
Small Things

2 Samuel 1:14-15 David said to him, Why were you not afraid to stretch forth your hand to destroy the Lord’s anointed? 15 David called one of the young men and said, Go near and fall upon him. And he smote him so that he died.

Throughout Scripture from the fall of Adam and Eve to the crucifixion of Christ, from the writings of Paul to the end of the Book of Revelation – one fact remains: the wages of sin is death! The Amalekites had proven themselves enemies of God since the Exodus as described by Moses in the Book of Exodus: And the Lord said to Moses, Write this for a memorial in the book and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua, that I will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under the heavens.And he said, Because [theirs] is a hand against the throne of the Lord, the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation. (Exodus 17:14,16) On the surface David’s response against this messenger of doom seems to be a little extreme. But underneath this narrative lies a larger monster that hides beneath the shadows lurking along the edges like a ravenous wolf ready to pounce upon its prey. First of all, this Amalekite is lying. He did not slay King Saul. Saul had taken his own life. Secondly, the messenger had looted what belonged to King Saul and the people of Israel – Saul’s kingly crown, and the bracelet on his arm. Thirdly, this man exposed his greed and lust for more. It wasn’t enough that he had plundered the crown jewels. His plot was much more twisted and devious. He had reasoned that there must be an even greater reward for the one who would kill Saul. Rather than taking the crown and bracelet and cashing in on his prize. He chose to up the ante. Finally, this man failed to realize that David was God’s man – God’s anointed – and God’s enemies were his enemies. But there is an even greater story unfolding before our eyes and Exodus 17:14,16 gives us the clue: I will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under the heavens.And he said, Because [theirs] is a hand against the throne of the Lord

Did you catch that last part? The Amalekites had not simply lifted their hand to destroy God’s people. They had actually lifted their hand against God Himself. Against His Throne, Kingdom, and Reign. Consciously or unconsciously, this Amalekite was participating in the sins of his fathers and mothers. Ultimately, he was reflecting the heart of his spiritual father – Satan himself. For you see, the Amalekites, and their descendants could be traced all the way to King Herod himself, an Idumean (a descendant of the Edomites from which Amalek had come). Amalek had come from Esau’s son who had married a descendant of the Horites – and they were descendants of the demonic hybrid of the Nephilim (half-demon, half human. Think Goliath)

King Herod sought to kill Jesus – God’s Anointed King of Israel. Why had God said that He would personally fight against Amalek? Because they represented an Anti-Christ spirit. An anti-Christ agenda.

But how does all of this apply? Romans 8:7 states the carnal mind is at enmity with God. The carnal mind being our soulish mind or our propensity to rely more on our thinking, will, emotions, and personality or temperament to have things our way. This way of doing things is an enemy to God and the things of God because it hearkens back to the Garden of Eden, and you shall be gods. In other words having it our way is not doing it God’s Way. God’s Way obviously being Jesus Himself – The Way. But rest easy: the Lord will have war with (it) from generation to generation.

In Mark 8 Jesus warns of the leaven or yeast of the Pharisees, Herod, and the Herodians. (Matthew 16 adds the Sadducees). Leaven is a small thing – but it’s the small things that lead either to the anti-Christ rising in our lives or Jesus, the Bread of Life. Question is, Are we utilizing the yeast of the Kingdom of God or the yeast of satan himself? Remember it’s the small things that make all the difference in the outcome of what’s reigning in your life. What we sow into will determine the “rain” that falls in our lives.

Cycles of God

Numbers 1:1 The Lord spoke to Moses in the Wilderness of Sinai in the Tent of Meeting on the first day of the second month in the second year after they came out of the land of Egypt, saying,

Recently I saw an article entitled: Fasting – What a Blessing! When I was younger I undertook fasting for 40 days and only lasted 30. The next time I was called to fast I went for the full 40 days. Other than the physical weakness, once I surpassed the 2-3 day mark, I was amazed at how His Grace carried me through. I even began to feel better, experiencing clearer thinking. I say all of this to say I am no stranger to fasting and have to admit that when God has called you to it – there is a great grace to make the impossible become possible. It’s quite amazing. But in all my fasting I would be quick to confess that I’ve not been caught up to the Third Heaven with the Apostle Paul, or experienced Throne Room worship with the saints and angels. Actually quite the opposite occurred and I would not have called it a blessing. But thank the Lord for His Grace that has caused me to learn a better approach in what to expect, or what some may call its’ secrets. What are some of those secrets?

