
Birthing of the American Camp Meeting and the Cane Ridge Revival

Pentecost to the Present: Book Two – Reformations and Awakenings, Jeff Oliver: “In 1796, James McGready (1763-1817), a Presbyterian pastor of three small churches in Kentucky, led his congregations to sign a covenant to pray every Saturday and Sunday morning and to devote the third Saturday of each month to prayer and fasting for revival. Three years later, McGready invited some other denominational ministers to join him at their annual Communion gathering at the Red River Church when the power of God came down. The following summer, they returned on the weekend of June 21-23, 1800, when the Presence of the Spirit became so intense the congregation was reduced to tears. On the third and final day of meetings, the Spirit again lingered. John McGee, one of the Methodist ministers started weeping and others soon followed. McGee then stood up and exhorted the crowd. Several women began shouting, and one in particular shouted above the others. McGee left the pulpit to go to her, but several warned him that the Presbyterians liked order. McGee described what happened as he headed toward the pulpit: ‘I turned to go back and was near falling; the Power of God was so strong upon me. I turned again and, losing sight of the fear of man, I went through the house shouting and exhorting with all possible ecstasy and energy, and the floor was soon covered by the slain.’

Going Outside the Camp

When Jesus was filled with the Spirit following His Baptism He was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to pray and fast in preparation for the launching of the Kingdom of God. You could say that he went outside the camp. Question is, What does this phrase mean and how does it apply to our time of seeking to draw near to Jesus with a whole-heart?

Exodus 33:7 Now Moses used to take [his own] tent and pitch it outside the camp, far off from the camp, and he called it the tent of meeting [of God with His own people]. And everyone who sought the Lord went out to [that temporary] tent of meeting which was outside the camp.

Moses took his own tent and pitched it far off from the camp. When you look at this symbolically you will quickly notice it was Moses’ tent, and no one else’s. The Apostle Paul referred to our earthly house, our bodies, as earthly tents (2 Cor. 5:1, 4). Symbolically speaking, you can apply the Exodus passage to your own spiritual life by asking the question, How can I take my own tent; my own spiritual house outside the camp to meet with God?

But that leads to another question: What is the Camp? What’s in the Camp that Moses was seeking to get far away from? Does this refer to just the day to day activities that took place inside the encampment of the children of Israel? Was Moses departure from the Camp focused only on physically removing himself from the circumstances of day to day life in the camp or was he seeking something more?

Hebrews 13:13 encourages all believers to get outside the camp when it states: Let us then go forth [from all that would prevent us] to Him outside the camp [at Calvary], bearing the contempt and abuse and shame with Him.

Here’s what I want you to pray towards during this time of fasting: How can I meet Jesus outside the camp? Ask the Lord to reveal to you how He wants you to meet Him outside the camp. Then watch, and listen for how He will answer you.

Love Life Day of Prayer & Fasting

This week is our Love Life week of prayer and fasting. Today we specifically pray and fast for the Lord of Hosts (Angelic Armies) to bring an end to the abortion industries abuse of women’s bodies, shedding of innocent blood, and the marketing of body parts from aborted fetuses.

If you haven’t done so – sign the commitment card found on your last Bethany Update, or follow this link:

Download the Love Life App on your smart phone or computer to zoom in for the virtual prayer walk this Saturday at the Hebron Street abortion center at 700 E. Hebron Street, Charlotte.

Read 1 Kings 18 and pray the Scriptures prophetically, or symbolically.

1. 1Kings 18:1 – Lord send the Reign of Your Holy Spirit.

2. 1 Kings 18:13 – Lord end Jezebel’s reign over Charlotte, NC, America and the world.

3. 1 Kings 18:13 – Lord resurrect the Prophets and the prophetic voice in our city, state nation, and the world. Raise up an Elijah Company of prophetic saints in the Body of Jesus in our church and around the world. Remove the deaf and dumb spirit from the Body of Jesus so that they can pray, prophesy, and share their faith.

4. 1 Kings 18:18 – That true, heart-felt repentance would come to the Body of Christ in Charlotte, NC, America and the Nations – for breaking the commands of the Lord and bowing down to the altars of death, prosperity, materialism, secularism, atheism, and worldliness.

