

Next He wants us to know that even when we are suffering for our consecration; suffering from religious authorities, or civil authorities that He knows – and He cares. He wants us to know that even if we are being attacked or rejected by our friends and loved ones that He is aware. And Lastly He wants us to know that even when we are facing death that He is there and cares deeply for our sacrifice, and consecration unto Him.

But there’s one more thing. Jesus is known as Jesus of Nazareth. This is not to be confused with the Nazirite vow. He was from the town of Nazareth. Nasar in Hebrew means to be separated, or consecrated. The noun for the root word means branch or root. Interestingly enough the same Hebrew letters used to make the word can also mean crown. Thus a “nasar” can be a branch, or a crowned one.

What’s the significance behind all of this? First we must understand that there are several prophecies referring to Jesus the Messiah as the Branch: Isaiah 11:1-4 And there shall come forth a Shoot out of the stock of Jesse [David’s father], and a Branch out of his roots shall grow and bear fruit. 2 And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him—the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the reverential and obedient fear of the Lord— 3 And shall make Him of quick understanding, and His delight shall be in the reverential and obedient fear of the Lord. And He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes, neither decide by the hearing of His ears; 4 But with righteousness and justice shall He judge the poor and decide with fairness for the meek, the poor, and the downtrodden of the earth; and He shall smite the earth and the oppressor with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked.

The second thing that I want you to recognize is how Jesus sees you: John 15:5 I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much (abundant) fruit. However, apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing.

Thus you can see the significance that you are His branch; you are His crowned one. What’s interesting about the Hebrew word is that it also applies to unpruned vines (thus the allusion to the uncut hair of the Nazarite). Even more profound than that is the allusion to Jesus, the True Vine.

Yet there is one more play on the word “nasar.” It means to watch, guard or keep. It describes the diligent endeavor of keeping something shielded from an intervening outside world and maintaining this thing’s constitutional integrity. It may describe keeping a promise or covenant or edict, or an attitude of kindness.

Thus we have come full circle. Jesus is our Nasar. He watches over us, guards and keeps us. Yet we are those who keep His covenant, guard and watch over it. That’s powerful. And as His branches, we are crowned with His Spirit, and upon us the seven manifestations of His Spirit reside. He has anointed us to shine forth His Light, and manifest His Spirit to the poor, and the downtrodden of the earth. He has called us to smite the oppressor. Are you beginning to get a glimpse of why the devil hates you so much?

Declaration 32: Son of David, True Vine, and Branch of God I worship You! Son of Jesse, the Living Root, and Rod of God – You are my Rod and Staff. Covenant Keeper, Defender, and Way-maker – I praise glorify Your Holy Name. Once again I marvel at the greatness of Your salvation that You have entrusted to me. I praise You and thank You that my life is so precious to You that even the number of hairs on my head is of significance to You. I thank You that You see my yielded consecration to You as a precious thing. Who I am matters to You. I praise You, that through Your precious Blood You have made me Your branch and crowned me with Your Spirit! Thank You Jesus! Upon me rests the Spirit of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Power, Knowledge and Holy Fear of Father God! I praise You Jesus that through Your Fire burning in me I am a light to the downtrodden, poor, and the oppressed. But greater than that Your Holy Fire burns agains the oppressor who comes against me and these. Fuel me full with Your Holy Spirit and burn, and blaze through me. Flame up through my life to vanquish Your foes and mine. Explode like a firestorm through me advancing Your Kingdom against the oppressive darkness. Flare up a holy, unquenchable passion, that no devil of hell can squelch, nor circumstance put out. Rise higher, and higher in me. Thank You Jesus that by Your Blood I have conquered the oppressor, and the Author of all oppression. Hallelujah!

Who’s Your One?: Day 30 – Tuesday, February 11

Confession & Declaration 31

Psalm 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.

What does this mean, as far as the east is from the west?

Got Questions answers the question by stating: The phrase as far as the east is from the west is meant to communicate in infinite space. East is in one direction, and west is in the other. This is different from north and south—you can travel north only so far (to the geographic north pole) before being forced to travel south; thus, north and south meet at the poles. But east and west never meet; no matter how far you travel east, you will never reach a point at which your next step must be westward. Therefore, God in His wisdom did not say, “As far as north from south”; rather, He said, “As far as east from west.”

In Psalm 103:11 the Psalmist provides us with another illustration regarding the infinite mercies, and love of our God and Father. It states: For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great are His mercy and loving-kindness toward those who reverently and worshipfully fear Him. Again the Psalmist is pointing us up and down, to the Heavens, which science has revealed are spreading infinitely on into more space. In other words there is no end to God’s mercies and love. This is why Paul wrote in Ephesians 3:14-19 For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, 16 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, 17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— 19 to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

What does this have to do with overcoming the accuser of the brothers? The Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that quite honestly it never becomes old news because you constantly have opportunities to practice reciting it. For example when the enemy comes to remind you of your past. You can agree with your enemy quickly, saying, Yes you are right. I was quite an awful sinner and I did horrible things. But thank you for reminding me that the Blood of Jesus has separated those sins of my past from me as fast as the east is from the west. When he comes and reminds you of what a sorry person you have been recently; what a failure; what a miserable representation of Christ you have been. You can agree with your enemy quickly and say, Yes, satan you are correct. I have been a sorry person lately. I have failed my Jesus miserably. I have been an awful failure, and a horrible representation of Christ lately. But thank you. Thank you for reminding me – the Blood of Jesus, has taken my failures, my sins, sorry-ness, and horrible representation of Jesus – and separated them from me as high and deep as the heavens. Jesus has taken them from me. Jesus is taking them from me.

Declaration 31: Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all my iniquities, Who heals all my diseases, Who redeems my life from destruction, Who crowns me with lovingkindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies my mouth with good things, So that my youth is renewed like the eagle’s. The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. He will not always strive with me, nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with me according to my sins, nor punished me according to my iniquities. As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him. For He knows my frame;
He remembers that I am dust. But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children’s children, to such as keep His covenant, and to those who remember His commandments to do them. The Lord has established His throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules over all. 20 Bless the Lord, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word, heeding the Voice of His word. 21 Bless the Lord, all you His hosts, You ministers of His, who do His pleasure. 22 Bless the Lord, all His works, in all places of His dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul! (Psalm 103 Personalized)

Thank You Jesus! Praise the Lord!

Who’s Your One? Day 29 – Monday, February 10

Confession & Declaration 30

John 15:15 I do not call you servants (slaves) any longer, for the servant does not know what his master is doing (working out). But I have called you My friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from My Father. [I have revealed to you everything that I have learned from Him.]

The term used for “friend” in the Greek simply means an associate. That term is typically associated with someone in business. Yet this word actually implies a partner, companion, and someone you keep company with. John the Baptist shines some light on the meaning of the word in John 3:28-29 You yourselves bear me witness, that I said, ‘I am not the Christ,’ but, ‘I have been sent before Him.’ 29 He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled.