Prepare to Enter a Spiritual Wilderness. When I first read books about fasting I was misled to believe it was going to be this glorious mountain top experience. But that was not to be the case. The Bible teaches that God has spiritual cycles that it carries us through (if we are paying attention): Ecclesiastus 3:1-4 There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—A time to give birth and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted. A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to tear down and a time to build up.A time to weep and a time to laugh; A time to mourn and a time to dance.

Studying the life of the children of Israel from the exodus out of Egypt – through the wilderness – to their emerging victorious to enter the Promised Land – you observe three major cycles of God for His people. The Mountaintop Season or Cycle, the Wilderness or Valley Season or Cycle, and the Season or cycle of Warfare. To choose to enter a fast or even to seek after God will automatically default you to the Season or Cycle of the Valley or Wilderness.

Many of the things you lean on for spiritual props are removed during fasting teaching you to get in touch with your spirit. Prayer warrior, Andrew Murray once remarked: Prayer is reaching out after the unseen; fasting is letting go of all that is seen and temporal.  Fasting helps express, deepen, confirm the resolution that we are ready to sacrifice anything, even ourselves to attain what we seek for the kingdom of God. And there it is: fasting is letting go of all that is seen and temporal. It is not to be an emotional high but a walk through the dusty places of your soul in order to get to the wealth and riches of your spirit man. It is a journey of faith – not sight; not emotional highs – but one that can only be taken one day at a time.

Prepare to Listen for His Still, Small Voice. I have learned that through fasting I can count on receiving more revelation from God’s Word. The spiritual wilderness is where the “manna” of His Word falls. Like Israel of old rise early to gather as much as you want and trust and believe God will provide. Position yourself to hear His Spirit unlock the Word of God for you like never before.

Prepare for Offense. Another thing I have observed and experienced is that fasting “kick’s” up the offenses in me. Fasting is a means of humbling yourself not going on some quest to pay penance for your sins (although you can do that). Dt. 8:3 And He humbled you and allowed you to hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you recognize and personally know that man does not live by bread only, but man lives by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord.

Fasting is a means to humble yourself under what the Spirit causes to surface through others. What do I mean? I have learned that while fasting I need to pay special attention to every negative event in my life (for they will surely come). People will make me angry, offend, irritate, and confound me with all their many sins, weaknesses, self-centeredness, and pride. The painful truth is that their so-called weaknesses are really being used by God to expose my own. I’ve learned to not blame others for my offenses and irritations – but that these are the very things God is seeking to eliminate in me. I have learned to turn those issue into prayers of confession and repentance. I have learned to press into more of His Presence through thanksgiving and worship. These are the weapons that fight my battle.

Whatever season or cycle you find yourself in learn to open the DOOR of Laodicea and listen for His call and knock. He’s longing for any one who will take the time to enter His Narrow DOOR.


We are familiar with the nonsensical word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious used in the Disney movie Mary Poppins. Those born in the 20th century are well aware of the degradation of the English language in which presently elementary age children are taught to simply spell a word based on what they feel. Modern media talking heads, and social elites freely redefine words attaching new meanings to fundamental understandings of the concepts expressed in the word. Unfortunately the same recklessness has been used regarding the word Christian. C.S. Lewis observed: unbelievers,…will no doubt cheerfully use the word [Christian] in the refined sense. It will become in their mouths simply a term of praise. In calling anyone a Christian they will mean that they think him a good man. But that way of using the word will be no enrichment of the language, for we already have the word “Good.” Meanwhile, the word Christian will have been spoiled for any really useful purpose it might have served.

