
Prayers for Safe Travels and Breakthroughs

Micah 2:13 The Breaker [the Messiah] will go up before them. They will break through, pass in through the gate and go out through it, and their King will pass on before them, the Lord at their head.

Kristy Whittington, our resident missionary, is returning from Africa this week and should be on American soil by February 28. Could you keep her in your prayers for safe travels?

Also, our mission team leadership has received the following emergency email from our director of missions on the ground in Nicaragua. She wrote: Dear Bethany Friends, The church that was going to sponsor your team to get into the country as a group has not been able to obtain their government paperwork. The government now requires churches and non-profits to register every two months!  It’s ridiculous bureaucracy that is hard for churches/organizations to achieve. Then, when they don’t have the proper paperwork, they are technically operating illegally and the government uses this reason to shut them down. We have another option that we are pursuing but we REALLY need prayers for this to happen quickly! Thank you, Naomi

Soooo, as you can see Kristy and our Nicaragua Mission Outreach desperately needs your prayers.

Thank you and have a great week.

Merry Christmas!

All of the staff here at Bethany: John David and Charlotte, Teresa, Deanna, Jerry, Mary, Alma and Jackie and myself want to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May this Christmas be a blessing for you and your loved ones.

I also wanted to let you know that we have exceeded our goal for foreign missions. Our total giving towards the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering now stands at $1,160! Yeaaaaa!

If you still haven’t had a chance to give towards our foreign missions goal this Sunday will be the last Sunday. Also it’s not too late to sign up for our mission trip to Nicaragua.

One more thing: Please be in prayer for which affinity group you will commit to pray, give, and go too. What’s an affinity group? The International Mission board has divided up the globe into 9 sections: American Peoples, Central Asian Peoples, East Asian Peoples, European Peoples, Northern African and Middle Eastern Peoples, South Asian Peoples, Southeast Asian Peoples, Deaf Peoples, and the Sub-Saharan African Peoples. This year alone we have reached four of the nine affinity groups. Who has the Lord called you to go to specifically? We know that we are commanded to go to our Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria – but let us not forget the ends of the world. Be in prayer about who you are to be on mission too and may we not forget our neighbors.

Christmas is a reminder that Jesus came on a “mission trip” to our world leaving a perfect Heaven in order to raise up other missionaries like Himself. Have a great Christmas and Happy New Year! We love you all!

Pray for John David and Uganda

This morning I woke up around 2 A.M. to brush my teeth, get dressed and make the drive over to Waxhaw to pick up John David, and his friend James. They are flying to Uganda for a short term mission trip to save lives – physically and eternally. After dropping them off at the airport terminal – which is nearly deserted at 3:30 in the morning – I had a time of prayer for them and thanksgiving to the Lord. Driving along, praying, and giving thanks I began to think of the ways that we need to be in prayer for them. Having traveled on many a mission trip several things come to mind in regard to prayer needs: that their luggage and mosquito nets make the many transfers from Charlotte, to New York, to Kenya and to Uganda. Pray for their protection, and their families protection while they’re traveling to and from the country. Pray specifically for the protection of Charlotte, Reagan, Stella and Linda. Pray that lives would be touched, hearts changed, and souls saved as a result of the gift of the mosquito nets. Pray that a door and doors would be opened for partnerships between our church and the local missionaries, pastors and churches in that region. Pray that God would call and raise up missionary laborers from our church who would be willing to go to Uganda and make disciples for Jesus. Pray for their protection from the internal bugs, and parasites that can be obtained from mosquitoes, eating the food or drinking the water. Pray that John David and James’ lives would be changed forever by the things they experience while there. And pray that they will be filled with the Holy Spirit overflowing Jesus’ love to all they meet and encounter. On a practical note pray that they will make the transition to a new time zone and being able to sleep when it’s time, and stay awake when it’s time. On a more somber note pray for the people of Uganda. For example, were you aware that Uganda is the epicenter of the AIDS crisis that swept Africa years ago and is still wreaking havoc today? Were you aware that witchcraft is practiced and is believed in so strongly that child sacrifice is on the rise to insure the “gods” (demonic spirits) respond to their prayers, and spells?

There’s a reason Jesus said to Go! It’s a command empowered by grateful hearts compelled to share the Love Jesus has shared with us. A Love so great that a million lifetimes of “thank you’s” would never suffice. Jesus’ strategy was quite simple and clear cut. In Acts 1:8 He stated: “But you will receive Power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”

We owe a debt of gratitude to the people of Israel and Lord willing one day we will visit those lands with the Gospel, but on a more practical note we need to be asking: What is our Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria. Before Thanksgiving I was grateful for all who drove out in the pouring rain and delivered thanksgiving meals to needy families in Union County. I was encouraged as I listened to Mary Quinn, and Kristy Whittington share how they went to Common Heart to go through the Literacy Orientation and training to help those who can’t read – right here in our own backyard. They reminded me of the desire I had to participate in this same program. So last night I attended orientation from 6:30 – 8:15. All of this came as a result of one family – the Pooveys – who have faithfully served alongside the ministry of Common Heart for years delivering food to needy families and sharing Jesus’ love. Their example paved the way for the Wagenmaker’s to participate in the delivery of food and the annual food drive which opened the door to invite the leadership of Common Heart to speak at our church and present their challenge.

Many of our people are actively involved on the front lines of the cultural battle to save the lives of the unborn. Lisa Drogan, Sam Nunemaker, and others are sacrificing their Saturday mornings to go out to the largest abortion center in the southeast to pray, to serve, and to offer parents of unborn children alternative options away from our culture of death.

Our church’s purpose is to glorify Jesus through a wedding of the Spirit and the Word; watching and learning how to be students of Jesus; walking it out in love to the ends of the earth. If there has been a wedding of the Spirit and the Word then there will be a desire to watch and learn how to be students of Jesus – to join Jesus where He is working. When you see what Jesus has done and is doing, and you are His student, you are going to walk it out in love to the very ends of the earth.

God has given us a task to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s every student of Jesus’ job. There are no excuses. Our church’s goal is to reach the nine major affinity groups of the world with the Gospel, developing partnerships with missionaries, pastors, and churches. In one year we have already been to four of those affinity groups: the American Peoples – in Nicaragua, Central America; the Northern Africa and Middle Eastern Peoples – in Ethiopia; the Sub-Saharan African peoples – in Tanzania, and Uganda; and the Southeast Asian Peoples – in Indonesia. How powerful and amazing is that?

Jesus gave us a mission and we are a people on mission with Him. Praise and thank the Lord for what He has done in 2019 with our little church. Pray for John David, James, and their families. And please pray about which affinity group God would call you to be a missionary to, partner with, pray for, and give too. God bless you precious people of God!