The phrase, “friend of the Bridegroom” is known simply as one word in the Hebrew, and that word is “shoshben.” I love this word for it describes not only John the Baptist’s association with Jesus but one that we are called to as well. What’s a shoshben? Ellicott’s Commentary for English Reader’s gives us the following explanation: The “friend of the bridegroom”—called by the Hebrews “Shōshbēn,” and by the Greeks “Paranymph”—was charged with the preliminaries of the marriage. He arranged the contract, acted for the bridegroom during the betrothal, and arranged for, and presided at, the festivities of the wedding-day itself. It was a position of honour, in proportion to the position of the bridegroom himself, and was given to his chief friend. That friend then joyed in his joy, and there was none brighter on that day than he. This in John’s thought is an illustration of his own position.

The 11 Disciples of Jesus (Judas had left the room to betray Him) were promoted from servants – who didn’t know what their Master was doing – to friends. Friends of the Bridegroom Jesus. What an honor and a privilege. What you need to understand though – is that this calling is available to all who choose to be true Disciples of Jesus. You are given the privilege to arrange for others to come into a contract or covenant with Jesus. And your responsibilities don’t stop there. You are given the joy of acting on behalf of the Bridegroom, arranging the betrothal, and overseeing the festivities at the wedding day itself. Far greater than all that, though, is that you are invited to be His chief friend. In the terminology of today – you are invited to be Jesus’ “best man.” Now I don’t mean for you to view that term through the modern understanding of that term. No, not at all. What I want you to do is to see it as literal. You literally are called to be His “bestest” of men – His “bestest” of friends.

Let that sink in. Now process what it’s like to be Jesus. People using, accusing, attacking, and ignoring you. Others acting like they know you, but haven’t a clue what you are like. Familiar faces that talk about you, and around you, yet treat you like you aren’t even in the room. Week after week they throw a celebration in your honor – but you’re not invited. The only time they talk to you is when they want something. Once they get it, they walk away, forgetting you were there. In truth most do not welcome you or want you around. They say they love you – yet when you really show up they do not really like you. That’s Jesus heart-breaking life. His life is a lonely life. He has many acquaintances but very few friends. Yet this Lover of your soul invites you to be His friend. What greater privilege and honor can there be? A friend of Jesus.

What does being a friend of God have to do with overcoming the accuser of the brothers? Think about that for a second. You are a friend of Jesus. Let me say it another way, you are friends with the Most High God. He not only loves you, but likes you and wants to be with you – for eternity. He’s crazy about you, and wants His Heaven filled with you. Think of the authority that has over satan. You have been called a friend of Jesus. Let’s take this time to thank Him. And may this challenge you, as it has challenged me.

Declaration 30: Precious Jesus, my friend. I confess to You that I am humbled by the invitation and the designation. By Your Grace and Holy Spirit I humbly receive your invitation. By Your Blood You have declared that I am Your friend. I have overcome satan the accuser by that simple fact. By the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth – I am a friend of God. Jesus has called me friend. What can any foe do to me? I am His chief friend, His best man, his favorite. He loves me, and likes being with me. He loves my company and I His. I am His “go to” man, His “go between” – from Heaven to earth, from Bridegroom to Bride, from the Lover of Souls to those yet to be betrothed – I am His best friend, and He is mine. You got a problem with me? Take it up with my Friend. You want to attack me? You got to go through my Jesus. Oh, and one more thing: when you come looking for me – look under His Blood – because that’s where you will find me.

Who’s Your One? Day 27, Saturday, February 8

Confession & Declaration 29

Zephaniah 3:14-17 Sing, O Daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel! Rejoice, be in high spirits and glory with all your heart, O Daughter of Jerusalem [in that day].15 [For then it will be that] the Lord has taken away the judgments against you; He has cast out your enemy. The King of Israel, even the Lord [Himself], is in the midst of you; [and after He has come to you] you shall not experience or fear evil any more. 16 In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem, Fear not, O Zion. Let not your hands sink down or be slow and listless. 17 The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior [Who saves]! He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and in His love He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He will exult over you with singing.

Why on earth is Jesus singing and exulting over Israel? And why is He making such a spectacle of Himself in rejoicing and exulting? For rejoicing means that He is being joyful, and bright with great gladness, and to exult is even more undignified than this. For it means to dance, leap for joy, and spin around. What’s even more startling is that we are grafted into these words to Israel. Thus the promise of Jesus being undignified among us is equally true. But why? Why is He singing, rejoicing, and dancing over us? What’s the point and why the celebration?

Well there are several things that are listed in the passage above: the Lord has taken away the judgments against you; He has cast out your enemy. The King of Israel, even the Lord [Himself], is in the midst of you; [and after He has come to you] you shall not experience or fear evil any more.

WE see reason for rejoicing and celebration in four ways. (1) The Lord has taken away the judgments against you. We know from these declarations that through Jesus’ Blood He has most assuredly taken away our judgments and done imaginably more than that. (2) Another reason to party is that He has cast out our enemy. A party which drives satan himself, away. (3) Thirdly, Jesus has walked into our midst as Immanuel – God With Us! His Omnipresence is always with us and He promises to manifest His Presence. That’s powerful. But Guess what else He has done? (4) When He walked into our hearts, Love entered. When Love entered – fear had to go. Fear has to go in the Presence of Perfect Love! Fear, anxiety, worry, and all it’s kin and kindred – they have to go!

Yet there is another powerful reason that Jesus is singing over us. That’s how He awakened the dawning of creation. He sang it into existence. Now that’s my personal opinion, but I’m sure in the farthest reaches of the studies I’ve done that I could actually make a compelling point for this from Scripture – our Source of All Authority! But I digress. Let us simply make the argument from Moses to the prophets, to modern day rabbis. That in their tradition there is the practice of singing the Word of the Lord. Modern day synagogues would call these rabbis – or cantors. What’s even more interesting is that the people would participate by singing it back to them. Thus Jesus is singing over us, awakening us, by His Prophetic Word. That’s powerful. He is awakening in us the new creation that we are called to be. Pause and think about that.

But there is one more thing. A thing that is as mysterious and old as the Ancient of Days. In Ezek. 28:13 is a prophecy about satans’ origins: Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.

This passage goes on to explain that before the fall, or rebellion of satan, that he was a cherubim who led the worship of Heaven. That his body was an instrument in and of itself. He literally sang, and played melodies with the musical instruments built into his body. (Talk about a one man band.) When satan fell he took that aspect of worship with him leaving an empty place. Now that sounds sad but God can never be outdone and always has a plan. Guess who God had waiting in the wings to take his place? You and I. You are His song. That’s one of the reasons we praise Him. That’s why our songs, dance, and expressions of delight are so important to Him. He is singing and dancing to awaken the song and the dance of delight in us. Why? He wants us to join Him in both. That makes me smile, laugh and cry all at the same time. What an awesome God we serve.