The following words, committed, believer, dedicated, and follower all appear to be very similar in that in our usage of the English language they have become synonymous with the title of Christian. George Orwell once remarked: “The slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts… if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” Truth be known there is a distinct difference between the usage of these words that should warrant our attention because they have corrupted our thought.

Leviticus 1:1-2 The Lord called to Moses out of the Tent of Meeting, and said to him,Say to the Israelites, When any man of you brings an offering to the Lord, you shall bring your offering of [domestic] animals from the herd or from the flock. AMPC

In Exodus 25:1-2,8 the Lord instructs Moses to call Israel to bring offerings to build a sanctuary: And the Lord said to Moses,Speak to the Israelites, that they take for Me an offering. From every man who gives it willingly and ungrudgingly with his heart you shall take My offering.Let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them. Following this Moses receives detailed instructions for building the tabernacle or sanctuary: 21 You shall put the mercy seat on the top of the ark, and in the ark you shall put the Testimony [the Ten Commandments] that I will give you.22 There I will meet with you and, from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim that are upon the ark of the Testimony, I will speak intimately with you of all which I will give you in commandment to the Israelites. AMPC

Leviticus 1:1 reveals the manifestation of Gods’ promise providing specific instruction for sacrifices. After reading you could surmise that in order for God to dwell among them they had to bring willing and ungrudging offerings, and sacrifices from their heart – to build His sanctuary. The Hebrew word for sanctuary implies a place of sacred space; holy, consecrated, offering asylum, or refuge. The root meaning for this word echoes many of the same meaning but adds a few more details: to prepare, dedicate, and separate.

Recently I asked in a service, How many were believers in Jesus? This question was followed by asking, If those who believed were followers of Jesus? Before Christmas I asked a trickier pair of questions: Were those present Committed to Jesus or Dedicated to Jesus? I followed that query with definitions. Commitment being defined as the decision to stick to a course of action regardless of difficulties or obstacles that may arise. A pledge or promise to follow through on a task, often with a stronger sense of obligation involved. Commitment being made with the head.

Dedication, on the other hand – implying a deeper, more passionate devotion to a course or goal; personal passion, devotion, and enthusiasm for a goal – pursuing it with excellence and quality regardless of reward or recognition; involving enthusiasm and faithfulness. Dedication, thus comes from the heart.

What’s the point?Believers” in Jesus are often committed to Jesus but lack the dedication of “Followers” of Jesus. “Believers“, without a dedication of their heart, will simply attend church, as a spectator in the sanctuary. “Followers”of Jesus, dedicated to Jesus from their heart, build the sanctuary, the sacred space – where Jesus dwells and speaks. “Believers“, who are simply committed to the idea of Church, and worship – miss meeting with Jesus by 18”. 18″ being the distance between the mind and the heart. What enjoyment and experience committed “Believers” in Jesus have is created by the heart “Followers” and lovers of Jesus. The “Dedicated” – “Followers”, willingly, and ungrudgingly bring their offerings, and sacrifices to meet with the Lord. They prepare, separate, and dedicate themselves to the Lover of their soul. They become His sanctuary, His meeting place. Taking all of that into account, How would you categorize those who “visit” church, and worship infrequently, and half-heartedly? They are neither the “Committed” or “Dedicated” often having the attitude of being a consumer rather than a giver – often joining in with the other spectators. The “Givers” are the “Lovers” who respond to His calling, and His wooing – they are not spectating. Obviously this raises a whole lot of questions. Are you preparing, dedicating, and separating yourself to worship and meet with Jesus? Are you responding to His calling, and wooing? Are you bringing the sacrifices and offerings willing, and ungrudgingly?

No King But Caesar?