5. 1 Kings 18:20-24 – That God would bring about a showdown between the Elijah Company and the messengers of Satan.

6. 1 Kings 18:21 – That the Body of Christ would repent of wavering between two opinions: between Jesus and murder; between Jesus and the lies of death and destruction; between Jesus and satan; between Jesus and the idols of the land; between Jesus and pornography and sexual immorality. That the Body of Christ would repent of their duplicitous actions, immorality, idolatry, and sitting on the fence. Pray for them Grace to choose who is going to be their Lord and Master. That pastors would become prophetic voices to their people and no longer waver between two opinions.

7. 1 Kings 18:30 – That the Body of Jesus would repair the Altar of the Lord through prayer and obedience in their lives, and families.

8. 1 Kings 18:32 – That the Body of Jesus would begin building an altar of worship and prayer to Jesus and Jesus alone; tearing down the altars they’ve erected to the idols of media, entertainment, song, and dance.

9. 1 Kings 18:33 – That the Body of Jesus would offer up a sacrifice of themselves in time, daily worship and prayer. That the Body of Jesus would become an altar of sacrificial prayer.

10. 1 Kings 18:33-35 – That the Body of Jesus would flood that altar with the Water of the Word of God, and the Spirit – reminding God of His promises; beseeching Him to bare His Holy ad Righteous arm in behalf of the innocent children, and those held captive by Jezebel. That Jesus would come like a Man of War and break the chains of these captives, loosing His vengeance and justice on behalf of the women, babies, and the polluted land.

11. 1 Kings 18:36-38 -That the Holy One of Consuming Fire would send down fire from Heaven in response to the prayers of His people making us a sacrifice. That we would ascend through our prayers, and worship to the Presence of the Lord. That the Lord would baptize us and His Church in the Holy Spirit, Fire, and Power thrusting us forth to our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the world.

12. 1 Kings 18:39 -That the world would bow their knee to Jesus through this outpouring, and that a spiritual awakening would come to the Church and the lost, declaring that Jesus is God, and Lord!

13. 1 Kings 18:40 – That the Lord would either bring salvation to all the politicians, business owners, and employees of the abortion industry or that He would seize them and bring about His justice for the unborn, and the innocent blood that has been shed.

Horseshoes and Hand Grenades

John 14:9 Jesus replied, Have I been with all of you for so long a time, and do you not recognize and know Me yet, Philip? (AMPC)

You’ve heard the phrase, “Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades!” Horseshoes is a popular game where points are scored by tossing a horseshoe close to a stake 40 feet away. Grenades, when they detonate, send shrapnel into any object close-by. The clichéd phrase is often spoken by a bystander after listening to someone complain that he was not quite close enough to do something or win something. Philip was close to Jesus – but yet in his heart, so far. Imagine being that close to the Creator of the Universe – and still a stranger. Yet, this happens everyday. God draws near to us, whispering through all creation, circumstances, other believers, Scriptures, sermons and church worship services – and we snooze right through it. Many who claim to be born-again are so close to Jesus yet so far. They are like those who have gone looking for their car keys, or sun glasses only to discover they are right where they began their search (or on top of their head). Jesus is calling during this season but many are missing His call. They are so close yet still so far. Asleep in the light we fail to awaken from our slumber of comfort, and complacency continuing life as usual. We are under the spell of the satanic lullaby found in our Laodicean Church age. With our mouths we say one thing but our actions affirm that we think we are fine – just the way we are. We mouth the creed of the Laodicean Church, “We have no need.” Yet over the centuries God’s call has reached the hearts of those who became aware that something was missing. One of those awakened from the lullaby was a man by the name of John G. Lake. Lou Engle describes his awakening in the following excerpt:

John G. Lake operated in one of the most powerful and awe-inspiring gifts of healing that the world has ever seen. In a single ten-year span, Lake saw over 250,000 confirmed physical healings. In 1918, Spokane, WA, was declared the healthiest city in the U.S. because of Lake’s Healing Rooms. His congregation fondly called him “Dr. Lake” because he saw more people get healed than the local physicians.