Thus we overcome the judgments, fear, emptiness, and our enemy through singing, rejoicing, and dancing. We become the worship leaders of Heaven. How about that? Jesus invites us to join Him in the celebration. Now do you see what’s missing in the modern church? We’re droning on singing songs of worship as funeral dirges – while our Savior is celebrating with singing, dancing, spinning, laughing, and joying – in you. He joys in you.

So, how can you sit there? Are you going to dance with Your Savior and joy in Him – or not?

Declaration 29: Hallelujah Praise Your Name my Precious Jesus! I lift my songs of praise to You! I glorify, and magnify You with all that I am. You have sung me to life. You are my Song, and my Reason to dance. My heart leaps before You and rejoices. Hallelujah You have driven out satan – my enemy and Yours. You have beat back the judgments I was due. You have conquered my fears overthrowing them with Your Perfect Love. Oh how I love You Jesus! Oh, how I worship you with the angels and saints gone before me. Oh, how I twirl, dance, and spin about You with the planets, moons and stars. I lift my voice in praise to the only One due the praise joining my voice with all creation. You have overcome and I have overcome through Your Song; through Your Dance! Sing louder Lord Jesus. Dance faster, Catch us up in the song and whirling love of Your Presence. Grace to my brothers and sisters in Jesus to join You. Grace for me to rise up, shake off my self centered self, and celebrate You. Grace to sing like nobody is around. Grace to dance with furious, and passionate love. Grace to let go. Thank You Almighty God. Sing Your Words over me. Sing over me, and these – in Jesus Name!

Who’s Your One? Day 26 – Friday, February 7

Confession & Declaration 28

Psalm 56:8 You number and record my wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle—are they not in Your book?

It is believed by scholars that this Psalm was written by David when he was fleeing from King Saul. After gathering up the sword of Goliath he flees to the Philistines. But his flight resembled the proverbial jumping from the fire into the frying pan. 1 Samuel 21:10-15 records the events: David arose and fled that day from Saul and went to Achish king of Gath.11 The servants of Achish said to him, Is not this David, the king of the land? Did they not sing one to another of him in their dances: Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands?12 David took these words to heart and was much afraid of Achish king of Gath.13 And he changed his behavior before them, and pretended to be insane in their [Philistine] hands, and scribbled on the gate doors, and drooled on his beard. 14 Then said Achish to his servants, You see the man is mad. Why then have you brought him to me? 15 Have I need of madmen, that you bring this fellow to play the madman in my presence? Shall this fellow come into my house?

Things had gotten so hopeless, and dark that David pretended to be a crazy man in order to keep from being killed by the Philistines. He records his troubles in Psalm 56:1-2, 5-6: Be merciful and gracious to me, O God, for man would trample me or devour me; all the day long the adversary oppresses me. They that lie in wait for me would swallow me up or trample me all day long, for they are many who fight against me, O Most High!…. All day long they twist my words and trouble my affairs; all their thoughts are against me for evil and my hurt. They gather themselves together, they hide themselves, they watch my steps, even as they have [expectantly] waited for my life.

Note that David says: all the day long the adversary oppresses me. The book of Revelation records that David’s adversary is not man, but satan himself. What did David do to combat the oppression of his adversary, satan? What did David do with the oppression and the fear of death? he trusted and he praised: Psalm 56:3-4 What time I am afraid, I will have confidence in and put my trust and reliance in You. By [the help of] God I will praise His word; on God I lean, rely, and confidently put my trust; I will not fear. What can man, who is flesh, do to me?

David then proceeds into victory after processing the Truths of Who God is. Psalm 56:9-13 declares his triumphant words: Then shall my enemies turn back in the day that I cry out; this I know, for God is for me. 10 In God, Whose word I praise, in the Lord, Whose word I praise, 11 In God have I put my trust and confident reliance; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? 12 Your vows are upon me, O God; I will render praise to You and give You thank offerings. 13 For You have delivered my life from death, yes, and my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of life and of the living.

Thus David is declaring that because his confidence is in the Lord – not man; because his confidence is in God’s Word, his wanderings recorded – and his tears saved in a bottle – he can rise in victory. Why? Davids recollection of God putting his tears in a bottle is not some sentimental fancy to comfort David while he felt sorry for himself. No not all. He is reminding himself that he belongs to God. That he is precious to God. He is reminding himself that God’s prophetic promise had yet to be fulfilled. He had yet to see the realization of his being crowned king of Israel. He knew, and was persuaded, that though men were plotting to kill him no man could kill God’s Promise. He would rise from it all.

The take away for you is that you are God’s promise. Even your tears are precious to Him. No man can destroy God’s Promise. Why? Because God’s Promised One lives in you. So rise up and praise Him with David. Rise up in spite of your circumstances and praise Him with the angels and saints gone before you. The Promised One Rises within you.

Declaration 28: Holy Father I join my voice, with David in declaring Your Truth – Your Promise. By the Blood of Jesus I am His promise. By the Blood of Jesus the Promised One lives and abides in me. What time I am afraid, I will have confidence in and put my trust and reliance in You. By the help of God I will praise His word; on God I lean, rely, and confidently put my trust; I will not fear. What can man, who is flesh, do to me?This I know, for God is for me. 10 In God, Whose word I praise, in the Lord, Whose word I praise, 11 In God have I put my trust and confident reliance; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?…I will render praise to You and give You thanks. 13 For You have delivered my life from death, yes, and my feet from falling, that I may walk before You in the light of life and of the living. Thank you Jesus I am alive by the Resurrection Power of Your Spirit! I am alive by the Precious Blood of the Lamb. I am alive because the Author of Life dwells in me. Thank You Jesus for breaking me free from the oppression of my adversary putting him under my feet! Thank You Jesus, satan is under my feet! Hallelujah!

Who’ Your One? Day 25 – Thursday, February 6

Confession & Declaration 27

Revelation 5:8 And when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders [of the heavenly Sanhedrin] prostrated themselves before the Lamb. Each was holding a harp (lute or guitar), and they had golden bowls full of incense (fragrant spices and gums for burning), which are the prayers of God’s people (the saints).

This scene occurs in Heaven’s Throne Room. What’s phenomenal to me is the last part of verse 8: golden bowls full of incense (fragrant spices and gums for burning), which are the prayers of God’s people (the saints).

Think on that: Golden bowls of incense which are the prayers of the saints. We have no idea how precious we are to God. Yet here in this passage it is so beautifully illustrated. Your prayers, and my prayers are mingled with the prayers of all the saints, from all the ages. Can you imagine? Your prayers are mingled with Noah’s, Abraham’s, Isaac’s, Jacob’s, Joseph’s, Moses’, and Joshua’s. They are mingled with the prayers of the prophets, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel. Crazier still? Our prayers have been mingled with the prayers of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. That should cause you to pause.