In the Book of Exodus 7:10-12 Moses records the following: So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did as the Lord had commanded; Aaron threw down his rod before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent.11 Then Pharaoh called for the wise men [skilled in magic and divination] and the sorcerers (wizards and jugglers). And they also, these magicians of Egypt, did similar things with their enchantments and secret arts.12 For they cast down every man his rod and they became serpents; but Aaron’s rod swallowed up their rods. Interestingly enough in Exodus 3 Moses’ shepherds rod becomes a serpent. When taking the account regarding Aaron, Pharaohs magicians, and the showdown of the serpent rods one could deduce that the “King Snake” swallowed up all the other snakes. Also, you must add that the Shepherd became a King – this is true regarding Moses and Jesus.

I was curious about the etymology of our English word king and wondered where it all derived. The online etymology dictionary provides the following: a late Old English contraction of cyning “king, ruler” (also used as a title), from Proto-Germanic *kuningaz (source also of Dutch koning, Old Norse konungr, Danish konge, Old Saxon and Old High German kuning, Middle High German künic, German König). It proceeds to state that the word implied a leader of the people, noble birth, a chief, or ruler.

What I found interesting was the late Old English contraction cyning. When I seek to sound it out at first it sounds like I am saying, sinning. Which calls us back to the accounts in Exodus 3, and 7. Were you aware that Pharaoh wore a headdress which bore the symbol of a cobra? Incidentally you will see that symbol on King Tuts burial mask. The cobra symbol is called the uraeus, which is an upright or rearing cobra. It derives from the worship of the goddess Widget – the patroness and protector of the Nile Delta and all of Lower Egypt. Uraeus was a symbol of royalty, divine authority, and sovereignty. Pharaohs wore the uraeus as part of their crown, and it was often depicted with a golden sun-disk on top. The pharaohs thought they were gods and it was only fitting that their “priests” were able to perform supernatural feats.

What many Christians and Jews fail to realize is that Moses and Aaron were sent by God for a showdown with the “so-called” gods of Egypt, and to force all of these idols to bow before the feet of the True Shepherd-King – Jesus! It’s interesting to note that even in Herod’s day (1445 years from the reign of Pharaoh) it was a crime, (whose punishment was immediate death) to say you were a king – as there was no king except Caesar. Which sadly during Jesus’ trial before Pilate the chief priests stated, “We have no king but Caesar” (John 19:15). (The chief priests would not even acknowledge that only God was their King).

In 2025 you need to ask are you “cyning making anything other than Jesus your Leader, King, Ruler, or Chief? Jesus is the King Snake who has come to swallow up all other so-called gods, or rulers and He rewards those who make that distinction with a crown of their own. But His crown will not have the depiction of the serpent, satan. No, Jesus’ crown, will only fit on the heads of those who have made Jesus their Crown. In 2025 why not surrender and bow your thoughts and actions to the King of all kings, and the Lord of all lords? Will He be your King? Will you allow Him to swallow up all that has ruled your life?

Let There Be Light!

A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays records: The Feast of Tabernacles is by far the most festive and joyous occasions. History records that four huge candelabra were constructed, lighted, and attended by young men ascending ladders periodically with pitchers of oil to keep them burning. The light from these lamps illuminated the whole city, and around them danced distinguished men with torches in their hands, singing hymns and songs of praise. The dancing as well as the music continued until daybreak. It was an extravaganza.

Some scholars believe Jesus was referring to Sukkot when the following happened in John 8:1-12 But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him; and He sat down and taught them. Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?” This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear.So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. 10 When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, “Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?”11 She said, “No one, Lord. And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” 12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” NKJV

Sukkot is a reminder that Jesus has come to shine His Light into the works of the devils darkness: Ephesians 5:8-14 For once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of Light [lead the lives of those native-born to the Light].For the fruit (the effect, the product) of the Light or the Spirit [consists] in every form of kindly goodness, uprightness of heart, and trueness of life.10 And try to learn [in your experience] what is pleasing to the Lord [let your lives be constant proofs of what is most acceptable to Him].11 Take no part in and have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds and enterprises of darkness, but instead [let your lives be so in contrast as to] expose and reprove and convict them.12 For it is a shame even to speak of or mention the things that [such people] practice in secret.13 But when anything is exposed and reproved by the light, it is made visible and clear; and where everything is visible and clear there is light.14 Therefore He says, Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine (make day dawn) upon you and give you light. AMPC