Lake was saved at the age of 16, learned about sanctification around the age of 20, and then entered into a ministry of healing after experiencing the power of healing in his own family through the ministry of John Alexander Dowie in Chicago. Lake continued to operate in the gift of healing for the next 10 years and saw hundreds healed. 

At the end of those 10 years, Lake was more hungry for God than ever. Although he walked in the miraculous, he claimed that he had not yet experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He would often walk the streets and spontaneously cry out loud to God, surprising all those around him. Lake said, “It was the yearning passion of my soul, asking for God in a greater measure than I then knew. But my friends would say: ‘Mr. Lake, you have a beautiful baptism in the Holy Ghost.’ Yes, it was nice as far as it went, but it was not answering the cry of my heart. I was growing up into a larger understanding of God and my own soul’s need. My soul was demanding a greater entrance into God, His love, presence and power.”

Driven into the wilderness by his hunger for more of God, Lake fasted and prayed for 9 months, waiting on God. Several months into his fast, the Spirit spoke to Lake and said, “Be patient until autumn.” Lake was encouraged and kept going. He prayed, “God, if you will baptize me in the Holy Spirit, and give me the power of God, nothing shall be permitted to stand before me and a hundred-fold obedience.”

At the end of nine months, Lake was weary. He later recounted, “I prayed for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for nine months, and if a man ever prayed honestly, and sincerely in the faith, I did. Finally one day I was ready to throw up my hands, and quit. I said, ‘Lord, it may be for others, but it is not for me. You just cannot give it to me.’ I did not blame God.” 

Shortly after this, a man named Pierce invited Lake to join him and a group of other believers at his house who had been praying for the past year for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. None of them had yet received the Baptism. Lake accepted the invitation. Five minutes into prayer, Lake was overcome as “the light of God began to shine around me, I found myself in a center of an arc of light ten feet in diameter, the whitest light in all the universe. So white! Oh how it spoke of purity. The remembrance of that whiteness, that wonderful whiteness, has been the ideal that has stood before my soul, of the purity of the nature of God ever since.”

After this experience, Lake was invited to pray for a woman suffering from rheumatism and bound to a wheelchair. As he prayed with her, suddenly “the Spirit said, ‘I have heard your prayers, I have seen your tears. You are now Baptized in the Holy Spirit.’ Then currents of power began to rush through my being from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. The shocks of power increased in rapidity, and voltage. As these currents of power would pass through me, they seemed to come upon my head, rush through my body, and through my feet into the floor… Even at this late date, the awe of that hour rests upon my soul. My experience has truly been as Jesus said that He shall be within you ‘a well of water, springing up into everlasting life.’ That never-ceasing fountain has flowed through my spirit, soul, and body day, and night, bringing salvation, and healing, and the Baptism of the Spirit in the power of God to multitudes.”

Lake sold all he had and entered into full-time ministry. God spoke to him that he would soon go to Africa.One morning when I came down to breakfast, I found my appetite had disappeared. I could not eat. I went about my work as usual. At dinner I had no desire to eat, and no more in the evening. This went on till the third day. But toward the evening of the third day, an overwhelming desire to pray took possession of me. I wanted only to be alone to pray. Prayer flowed from my soul like a stream. I could not cease praying. As soon as it was possible to get to a place of seclusion, I would kneel to pour out my heart to God for hours. Whatever I was doing, that stream of prayer continued flowing from my soul… On the night of the sixth day of this fast, that the Lord had laid on me, while in the act of washing my hands, the Spirit said, ‘How long have you been praying to cast out demons?’ and I replied, ‘Lord, a long time.’ And the Spirit said, ‘From henceforth, thou shalt cast out demons.’ I arose and praised God.” 

Within a week, a violently insane man was brought to Lake. Lake commanded the demon to come out of him in the name of Jesus and the man was instantly delivered. Two days later that same man was released from the institution where he had been confined.