Now you might ask, What does this have to do with overcoming the enemy? The answers are varied but ultimately you should be getting a picture of what a treasure you are to God. The enemy wants to remind you of your frailties, and failures. He wants to accuse and condemn you. What you need to see is that there’s a reason why that is. Do you remember the meditation regarding being co-heirs with Christ? Do you remember that all things that belong to Jesus – belong to us? Well guess who Jesus owns? All the angels and demons. And Jesus shares that ownership with you. The devil hates you because Jesus Christ so valued mankind that He chose to share the stewardship of the entire universe with us. In comparison to angels we are frail, puny, weak men, and women. Yet God shares the stewardship of the universe with us – entrusting us – through our prayers. Prayers which move the heart and hand of God. Prayers, which are led by the Spirit of God, lifted before the Father, through Jesus. Your prayers shape world events. Your prayers move through the universe ushering in the Kingdom of God. Thus, you overcome the accuser through the prayers of the Spirit lifted before your Intercessor Jesus. And God the Father? He answers with thunder, power and wonder.

Declaration 27: Holy Father I stand amazed and awed by Your great love and the mystery of choosing man to co-labor along side of You. Thank You for including us in the stewardship of the world. Thank You for choosing me to know You. Thank You for praying through me – intermingling my intercessions with those of the Spirit, Jesus, and the saints. Thank You that I am a co-heir with Jesus, through Jesus’ conquering resurrection. Through Your Resurrection and Ascension Satan is defeated, and death has lost its sting! Thank You Jesus that Your coming back and that I will reign with You! Grant me Grace and the Power of Your Spirit to add more and more prayers to the golden bowls before Your Return. Grant me Grace and the Power of Your Spirit to pray in Your Spirit, from my spirit, as I abide in Your Word – let Your Words abide in me. Hallelujah I thank You Jesus that the Living Word of God dwells in me and that I am seated in heavenly realms with You!

Who’s Your One? Wednesday, February 5, Day 24

Confession & Declaration 26

Today is Day 23 in your prayer journal for “Who’s Your One?” Which means you are 7 days away from sharing the Gospel with your “one.” The question is, What’s your strategy for sharing? Are you going to use The 3 Circles Gospel presentation, or a witnessing tract that you can walk them through? Or are you simply going to share your testimony – what your life was like before you came to Jesus, how you came to Jesus, and what your life is like now that you have accepted Jesus? Will you simply share your love and concern for their life? That quite frankly you really love and like them and want them to spend eternity with Jesus and you. Will you ask the 2 Diagnostic Questions attempting to discern where they really are in their relationship with Jesus; helping them to discover it for themselves? What are the 2 diagnostic questions? The very first is, Have you come to the place in your spiritual life where you know for certain that you have eternal life? The second question is even more telling because you ask what their assurance is for eternity. This second diagnostic question asks, If you were to dies today and stand before God and He asked, “Why should I let you into My Heaven?” What would you say? If their answer is dependent upon themselves you know where their assurance lies. Even if they say that they prayed a prayer, received baptism, joined a church, or tried to be good people – you know exactly where they actually put their trust. That is the key difference: TRUST. Often people believe all the right things but they have not translated their beliefs into trust. They’ve simply become converted. They’ve exchanged their ideas and opinions for another set of ideas; changing sides, turning over a new leaf. Unfortunately for them their center is still SELF. Which brings me to todays declaration and confession. 1 John 5:11-12 And this is that testimony (that evidence): God gave us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.12 He who possesses the Son has that life; he who does not possess the Son of God does not have that life.

If you have met God’s covenant requirements – then you have been born-again of the Spirit. Converts have no idea what this term means. Nor do they understand what it means to have Jesus, or eternal life. Jesus defined eternal life totally different than what we’ve been taught or heard. Jesus’ definition was all about relationship. John 17:3 And this is eternal life: [it means] to know (to perceive, recognize, become acquainted with, and understand) You, the only true and real God, and [likewise] to know Him, Jesus [as the] Christ (the Anointed One, the Messiah), Whom You have sent.

The AMPC does a great job of breaking down the meaning of knowing. Knowing in the original language means that you are experiencing the individual, getting acquainted with them, understanding them, perceiving and recognizing who they really are. It’s progressive, personal, and intimate. It means that there is a co-sharing of personhood. If I co-share with another then there is going to be a give and take of feelings, and thoughts that are verbally expressed. It means that my sharing will be personal, vulnerable, honest, sincere, reflective, experiential, emotional, risky, trusting, loving, and respectful. If this is going on – I have Jesus. I have eternal life.

Now stop and process that. Through the Blood of Jesus you now have access to the Godhead, in a give and take of thoughts and feelings, that are personal, vulnerable, honest, sincere, reflective, experiential, emotional, risky, trusting, loving, and respectful. With the Godhead. With the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. You have Jesus. You have His heart, and He has yours.

In other words, you become like spouses that really love one another. When you apply that concept to your relationship with Jesus it means that Jesus loves, and likes you. He desires to be with You. Jesus wants to hear all of the details of your day. Jesus desires to hear you talk about all of these things. Even more amazing than that. He wants to express His words, thoughts and feelings to you.

It never dawned on me till this morning that Jesus has been waiting on me not to pray through my list of the needs of others. He doesn’t want me to simply read a devotional thought, or the Bible, and walk away. No, no, and absolutely not! He wants me to slow down, and connect with Him. I realized I had reaped what I had sown. What do I mean? For the past several years my focus has been on obedience. But in the process I have neglected co-sharing. As a result of my focus I had reaped what I had sown. Yet recently I broadened my focus to include practicing His Presence, and taking the time to talk with Him about concerns, struggles, and thoughts. Guess what has happened? He has started co-sharing with me. With that in mind, why don’t you take this time to make this declaration and draw near to Him.

Declaration 26: My Precious Father Jesus. Again and again, thank You! Thank You for Your Precious Blood that has made this possible. I have You, and You have me. I am yours, but greater than that – You are mine. Through Your precious Blood I now have the assurance that I have a relationship with You. I have eternal life. Through Your Blood I can now crawl up beside You and pour my heart out. Thank You that You also pour out your heart to me. Thank You that through these truths I can see that I need to broaden my focus to sow into Your life my words, thoughts and feelings that are personal, vulnerable, honest, sincere, reflective, experiential, emotional, risky, trusting, loving, and respectful. Through Jesus’ Blood I can crawl up in Your lap Father. I can wrap my arms around Your neck and hug You. Thank You that from Your Throne and Your Lap – I can see things from Your perspective, and be still and quiet. For You are My Rock, Refuge, and Safety. I love You for loving me. Thank You that I have Jesus, and He has me.

Confession & Declaration 25

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you not know that your body is the temple (the very sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received [as a Gift] from God? You are not your own, 20 You were bought with a price [purchased with a preciousness and paid for, made His own]. So then, honor God and bring glory to Him in your body.

