
Confession & Declaration 20

If the Bible had a Hall of Fame, Romans chapter eight would have been inducted a long time ago. For many scholars Romans eight is seen as the “go to” chapter on the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is mentioned nineteen times in this chapter and for good reason. Throughout this chapter we discover the benefits of the Blood of Jesus, and who He has made us to be. The Holy Spirit is the Dynamite to Jesus’ salvation and promises. This chapter lists at least 50 benefits to being washed in the Blood providing us with the needed power to see our thinking transformed to be conformed to the Truth – Jesus. Another Title used for the Holy Spirit is Grace. When Grace has been explained it has often been watered down from the Dynamite it (or He) actually is. Grace is the empowerment to do the will of God. Romans 8:2 makes mention of it, though it doesn’t actually use the word: For the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has freed me from the law of sin and of death.

The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus is just another way of referring to Grace. We sing songs about Grace and we even memorize an acrostic about Grace but very few understand the role Grace plays in the believers life. The acrostic for G.R.A.C.E. = God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. When I learned the acrostic as a teen I was satisfied that I could use it to define what Grace was. Unfortunately it took me years before I began to grasp it’s significance. Scripture actually exhorts us to grow in Grace in 2 Peter 3:18 But grow in grace (undeserved favor, spiritual strength) and recognition and knowledge and understanding of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (the Messiah). To Him [be] glory (honor, majesty, and splendor) both now and to the day of eternity. Amen (so be it)!

As we grow in Grace we actually grow in the Holy Spirit. If we are growing in the Holy Spirit we will be growing in knowing, experientially, Who Jesus is. In our growing in knowing Who Jesus is we grow in the things that Jesus does – ALL of it. This requires us to agree with the urgings and leadings of the Spirit, or Grace. As we grow – we know!

Charles Stanley tells the story of a professor who wanted to teach his students a lesson about grace. There is a great article that illustrates the concept of grace written by Charles Stanley. “One of my more memorable seminary professors had a practical way of illustrating to his students the concept of grace. At the end of his evangelism course he would distribute the exam, and caution the class to read it all the way through before beginning to answer it. This caution was written on the exam as well. As we read the test, it became unquestionably clear to each of us that we had not studied nearly enough. “The further we read, the worse it became. About halfway through, audible groans could be heard through out the lecture hall. On the last page, however, was a note that read, “You have a choice. You can either complete the exam as given or sign your name at the bottom and in so doing receive an A for this assignment.” “We sat there stunned,” Stanley said. “Was he serious? Just sign it and get an A? Slowly, the point dawned on us, and one by one we turned in our tests and silently filed out of the room. “When I talked with the professor about it afterward, he shared some of the reactions he had received through the years. Some students began to take the exam without reading it all the way through, and they would sweat it out for the entire two hours of class time before reaching the last page. “Others read the first two pages, became angry, turned the test in blank, and stormed out of the room without signing it. They never realized what was available, and as a result, they lost out totally. “One fellow, however, read the entire test, including the note at the end, but decided to take the exam anyway. He did not want any gifts; he wanted to earn his grade. And he did. He made a C+, but he could easily have had an A.” Andy Cook for Lifeway writes: Romans Chapter 8 is the last line on the test of life. All who read the words here and believe them pass God’s test with flying colors. They get an A, so to speak. Some hear about God’s holiness, and give up ever trying to make the grade. Some of those spend an entire lifetime angry at the God who desires to give them grace. And of course, a lot of people depend upon morality and good deeds to get them into heaven, and they do their best to work their way into God’s approval. Unfortunately, nothing less than a perfect score will do – and only by God’s grace can any of us achieve a perfect score. Like Charles Stanley’s professor, God makes an offer that seems to be too good to be true. But the truth is, it’s the only question that ultimately matters. Would you take the Grace of God, or reject it?

Ready to make a declaration? Declaration 20: Lord Jesus, I praise You today for making me an overcomer through Your Precious Blood and by the indwelling Power of Your Holy Spirit. He is Grace for me – empowering me to do what I could never do. I thank You that I overcome the accuser of the brothers through the Empowerment of His Grace enabling me to live Your life through the Law of the Spirit of Life. Thank You Jesus that the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the Law of Sin and of Death. What I was powerless to do through the works of my mind, will, emotions and personality the Holy accomplishes through His Personality lived through me. Thank You Jesus You live in me and I in You. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me! Thank You Jesus that by and through Your Holy Spirit I receive an “A” on the Final of Life! Your Grace seems too good to be True – yet it is true because You are Truth! You make me smile on the inside Lord as I think about Your great Love and the Treasure that You are to me. The Treasure of Knowing You through salvation is beyond my comprehension. I love and praise You!

Who’s Your One? Day 16, Tuesday January 28