Sukkot is a reminder to awake spiritually allowing the Light of Christ to shine into your darkness and the dark works of the evil one. We accomplish this through allowing the Light of His Word to be absorbed into every aspect of our life. This requires the Light of His Word to become more than a Sunday thing and more of a lifestyle thing. Faith, obedience and submission become the keys to unlock the padlock securing the chains of our demonic strongholds. Where His Light shines in us – His Light shines through us – to those who are bound by works of darkness. It is through His Light we are called to destroy the works of darkness. In a sense, we become liberators of captives who have been enslaved to the works of darkness. Sukkot reminds that our liberation is a call to liberate others.

Romans 13:12 exhorts: The night is far gone and the day is almost here. Let us then drop (fling away) the works and deeds of darkness and put on the [full] armor of light. AMPC

In The Twinkling of An Eye

A weird event is mentioned in the book of Matthew. It is known as the Transfiguration of Jesus. What most do not see is that there is a reference to Sukkot revealed in the event. And many do not realize that what happened to Jesus on that mountain was only a preview of the Resurrection of Jesus and all who would trust in His Name. In other words, the bodily transformation Jesus manifested is what awaits all who are His sons and daughters. Matthew 17:1-9 states: And six days after this, Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves.And His appearance underwent a change in their presence; and His face shone clear and bright like the sun, and His clothing became as white as light.And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, who kept talking with Him.Then Peter began to speak and said to Jesus, Lord, it is good and delightful that we are here; if You approve, I will put up three booths here—one for You and one for Moses and one for Elijah.While he was still speaking, behold, a shining cloud [composed of light] overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, This is My Son, My Beloved, with Whom I am [and have always been] delighted. Listen to Him!When the disciples heard it, they fell on their faces and were seized with alarm and struck with fear.But Jesus came and touched them and said, Get up, and do not be afraid.And when they raised their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only.And as they were going down the mountain, Jesus cautioned and commanded them, Do not mention to anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead. AMPC

Did you catch the Sukkot reference? Then Peter began to speak and said to Jesus, Lord, it is good and delightful that we are here; if You approve, I will put up three booths here—one for You and one for Moses and one for Elijah. Matthew 17:4

Peter was thinking of Sukkot or Tabernacles. But hidden in plain sight is a reference to our destiny. Romans 8:30 alludes to this event: And those whom He thus foreordained, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified (acquitted, made righteous, putting them into right standing with Himself). And those whom He justified, He also glorified [raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being]. AMPC

This word glorified refers to a bedrock doctrine of Christianity. What is glorification? Got Questions provides an answer: The short answer is that “glorification” is God’s final removal of sin from the life of the saints (i.e., everyone who is saved) in the eternal state (Romans 8:182 Corinthians 4:17). At Christ’s coming, the glory of God (Romans 5:2)—His honor, praise, majesty, and holiness—will be realized in us; instead of being mortals burdened with sin nature, we will be changed into holy immortals with direct and unhindered access to God’s presence, and we will enjoy holy communion with Him throughout eternity.Final glorification must await the manifestation of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ (Titus 2:131 Timothy 6:14)….How and when will we be finally glorified? At the last trumpet, when Jesus comes, the saints will undergo a fundamental, instant transformation (“we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye” – 1 Corinthians 15:51); then the “perishable” will put on the “imperishable” (1 Corinthians 15:53). According to Philippians 3:20–21, our citizenship is in heaven, and when our Savior returns He will transform our lowly bodies “to be like His glorious body.” Although it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, we know that, when He returns in great glory, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is (1 John 3:2). We will be perfectly conformed to the image of our Lord Jesus and be like Him in that our humanity will be free from sin and its consequences. Our blessed hope should spur us on to holiness, the Spirit enabling us. “Everyone who thus hopes in Him purifies himself as He is pure” (1 John 3:3).