Scripture records that in our salvation Jesus’ Blood is recreating us to be His Temple. But there’s more. John 14:21, 23 states: The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him. [I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.].…23 Jesus answered, If a person [really] loves Me, he will keep My word [obey My teaching]; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home (abode, special dwelling place) with him.

Because you are His Temple, and His Word is finding its home in you, Jesus promises that He is going to reveal Himself to you (make Himself to be clearly seen). Not only that, His Temple is His Home. The Godhead are making their Home in little ol’ you!

Pastor Matthew Redder amply stated: Have you ever shopped at Home Depot? Lowes? Or some other home repair-improvement type store? If you have you’ve inevitably seen the piles of lumber tossed aside that are broken, cracked, warped, crooked, or just plain look bad. These piles of lumber go ignored as faithful builders go for the ‘perfect’ building materials. After all, who in their right mind would ever use “bad” materials to build a house? You just don’t do that – you don’t start with a bad foundation because you know it won’t last. So it’s funny that Jesus builds a very different way. He uses the crooked sticks, the broken sticks, the lame lumber, the stuff that everyone else is looking past and in many cases tosses aside. It’s almost like he DELIGHTS in using materials that everyone else thinks are ‘useless’. It’s almost like he’s loading up his proverbial cart with all the crooked, broken, and warped wood that he can and he’s parading it around – inviting others to question his decision making. “How are you going to build a house with THAT!?!” “Are you blind? That wood is warped, you’ll never pass inspection!” “There is a huge pile of perfectly good material over there, use that.” You can almost hear Jesus’ voice, “No, I’m going to build my house. And nothing is going to stop me.”… “These crooked, warped, broken pieces of wood are perfect and they’re are all mine.” And off he goes, building the spiritual house, one broken stick at a time. One warped 2×4 at a time. One rotten floor joist at a time. And believe me, IN CHRIST we will all pass the inspection as we stand redeemed and justified in HIM alone. What a beautiful picture of the grace of God through the redemption of His son.

As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” – 1 Peter 2:4-5

Declaration 25: My Great High Priest I come before you clothed in Your Priestly garments offering to You my spiritual sacrifice of praise and worship. By and through Your Precious Blood I have been made holy but even great than that Your Kingdom exists inside of me. I am Your Temple, and Your Spiritual House. Thank You Jesus that as I align my life with Your Word in Obedience You make Yourself Known to me. You become real to me. You said in Your Word that if the people didn’t praise You that the rocks would cry out. Well now its my turn as Your living stone to cry out. I cry out that, “I have been made worthy by the Blood of the Lamb to be His Temple!” I cry out that, “I am Jesus’ priest forever!” I cry out that, “The Godhead resides within me!” I cry out, “Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world!” I cry out, “Jesus chose a crooked, rotten, broken, cracked and plain life like mine to build His House in!” I cry out, “I have passed inspection as I stand redeemed and justified in Jesus alone!” I cry out, “Nothing is stopping my Master Builder Jesus, as He raises His House in me!” Nothing is going to stop Him! Nothing can stop Him. I am His and He is mine! I cry out, “Hallelujah, thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus!”

Confession & Declaration 24

Romans 8:17 And if we are [His] children, then we are [His] heirs also: heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ [sharing His inheritance with Him]; only we must share His suffering if we are to share His glory.

A few months ago I was intrigued by a promise repeated five times in the 37th Psalm:

Psalm 37:9 For evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait and hope and look for the Lord [in the end] shall inherit the earth.

Psalm 37:11 But the meek [in the end] shall inherit the earth and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

Psalm 37: 22 For such as are blessed of God shall [in the end] inherit the earth, but they that are cursed of Him shall be cut off.

Psalm 37:29 [Then] the [consistently] righteous shall inherit the land and dwell upon it forever.

Psalm 37:34 Wait for and expect the Lord and keep and heed His way, and He will exalt you to inherit the land; [in the end] when the wicked are cut off, you shall see it.

I knew that in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount that He repeats this promise in Matthew 5:5 Blessed (happy, blithesome, joyous, spiritually prosperous—with life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favor and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions) are the meek (the mild, patient, long-suffering), for they shall inherit the earth!

But after my discovery in Psalm 37 I had to say, Lord, all I really want is to be with You. I could care less about inheriting the earth. But my question for You is, Why is this such a big deal? The first thing He reminded me of was that to be on earth during the Millennial Reign of Christ is to be with Him. But the second thing He showed me was that which is in Romans 8:17 “…heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ [sharing His inheritance with Him]…”

We need to understand something. In Hebrews 1:2 it states: “…has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds;…”

Jesus is Heir of all things. In the Greek “all” means “ALL.” So everything belongs to Jesus – the earth and all it contains; the heavens’ and all they contain; the seas and all it contains; the universe, with its stars, planets, milky way, asteroids, comets, and moons. All of these things belong to Jesus. We belong to Him. Angels and demons are His. He owns it all. But guess what? Because He has made us His children, we have full rights to receive His inheritance. According to Matthew 25:34; Galatians 3:29; Colossians 1:12; and 3:24 – we are His beneficiaries. Matthew 25:34 Then the King will say to those at His right hand, Come, you blessed of My Father [you [a]favored of God and appointed to eternal salvation], inherit (receive as your own) the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

Galatians 3:29 And if you belong to Christ [are in Him Who is Abraham’s Seed], then you are Abraham’s offspring and [spiritual] heirs according to promise.

Colossians 1:12 Giving thanks to the Father, Who has qualified and made us fit to share the portion which is the inheritance of the saints (God’s holy people) in the Light.

Colossians 3:24 Knowing [with all certainty] that it is from the Lord [and not from men] that you will receive the inheritance which is your [real] reward. [The One Whom] you are actually serving [is] the Lord Christ (the Messiah).

The payoff of the “blessed’s” found in the Psalm 37, and the Matthew 5:5 passages, is that we get to be with Jesus in Heaven. We get to be with Jesus during the Millennial reign. We get to be with Jesus in the New Heaven and New Earth. Oh yeah, and by the way, we inherit everything that belongs to Him!!!! Jesus is setting things back to the way they used to be. Have you ever thought about that? When God the Father placed Adam and Eve here that the entire universe belonged to them also? They got to co-steward it all with the Godhead. (Now you can understand why the devil hates your guts so bad: you own him!) Wrap your head around that. Even crazier is the idea that the earth and all it contains; the heavens’ and all they contain; the seas and all it contains; the universe, with its stars, planets, milky way, asteroids, comets, and moons. All of these things belong to you too. You don’t have to buy a star and put your name on it; all of them are your inheritance. When Paul speaks of the riches of our salvation he wasn’t joking. We had no idea we really are royalty.