Within the next year, Lake and his family were called by God to South Africa. Over their next five years of ministry in South Africa, Lake saw over one million people give their lives to Jesus, 625 new churches planted, and 1,250 preachers raised up. By the time Lake returned to America, the work in South Africa continued through the hands of those Lake had trained. Lake’s five short years of ministry in South Africa were so impactful that Lake was given the title, “Apostle to Africa”. Gordon Lindsay stated that Lake was “engaged in a ministry which in some respects rivaled that of the Early Church.”

Lake always knew there was something more, but it was the keys of fasting and prayer that opened the door to satisfying his hunger for more of God. By giving up physical satisfaction and hungering in his flesh, he satisfied the hunger of his soul and the world was blessed by it. 

Encouraging Words

I trust everyone is doing well and adjusting to all the stay at home policies being encouraged by our government. As we are in lockdown (that’s how it feels) many of us are finding new ways of reaching out through a new tool called Zoom. Through it we’ve been able to gather together for prayer, and through internet streaming we are able to maintain a semblance of connection. Just recently I got off the internet doing a conference call through Zoom that enabled 5-6 people to join another 8 of us who were meeting to pray at the church. Since March 1 prayers have been released from 6:30-8:30 asking God to release a wedding of the Spirit and Word in our church, community, nation and the world. We have been calling on Heaven to invade our earth through Spirit sent revival and awakening. Lastly we have been beseeching God to release a sovereign move of His Spirit throughout the globe. Several passages of Scripture have come to the surface repeatedly:

2 Chronicles 7:13-14 If I shut up heaven so no rain falls, or if I command locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people,14 If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.

Isaiah 60:1-3 Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you—rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and dense darkness [all] peoples, but the Lord shall arise upon you [O Jerusalem], and His glory shall be seen on you.And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.

James 4:7-10 So be subject to God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you.Come close to God and He will come close to you. [Recognize that you are] sinners, get your soiled hands clean; [realize that you have been disloyal] wavering individuals with divided interests, and purify your hearts [of your spiritual adultery].[As you draw near to God] be deeply penitent and grieve, even weep [over your disloyalty]. Let your laughter be turned to grief and your mirth to dejection andheartfelt shame [for your sins].10 Humble yourselves [feeling very insignificant] in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you [He will lift you up and make your lives significant].

Hosea 10:12-13 Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, till He comes and rains righteousness on you.13 You have plowed wickedness; you have reaped iniquity. You have eaten the fruit of lies, because you trusted in your own way, in the multitude of your mighty men.

Hebrews 12:27 The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain.

Recently Kristy received a word from the Lord that all the idols of America are being shaken, and that’s what we are seeing. As believers, those who truly cling to Jesus, we are finding out if we built our lives on idols of sand, or the Rock that can’t be moved.

Recently I received an email from a Christian organization out of Israel, Mike Evans, and I thought that I would share it with you:

Dear Robert,
God has given me a word that has shaken me to my knees. As I was working on this revelation that God put in my heart, I picked up an old Bible, and a handwritten note fell out. It was from a meeting I had with Dr. David Wilkerson at the Embassy Suites near the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport on a Tuesday in 1986 when we were having breakfast. The letter he wrote was addressed to Rev. Richard Dortch, who ran PTL under Jim Bakker. It said, “Within 12 months from the date of this letter, the judgment of God will fall on PTL. You are fornicating with brick and stone. Flee now and repent. Bats will fly through the empty building.” It was exactly 12 months to the day that the Charlotte Observer broke the PTL scandal story. In that meeting in 1986, Dr. Wilkerson said something else to me: “I see a plague coming on the world, and the bars and churches and government will shut down. The plague will hit New York City and shake it like it has never been shaken. The plague is going to force prayerless Believers into radical prayer and into their Bibles, and repentance will be the cry from the man of God in the pulpit. And out of it will come a third Great Awakening that will sweep America and the world.”
Plan to join us in watching this amazing and prophetic message tomorrow at 6:00 PM (CST) on our Facebook Page:
Your ambassador to Jerusalem,
Michael David Evans
Make an online donation here:
Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by. See, the LORD is coming out of his dwelling to punish the people of the earth for their sins. The earth will disclose the blood shed on it; the earth will conceal its slain no longer. —Isaiah 26:20-21

We are seeing the manifestation of this word as I write this. Over 70,000 believers are praying, fasting, and seeking God for a global awakening and revival. Please join them, and us, as we seek God – not simply for an end of this virus, but for the very Face of Jesus to manifest, calling people to repentance, and brokenness.