Sukkot is the time we look up to see if we are about to be glorified with Jesus. Regarding this topic of our physical bodies resurrection from the dead C.H. Spurgeon, the prince of preachers, once remarked: The body, then, is the Lord’s. Christ died not only to save my soul, but to save my body. It is said he “came to seek and to save that which was lost.” When Adam sinned he lost his body, and he lost his soul too; he was a lost man, lost altogether. And when Christ came to save his people, he came to save their bodies and their souls. …Is this body for the Lord, and shall death devour it? Is this body for the Lord, and shall winds scatter its particles far away where they never shall discover their fellows? No! the body is for the Lord, and the Lord shall have it. “And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise us by his own power.” Now look at the next verse: “Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ.” Not merely is the soul a part of Christ—united to Christ, but the body is also. These hands, these feet, these eyes, are members of Christ, if I be a child of God. I am one with him, not merely as to my mind, but one with him as to this outward frame. The very body is taken into union. The golden chain which binds Christ to his people goes round the body and soul too. Did not the apostle say “they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery; but I speak concerning Christ and the Church?”—Ephesians v. 31, 32. “They are one flesh;” and Christ’s people are not only one with him in spirit, but they are “one flesh” too. The flesh of man is united with the flesh of the God-man; and our bodies are members of Jesus Christ. 

John Hancock

Often when we ask for a person’s signature, we will call it their “John Hancock.” This is because of the fifty-six signatures on the Declaration of Independence, one stands out above the rest. That signature belongs to John Hancock. He was the first to sign the declaration and he signed it in a large and legible script so that the King of England could read his name without using glasses. Mr. Hancock wanted it to be very clear where his allegiance lay. His commitment to his country was so clear that when King George III offered amnesty to all who would cease fighting, John Hancock was among the select few who were left out of the offer.

A similar thing happened to Moses. Its found in Exodus 34:5-7 Now the Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord. 6 And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, 7 keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.”

At first it appears to be pretty pompous of the Lord. But when we seek to connect to the Lord, listening for His still small Voice to teach us, He will lead us to the Truth, guiding us beyond what offends our natural minds. As I sought Him He surprised me with His answer. Numbers 6:24-27 “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ’ “So they shall put My name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them.” God places His Name upon His people through His Word. Add to that this revelation: Psalms 138:2 I will worship toward Your holy temple and praise Your name for Your loving-kindness and for Your truth and faithfulness; for You have exalted above all else Your name and Your word and You have magnified Your word above all Your name! God magnifies His Word above His Name. Let that sink in. Reading this for the first time you immediately think of the Scripture, and that would be right. Yet consider that Jesus is the Living Word of God. In essence, God was exalting Jesus – the Word above His Name, and writing His Sons’ Name onto the heart of Moses. And don’t forget Acts 11:26 …and in Antioch the disciples were first called Christ…..ians. Jesus put His Word in their hearts along with His Name! The good news for us is that God writes His Name – Jesus, Yeshua – on our hearts through His Word. Through our obedience and surrender in our wilderness; and in our dying spiritually to ourselves through prayer, fasting, seeking, submission, and obedience. As we meet Him – the Word, outside the camp, at Christ’s crucifixion, He is, and will continue to write His Name – His Word – His Story – on our hearts. That’s pretty powerful.

Abandoned By God?

In the movie, ‘Faith Like a Potato,’ a farmer with anger management issues becomes a follower of Christ in South Africa. Surrendering His life to Jesus leads him to become a follower of His Word, and this leads him to take a bold, step of faith. Needing to bring in money for his family, he decides to plant a crop of potatoes. Being that his farm is in South Africa, the land is very dry. Most would think it was dead and no life could come from it. With no rain, he begins to question his decision to plant. So after a while of waiting, he and his farm hand decide to take a chance and dig, but first they pray. As he begins to dig, what is revealed is astonishing. The seed yields crops twice the size of what is expected. How is that? He was looking for signs of rain, signs of growth above ground. All the while there was water running underneath the ground.