Declaration 24: Father, I’ve often pondered the admonition: Be still and know that I AM God. I’ve also puzzled over the silence in Heaven in the Book of Revelation. But now I’m stunned. I’m stunned, humbled, and prostrated spiritually before You – groveling with my face to the ground. What words can express the measure and depths of Your love? The praise and worship You are worthy of? “Thank You’s” fall to the ground sounding hollow, and cheap. Words really can’t express my sincere and humble gratitude, and admiration. It all requires the fullness of all that I am to give You the worship You are due; to provide You with an eternity of service. But now I rise. Lord Jesus I rise above the sin and shame. I rise above the failures and rebellion. I rise above memories of my disobedience and my treatment of such an amazing salvation. I rise and stretch my hands towards You in Praise. I rise and raise my voice as thunder to You. I rise lifting the fullness of my soul – mind, will, emotions, and personality – and I pour it all out to the One Who is Worthy. Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain before the foundation of the world! Worthy is the Lamb, the Conquering King Victorious! Hallelujah I shout Your praises joining my voice with all the Voices that know this full well. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! How can I be quiet any longer? How can I be still? Crown Him with many crowns is my anthem now! Crown Him forever more!

Who’s Your One? Saturday, February 1, Day 20

Confession & Declaration 23

Romans 8:9 But you are not living the life of the flesh, you are living the life of the Spirit, if the [Holy] Spirit of God [really] dwells within you [directs and controls you]. But if anyone does not possess the [Holy] Spirit of Christ, he is none of His [he does not belong to Christ, is not truly a child of God].

The point I want you to see from this passage is that you are Jesus’ purchased possession. You can know that you belong to Jesus because of the indwelling Holy Spirit. How can we know for sure that we have the Indwelling Holy Spirit? The internet site, Got Questions, gives us a list of 12 things the Holy Spirit does for a believer:

As the Holy Spirit lives in the believer, He brings about some life-changing results:

1) The indwelling Spirit comes to a soul dead in sin and creates new life (Titus 3:5). This is the new birth Jesus spoke of in John 3:1–8.

2) The indwelling Spirit confirms to the believer that he belongs to the Lord and is an heir of God and fellow-heir with Christ (Romans 8:15–17).

3) The indwelling Spirit gives spiritual gifts (God-given abilities for service) to the believer to edify the church and serve the Lord effectively for His glory (1 Corinthians 12:11).

4) The indwelling Spirit helps the believer understand and apply the Scripture to his daily life (1 Corinthians 2:12).

5) The indwelling Spirit enriches the believer’s prayer life and intercedes for him in prayer (Romans 8:26–27).

6) The indwelling Holy Spirit empowers the yielded believer to live for Christ to do His will (Galatians 5:16). The Spirit leads the believer in paths of righteousness (Romans 8:14).

7) The indwelling Spirit gives evidence of new life by producing the fruit of the Spirit in the believer’s life (Galatians 5:22–23).

8) The indwelling Spirit is grieved when the believer sins (Ephesians 4:30), and He convicts the believer to confess his sin to the Lord so that fellowship is restored (1 John 1:9).

9) The indwelling Spirit seals the believer unto the day of redemption so that the believer’s arrival in the Lord’s presence is guaranteed after this life (Ephesians 1:13–14).

10) The indwelling Holy Spirit reminds the believer of things that Jesus has said, and teaches them all things (John 14:26)

11) The indwelling Holy Spirit testifies about Jesus to the believer (John 15:26)

12) The indwelling Holy Spirit will guides the believer into all truth, telling them of things that will happen in the future. (John 16:13, 14)

When you accept Christ as your Savior (Romans 10:9–13), the Holy Spirit takes up residence in your heart, bringing with Him an entirely new life of love, relationship, and service to the Lord.

Because you belong to Jesus the Holy Spirit builds God’s Home in You and fills it with Him – the Spirit of Truth!

Declaration 23: I thank You Jesus that I overcome the accuser of the brothers through Your Blood and the Indwelling Holy Spirit. Because of His Indwelling Presence I know that I belong to You. Through Him new life has been created in me, and I have died to sin. Through Him I have His Inner Witness that I belong to Jesus and He belongs to me. Through the Holy Spirit I have access to the Gifts of the Spirit resident in Him. Through Him I know I belong to Jesus because He prays through me. I know that I belong to Jesus because the Holy Spirit leads me to righteousness, empowering me to yield my life to daily surrender to Jesus. I know that I belong to Jesus because the fruits of the Spirit manifest through my life, especially when I desperately need them. I know that I belong to Jesus because the Spirit reminds me of things that Jesus has said, and teaches me the meaning of God’s Word. I know that I belong to Jesus because the Holy Spirit helps me to know Who Jesus is, leading me into all truth and even revealing to me things that will happen in the future. Thank You Jesus! I am Yours and You are mine! Thank You that we belong together!

Who’s Your One? Day 19, Friday, January 31

Confession & Declaration 22

Romans 8:3 For God has done what the Law could not do, [its power] being weakened by the flesh [the entire nature of man without the Holy Spirit]. Sending His own Son in the guise of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, [God] condemned sin in the flesh [subdued, overcame, deprived it of its power over all who accept that sacrifice],

One of the benefits of the Blood of Jesus and our salvation through Christ is that Jesus has done something for us that we could never do – not in a billion lifetimes. Like the movie “Groundhog Day” – there would never be enough “do overs” to reach the level of perfection required to achieve our own salvation. Imagine if you and an Olympic swimmer were on the beach in California and decided to race to Hawaii. Which one of you would win? That’s right neither of you. He would probably go further, but both of you would drown. It is humanly impossible to swim from California to Hawaii.

When we think of sin, many times we think only of robbery, murder, adultery, etc. The Bible tells us that sin is anything that doesn’t please God or is a transgression of His law. Sin is anything we do that we shouldn’t, like losing our temper or stealing – these are sins of commission.    Anything we should do but don’t like failing to pray or read the Bible, or to truly love our neighbor – these are sins of omission. There are not only sins in deed but also sins in word and thought like lying, cursing, lust, pride, and hatred.  The Bible says these are all sins. Suppose a person sinned only ten times a day or even just five? Imagine if no more often than three times a day did he think unkind thoughts, or lose his temper, or fail to do what he ought towards God and man – he would be a pretty fine person, wouldn’t he? Yet, even if he were this good, he would still have over 1,000 transgressions a year! Now I’m 56 years old, so that would mean I would have 56,000 sins on my record! Now, If God were like a traffic court judge, and those sins were like driving tickets, I would hate to think of what would happen if I appeared in a traffic court with 56,000 tickets against me. The judge would throw me under the jail for life. If a human judge would have to do that regarding our traffic tickets how much more would a Holy and Righteous God have to punish your sins? God the Father had Himself a dilemma: He loves you but hates your sin and has to punish them. How did He solve this dilemma? He sent His Son Jesus to pay the penalty for your sins, dying in your place, receiving the sentence and punishment you were due.