We love you and miss all of you. It will be a great day when we all can gather together and sing His praises. Remember again to check in on those who are shut in, the elderly, and those alone. Know that you are in our prayers as I trust that we are in yours. It’s time for all God’s people to awake and prepare. Heed the call to show up for the Last Day’s dress rehearsal, and turn to see Jesus.

40 Day Jesus Fast Challenge

Sunday, March 1 – Thursday, April 9

Challenge 1: Seek the Lord through Prayer & Fasting – to Stir the Fires of His Spirit in You OR Seek Him for a Baptism of the Spirit and Fire.

Challenge 2: Commit to a Night, or Several Nights from Mar. 1 – Apr. 9, 6:30 – 8:30 PM, for 40 Days, or 6 Weeks – of Ministering to the Lord through Thanksgiving, Worship and Intercession.

Prayer Focus: Seek the Lord for a Wedding of the Spirit and Word – in your life, and our church. Seek the Lord for a Sovereign Move for Revival and Awakening.

If you desire to sign up for Lou Engle’s Daily Devotions during the 40 Day fast you can subscribe at:

Times of the Nations

Luke 21:24 “They will fall by the mouth and the edge of the sword and will be led away as captives to and among all nations; and Jerusalem will be trodden down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled (completed).”

This Scripture is referring to the siege of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. in which the Temple was destroyed and the Jewish people were dispersed throughout the world. Jesus prophesied it along with an interesting twist near the end: “…Jerusalem will be trodden down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled (completed).”  

The term “Gentile” refers to the races, nations or as the Greek reads, “the ethos,” where we get our word “ethnic.” Jerusalem will be trodden down by the nations, or races. This simply means that Jerusalem would be treated with insult, contempt, devastation, and outrage. The signal that the times of the Gentiles or nations was coming to an end flashed forth like a warning light on the dash of your automobile when Israel was miraculously restored as a nation in 1948. Since that time Jews from around the world have been slowly returning to Israel, and emerging as a world power. In my opinion, a prophecy is yet to be fulfilled which will signal the closing of this prophetic chapter.

Peter preaching on the day of Pentecost refers to a prophecy that he declared was just beginning: Acts 2:16-21 “But [instead] this is [the beginning of] what was spoken through the prophet Joel: 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, God declares, that I will pour out of My Spirit upon all mankind, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy [[a]telling forth the divine counsels] and your young men shall see visions ([b]divinely granted appearances), and your old men shall dream [[c]divinely suggested] dreams. 18 Yes, and on My menservants also and on My maidservants in those days I will pour out of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy [[d]telling forth the divine counsels and [e]predicting future events pertaining especially to God’s kingdom]. 19 And I will show wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth beneath, blood and fire and smoking vapor; 20 The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the obvious day of the Lord comes—that great and notable and conspicuous and renowned [day]. 21 And it shall be that whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord [[f]invoking, adoring, and worshiping the Lord—Christ] shall be saved.

He states: “But instead this is the beginning of what was spoken through the prophet Joel.” We know this is only a partial fulfillment simply because the sun hasn’t been fully darkened, nor the moon turned fully to blood, because the obvious day of the Lord – that which is “great, and notable, and conspicuous, and renowned” – has yet to occur! In fact the salvation of 3000 souls in one day was just a warm up for the global harvest that is to occur in the Last Days. Consider the following diagram:

At the Wedding of Cana in John 2 Jesus prophesies the Final Outpouring of His Spirit: “This is wonderful stuff!” he said. “You’re different from most. Usually a host uses the best wine first, and afterwards, when everyone is full and doesn’t care, then he brings out the less expensive brands. But you have kept the best for the last!” Jn. 2:10 TLB

Jesus is saving the best “Wine of His Spirit” for the “Last Days” when His Spirit will be poured out upon all flesh that many may “call upon the Name of the Lord to be saved.” This will be the indicator that the Bridegroom is returning to gather His Bride – the Church – to Himself.

On the flight home from Nicaragua I began reading a book in which its authors referred to prolonged periods of fasting seeking God for more Power in ministry. As I thought about those in our church who have been attacked in various ways by the enemy it stirred up a burden I’ve been carrying for quite some time. As the Lord’s Shepherd I am expected to see His sheep healed and protected. Ezekiel 34:1-4 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy and say to them, even to the [spiritual] shepherds, Thus says the Lord God: Woe to the [spiritual] shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the sheep? You eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, you kill the fatlings, but you do not feed the sheep.The diseased and weak you have not strengthened, the sick you have not healed, the hurt and crippled you have not bandaged, those gone astray you have not brought back, the lost you have not sought to find, but with force and hardhearted harshness you have ruled them.

Thus I began to pray about going on another fast to seek the Lord for His power to deliver His people from the assaults of the enemy. As I prayed and sought the Lord I received Scripture directing me to fasting. One particular early morning hour I was awakened realizing that if I began my fast in February it would conflict with other events. I felt directed to fast near the first week in March. I can’t tell you how encouraged I was when I read the following: At The Send, we are calling every believer to take action. So far 16,656 have committed to fasting, 2,145 commitments to reaching High Schools, 1,878 committed to Universities, 4,134 committed to reaching their neighborhood. 482 have responded to the gospel. THE WAR ON INACTION HAS BEGUN,” the organization wrote in an Instagram post.” They are inviting believers to pray and fast for 40 Days from March 1 – April 9. The Fast is called the “Jesus Fast” which invites thousands of people around the world to pray seeking God for a worldwide manifestation of Jesus the Evangelist. 

When I read the dates which had been assigned I knew it confirmed what I had been hearing. Whether you agree or not, we can both agree upon one thing: this is not the time for the Church to be slumbering. We can all agree that through President Trump’s election we have received a brief reprieve, but don’t roll over and sleep just yet. The battle is only beginning for the soul of this nation. God had mercy on us as a result of the saints who turned to Him in repentance and prayer. While we’ve been sighing sighs of relief the governments of the land have legislated to murder babies even up to full term, Even recently democrats blocked to deny medical attention to babies who survive abortions. A slippery slope of descent has occurred in our nation when owls, sea turtles, and eagles have more rights than children. Before pointing the accusing finger of blame upon our country’s legislators, the Church must withdraw its condemnation. You may ask, “Why?” when surely America deserves the wrath and judgment of God. All Christians must conceded to the truth of God’s Word which states: “Judgment begins with the House of God” (1 Pet. 4:17). Like Esther of the Bible we are being called upon to step up, standing in the gap on behalf of the people. Esther’s warning from her elder cousin, and adoptive father, still applies to us today: For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

For such a time as this God is calling upon His Church to once again pray and fast, demonstrating our humility and dependence upon God. For such a time as this will we pray about joining this fast with believers from around the world? For such a time as this would you pray that God would bring spiritual reformation to His Church, Christians would be awakened to pray, awakening would come to the lost – in and outside of the Church, and a resurgence of renewal, conviction, brokenness, godly sorrow, repentance and power would come to His people? For such a time as this would you pray that God would shut down the money-making industry of murdering babies as a form of birth control, and that men across America and the west would awaken to their responsibility to defend the weak, the mothers and children? Would you pray that men everywhere would begin to take their rightful places spiritually being positioned as husbands, fathers, and spiritual leaders in the church and world? Would you pray that once again that this nation would repent and turn to Jesus before the future of this great nation is forever destroyed?

God would have spared Sodom and Gomorrah for 10 righteous. There are more than 10 righteous persons in this nation. But remember God still went looking for a Abraham to pray and intercede on behalf of the land. The Old Testament is filled with the warnings: Ezek. 22:30 So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. 

Isa. 64:7 And no one calls on Your name and awakens and bestirs himself to take and keep hold of You; for You have hidden Your face from us and have delivered us into the [consuming] power of our iniquities. If you are believing that God is calling you to this fast consider the guidelines below. God bless you.