Declaration 22: I thank You Jesus that You have done for me what I could have never done. I thank You Jesus that You were punished in my place so that I didn’t have to receive the punishment I deserve. Greater than that You didn’t just leave me as I am. You have come into my life and now You are living Your Life through me. Thank You Jesus! By Your Grace and Blood I now have Heaven’s Power to become who I’ve always wanted to become. Thank You for Your Blood washing over me, and Your Grace and Spirit surging through my veins supplying me with the strength to become like Jesus. I praise and worship Your Holy Name! I overcome the accuser through the fact that this isn’t my fight. Jesus is the Author and Perfecter of My salvation. Even when I fail miserably I’m covered by the Blood of Jesus Who empowers me to declare, Jesus has won! Sin is defeated! I am forgiven, cleansed and made new! I can get back up to fight again, and again as I am being washed continually in Jesus. I can get back up because Jesus empowers me for Salvation and Victory!

Confession & Declaration 21

Romans 8:1 Therefore, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit.

The word “katakrima” (condemnation) is often misunderstood; many take it to mean no more conviction for sin for believers. F.F. Bruce has well defined it as “punishment following sentence – in other words, penal servitude. There is no reason for those who are in Christ Jesus to serve sin as if they had never been pardoned and never been liberated from the prison-house of sin.” In other words you have been delivered from the condemnation and the bondage of legalism through the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. Positionally we are in Christ through the new birth of the Spirit; through becoming His Body; and through trusting in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. There is now no more condemnation because I have been hidden in Christ through His Blood.

Robert Robinson was a wild young man who came to repentance listening to a George Whitefield sermon. He later became a pastor and wrote a couple of hymns, particularly the famous, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”, which was written in 1757. Later in life, Robinson wandered from the Lord and apparently felt he could not return. Perhaps as the story of Pilgrim’s Progress, when Christian and Hopeful were captured by Giant Despair and taken to Doubting Castle, he too fell prey to the devil’s lies and forgot for a time the Promises of God. For those who aren’t familiar with Pilgrim’s Progress, Christian and Hopeful escape Doubting Castle when Christian realizes he has a key called Promise, which will open all the doors and gates of Doubting Castle. It is said that Robert Robinson also found that he had a key called “Promise” when years later, he was riding in a stage coach with a young woman who did not know who he was but actually quoted the hymn, Come Thou Fount, to him. He replied, “Madam, I am the poor, unhappy man who wrote that old hymn many years ago, and I would give a thousand worlds, if I had them, to enjoy the feelings I had back then.” It is said that she responded by telling him “Sir, the ‘streams of mercy’ are still flowing.”

Declaration 21: Lord I come to You through the valley of death and despair. Yet even here You have prepared a table for me in the midst of my enemies. As I look for Your Table I see that there is no more condemnation for me. You have given me Your promise – becoming Promise for me. Thank You Jesus that through You the streams of mercy are still flowing for all who find themselves in doubts prison. I insert the key of trust in Your Promise that I have been released from the servitude to sin. I am no longer it’s slave. Sins’ shackles have been broken. Thank You Jesus I have been released from the prison house of sin and I have been pardoned. I thank You Jesus that I can tell the devil of hell that Your Blood has secured my pardon, opened hell’s gates, and set me free to be in You! Thank You Jesus!

Who’s Your One? Day 17, January 29

Confession & Declaration 20

If the Bible had a Hall of Fame, Romans chapter eight would have been inducted a long time ago. For many scholars Romans eight is seen as the “go to” chapter on the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is mentioned nineteen times in this chapter and for good reason. Throughout this chapter we discover the benefits of the Blood of Jesus, and who He has made us to be. The Holy Spirit is the Dynamite to Jesus’ salvation and promises. This chapter lists at least 50 benefits to being washed in the Blood providing us with the needed power to see our thinking transformed to be conformed to the Truth – Jesus. Another Title used for the Holy Spirit is Grace. When Grace has been explained it has often been watered down from the Dynamite it (or He) actually is. Grace is the empowerment to do the will of God. Romans 8:2 makes mention of it, though it doesn’t actually use the word: For the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has freed me from the law of sin and of death.

The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus is just another way of referring to Grace. We sing songs about Grace and we even memorize an acrostic about Grace but very few understand the role Grace plays in the believers life. The acrostic for G.R.A.C.E. = God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. When I learned the acrostic as a teen I was satisfied that I could use it to define what Grace was. Unfortunately it took me years before I began to grasp it’s significance. Scripture actually exhorts us to grow in Grace in 2 Peter 3:18 But grow in grace (undeserved favor, spiritual strength) and recognition and knowledge and understanding of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (the Messiah). To Him [be] glory (honor, majesty, and splendor) both now and to the day of eternity. Amen (so be it)!

As we grow in Grace we actually grow in the Holy Spirit. If we are growing in the Holy Spirit we will be growing in knowing, experientially, Who Jesus is. In our growing in knowing Who Jesus is we grow in the things that Jesus does – ALL of it. This requires us to agree with the urgings and leadings of the Spirit, or Grace. As we grow – we know!

Charles Stanley tells the story of a professor who wanted to teach his students a lesson about grace. There is a great article that illustrates the concept of grace written by Charles Stanley. “One of my more memorable seminary professors had a practical way of illustrating to his students the concept of grace. At the end of his evangelism course he would distribute the exam, and caution the class to read it all the way through before beginning to answer it. This caution was written on the exam as well. As we read the test, it became unquestionably clear to each of us that we had not studied nearly enough. “The further we read, the worse it became. About halfway through, audible groans could be heard through out the lecture hall. On the last page, however, was a note that read, “You have a choice. You can either complete the exam as given or sign your name at the bottom and in so doing receive an A for this assignment.” “We sat there stunned,” Stanley said. “Was he serious? Just sign it and get an A? Slowly, the point dawned on us, and one by one we turned in our tests and silently filed out of the room. “When I talked with the professor about it afterward, he shared some of the reactions he had received through the years. Some students began to take the exam without reading it all the way through, and they would sweat it out for the entire two hours of class time before reaching the last page. “Others read the first two pages, became angry, turned the test in blank, and stormed out of the room without signing it. They never realized what was available, and as a result, they lost out totally. “One fellow, however, read the entire test, including the note at the end, but decided to take the exam anyway. He did not want any gifts; he wanted to earn his grade. And he did. He made a C+, but he could easily have had an A.” Andy Cook for Lifeway writes: Romans Chapter 8 is the last line on the test of life. All who read the words here and believe them pass God’s test with flying colors. They get an A, so to speak. Some hear about God’s holiness, and give up ever trying to make the grade. Some of those spend an entire lifetime angry at the God who desires to give them grace. And of course, a lot of people depend upon morality and good deeds to get them into heaven, and they do their best to work their way into God’s approval. Unfortunately, nothing less than a perfect score will do – and only by God’s grace can any of us achieve a perfect score. Like Charles Stanley’s professor, God makes an offer that seems to be too good to be true. But the truth is, it’s the only question that ultimately matters. Would you take the Grace of God, or reject it?

Ready to make a declaration? Declaration 20: Lord Jesus, I praise You today for making me an overcomer through Your Precious Blood and by the indwelling Power of Your Holy Spirit. He is Grace for me – empowering me to do what I could never do. I thank You that I overcome the accuser of the brothers through the Empowerment of His Grace enabling me to live Your life through the Law of the Spirit of Life. Thank You Jesus that the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the Law of Sin and of Death. What I was powerless to do through the works of my mind, will, emotions and personality the Holy accomplishes through His Personality lived through me. Thank You Jesus You live in me and I in You. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me! Thank You Jesus that by and through Your Holy Spirit I receive an “A” on the Final of Life! Your Grace seems too good to be True – yet it is true because You are Truth! You make me smile on the inside Lord as I think about Your great Love and the Treasure that You are to me. The Treasure of Knowing You through salvation is beyond my comprehension. I love and praise You!

Who’s Your One? Day 16, Tuesday January 28

Confession & Declaration 19

Just as a review. We have learned how we overcome satan the accuser, through the Blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony. This testimony of what the Blood has done reveals how we overcome satan as the devil, dragon, serpent, seducer, and accuser. 

Next we have been learning how the Blood secures for us cleansing – which is continually washing away your sins – past, present and future; propitiation, and atonement, having been brought near to the Mercy Seat of Jesus; justified – made as if you’ve never sinned, guiltless, innocent, and you’ve been freed from the power of sin; fellowship with the Godhead, and a co-sharing with all They are; you’ve been brought into the Eternal Now where your past and future have been severed by the Now of the Blood of Jesus; redeemed, ransomed, and purchased back from satan, death, hell, sin and the grave. You’ve been let go from imprisonment, and your debt has been paid; brought near and into His embrace reconciling you to do the good works Jesus does, brought into Israel’s covenant promises, tearing down the dividing wall between you and Him; Peace, and harmony have been restored between God the Father and you. You have  been reconciled to God, and now have entered God’s Shalom and Rest; your conscience has been cleansed and purified. All your guilt, shame and condemnation has been washed away; you have entered into a covenant with Jesus which has been sealed by His Blood, a new creation, and a living scroll or letter of the covenant you’ve made; you enter the Father’s Presence through holding fast your confession about the Blood; you are being saved (sozo) in mind, body, will and emotions; and you have been made complete – strengthened, perfected, and the way you ought to be. 

Now let me introduce you to a new thing which has happened as a result of Jesus’ Precious Blood: Hebrews 13:12 Therefore Jesus also suffered and died outside the [city’s] gate in order that He might purify and consecrate the people through [the shedding of] His own blood and set them apart as holy [for God]. 

At this point we need to be reminded you of two things: we are to be transformed in our thinking, and overcome the enemy through our confessing. The two things: transformed thinking and communication. Proverbs 23:7 states: For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. And that is our problem. What we think in our heart comes out of our mouths sealing the deal. What’s even scarier is the devil and his demons believe this more than you and I. You and I have to get our thinker and feeler to coincide with the Truth. Remember Truth is a Person! His Name is Jesus.

My goal has been to write these confessions, and declarations in order that you might reset your thinking, and talking. To get you back to the Garden. Back to who God made you to be in the first place. You were made for more and you haven’t understood the treasure you are to Christ. We need to begin fighting forward to the Victory that has already been secured by Christ and His Blood.

Thus along with all the other riches found in our salvation – you have been made sanctified or holy. This is really amazing you’ve been rendered sacred, hallowed, and consecrated to God. You and I have been separated from the common things and have been dedicated to Jesus – for His purposes. Involved in this meaning is the word reformed. You have not only been reborn – you have been reformed, cleansed, washed clean and made holy. You are holy. I dare you to say that out loud. Say: I am holy by the Blood of Jesus!  Doesn’t that feel weird in your mouth? Let’s declare it.

Declaration 19: Almighty God, and Righteous Savior, again I stand amazed. How could you love me this much? Yet, You went to the cross for me to make me appear before You holy. I am holy by the Blood of Jesus – my Lamb, and my God. I am holy. It sounds so weird to say it but yet you are transforming me even as we speak. You are “metamorpho- sizing” me. You are changing me into Your image. Thank You Jesus! You have sanctified, consecrated, hallowed and made me sacred to You, for your purposes. I overcome the accuser of the brothers through this fact that I belong to Jesus, and He is using me for His purposes. I’ve been separated from all that is common and ordinary – dedicated to Jesus. I am holy by the Precious Blood of the Lamb! And Lord Jesus I rededicate my self to You. Grant me Your Grace and the Power of Your Spirit to rise above the ordinary, and mundane; to be uniquely different from all that is average, ordinary, and plain. I don’t want to go through the motions any more. I don’t want to be a casual Christian. Baptize me afresh, and anew in Your Spirit so that I burn with Holy Fire. Be the Fuel to my flame. I love You Jesus. Thank You so much. Again, and again, thank You!

Who’s Your One: Day 15 Monday, January 27

Confession & Declaration 18

Hebrews 13:20-21 Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, 21 make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

The Blood of the Everlasting Covenant has made us, and is making us complete. In the Greek this means to strengthen, perfect, complete, make one what he ought to be. Through Jesus Blood I am being restored to the way I ought to be. He is making us complete, whole, and perfect.

Very few take the time to realize the richness found in the words of the original writers of the awesome Word of God. But one word stands head and shoulders above so many and that word is the word for salvation. The Greek word for salvation is “sozo.” It means a saving of mind, body, will, and emotions. The Greek word used in this passage from Hebrews echoes this truth. We are made complete, perfect, whole, and we ought to be. Our Father, and Savior are so rich towards us. God’s generosity knows no bounds. Though, we being poor have been made co-inheritors with Jesus’ Salvation – should cause us to sing His praises till our hearts burst. Our Lord and Friend calls us into His Eternal Now to declare that we belong to Him, and He belongs to us. He is our Beloved and we are His. Through His Blood we ascend to make His praises known. Through His Blood we are conformed to His Image becoming like Jesus. Through His Blood we become whom we always knew we were to be. That we have been made for something more, and this world is not our home. Listen, listen for the sounds of Heaven. Listen, listen for the glorious call. Lift up your heads, and raise your voices, to declare.

Declaration 18: Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain before the foundations of the world. Worthy is He Who is Holy and Set Apart from the mundane. Hallelujah, Praise the Lamb of God. Hallelujah, Praise and Worship the King of kings and the Lord of all lords. Lift up your heads, and raise your voices and worship with all creation. Join in the Song of the Lamb. Join in the Song of the Ages. Glory to God in the Highest. Hallelujah, thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus that I am being made complete, whole, perfect in Your sight. Thank You Jesus for saving me mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Thank You that I am being restored to who I ought to be. Thank You that You have made me for more than dying and going to Heaven. Thank You that I am being conformed to Your Image. Hallelujah I praise You!

Who’s Your One? Saturday, January 25