With this call to enter into extended fasting, we must prepare ourselves adequately so that the fast can honor God and fulfill its purpose. I want to share some thoughts from our own experiences to help and encourage you.

1. Seek medical advice if you are older or have health challenges

2. Fast and pray to humble yourself and purify your worship
In Fasting we are not trying to get something from God; we are seeking to realign our hearts’ affections with His. We do holy violence to the “pleasures which wage war against the soul,” opening the way for a greater submission to the Holy Spirit. Lust is a perverse form of devotion. Fasting enables us to cleanse the sanctuary of our hearts from such idols.

3. Take time to pray and read the Word
This may seem obvious, but busyness and distractions can keep you from devotions. Reading books with testimonies of victories gained through fasting will encourage you. Register at to schedule your fast and receive encouragements by email.

4. Have a clear target for prayer focus
Without a vision (a clear, prophetic prayer goal), the people perish. During a fast, I have four or five prayer goals I have clearly articulated. When I am not deeply motivated by a clear goal, I usually fast until break-fast! Write down your vision so you can run with it.

5. Do the fast with someone else
Two are better than one! We encourage young people to talk this through with their parents before starting the fast. Parents and kids should consider fasting together.

6. Do not give in to condemnation if you fail
The “to fast or not to fast” dilemma can be a major tool of the enemy. Even though you may fail several times, God always extends grace. Hit reset and resume right where you left off.

7. Husbands and wives, consider sexual abstinence for the sake of prayer (1 Corinthians 7:5)

8. Determine the length in advance of the fast, not after you start
• A total fast is without water. This is extremely hard on the body. Do not go beyond three days.
• A water-only fast is a very challenging but deeply spiritual experience. Many people can endure forty days on water alone, though this is dependent on one’s weight and metabolism.
• A fruit and vegetable juice fast allows you to enter into fasting but still gives enough energy to function. Most people can do a forty-day juice fast. Out of consideration for their health and metabolism, I encourage teenagers to drink juice and protein drinks to sustain them.

9. Prepare physically
Two days before your fast, limit your intake of food to fruit and vegetables. Fruit is a natural cleanser and easy to digest. Stop drinking coffee before the fast. Prepare yourself for mental discomforts such as impatience, crankiness, and anxiety. Expect physical discomforts. You may experience dizziness, headaches and different kinds of pains. The headaches are not necessarily a sign to stop fasting. Your body is working to cleanse itself of impurities.

10. Prepare for opposition
On the first day of your fast, you can bet doughnuts will somehow show up at the office or in class. Your spouse (or mom) will suddenly be inspired to cook your favorite meals. Take this as encouragement from God to press ahead! Many times you may feel increased emotional tension at home. My fasts are just as difficult on my wife as they are on me. Satan tempted Jesus on His fast, and we must expect the same. Discouragement may come in like a flood, but recognize the source and take your stand upon the victory of Christ.

11. Fast in secret
Do not boast about your fast, but do not go to extraordinary lengths to mask it when people inquire; if necessary, just let them know you will not be eating. The bigger deal you make of it, the more attention you draw. Be discreet, be transparent, then move humbly along.

12. Break the fast over several days with fruit juice and/or light soups
On a light juice fast or a water fast, your digestive system shuts down. It can be dangerous if you eat too much too soon. Break such a fast gently with several days of diluted, nonacidic juice, then regular juice, followed by fruit and vegetables. When breaking one of my early water fasts, I ate too much too quickly and almost needed hospitalization. Be careful!

13. Feel free to rest a lot and to continue to exercise

14. If you are pregnant or nursing, do not fast, PERIOD

15. Expect to hear God’s voice in the Word, dreams, visions, and revelations
Daniel prepared himself to receive revelation through fasting (Daniel 10:1-3). Scripture also speaks of a fasting reward (Matthew 6:18). Expect God to fellowship and communicate with you in special ways.

16. Breakthroughs often come after a fast, not during it
Do not listen to the lie that nothing is happening. It is my conviction that every fast done in faith will be rewarded.