When we begin seeking Jesus through prayer and fasting at first it feels dry, arid and lonely. Then you begin to wonder if He has passed you by – rejected, and abandoned you. But just under the surface a River is flowing watering the seeds of your faith as you cry out to catch fire with the Presence of God. What seems to be paradoxical, and a contradiction, actually makes perfect sense in the realm of the supernatural, Kingdom of God. How can water start a fire? How can life, come from something that appears to be dry, and dead? How can God be near when He feels so far away?

Following Israel’s idolatrous practices at the golden calf Moses receives some distressing news. Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey; but I will not go up among you, for you are a stiff-necked people, lest I destroy you on the way. (Exodus 33:3) Could you imagine being Moses? You have abandoned your way of life, and seen God do amazing miracles through you, and for His people. And just as it seems you are nearing the finishing line – God says He’s leaving you. You can hear his anxiety as you read some of the discussions he had with God: Moses said to the Lord, See, You say to me, Bring up this people, but You have not let me know whom You will send with me. Yet You said, I know you by name and you have also found favor in My sight. (Exodus 33:12)

And Moses said to the Lord, If Your Presence does not go with me, do not carry us up from here! For by what shall it be known that I and Your people have found favor in Your sight? Is it not in Your going with us so that we are distinguished, I and Your people, from all the other people upon the face of the earth? (Exodus 33:15-16)

And he said, If now I have found favor and loving-kindness in Your sight, O Lord, let the Lord, I pray You, go in the midst of us, although it is a stiff-necked people, and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for Your inheritance. (Exodus 34:9)

Moses was sweating bullets knowing that if God abandoned them the watching world would begin to mock God, and His people. But God was working in that dry patch of wilderness. Something was happening beneath the surface that couldn’t be detected by the natural eye. In Exodus 33:14 it appears as if God is contradicting Himself, or at least appearing to change His mind, when He replies: And the Lord said, My Presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest. But notice that God didn’t say He would go with them. He said His Presence…would go with them. In fact God states in Exodus 33:2 that an Angel would go before them: I will send an Angel before you, and I will drive out the Canaanite, Amorite, Hittite, Perizzite, Hivite, and Jebusite. What’s odd is that this Angel represents God and His Presence. He speaks for God in the first Person as you see in other Biblical references to this Angel. The Amplified Classic Translation has the following footnote for Gen. 16:7: “The Angel of the Lord” or “of God” or “of His presence” is readily identified with the Lord God (Gen. 16:11, 13; 22:11, 12; 31:11, 13; Exod. 3:1-6 and other passages). But it is obvious that the “Angel of the Lord” is a distinct person in Himself from God the Father (Gen. 24:7; Exod. 23:20; Zech. 1:12, 13 and other passages). Nor does the “Angel of the Lord” appear again after Christ came in human form. He must of necessity be One of the “three-in-one” Godhead. The “Angel of the Lord” is the visible Lord God of the Old Testament, as Jesus Christ is of the New Testament. Thus His deity is clearly portrayed in the Old Testament. The Cambridge Bible observes, “There is a fascinating forecast of the coming Messiah, breaking through the dimness with amazing consistency, at intervals from Genesis to Malachi. Abraham, Moses, the slave girl Hagar, the impoverished farmer Gideon, even the humble parents of Samson, had seen and talked with Him centuries before the herald angels proclaimed His birth in Bethlehem.”

What appeared as God’s abandoning His servant Moses, and His people, was actually a blessing in disguise. Pre-incarnate Jesus was going to be with them, and go before them, to prepare the way. In your walk with the Lord, there are times when it will appear as if God has passed you by, or even abandoned you. Don’t you believe it. Rise up in faith, pressing into the God of the unseen as if He is seen – trusting that He hasn’t gone anywhere. He is simply adjusting your focus and perspective to receive greater revelations of Who He really is. Don’t give up, and don’t give in – Immanuel, is near. The God Who called you to pray, fast and seek Him is the God that is planning a surprise party, and a bumper crop of His Glory and Presence.

Confession & Declaration 27

Revelation 5:8 And when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders [of the heavenly Sanhedrin] prostrated themselves before the Lamb. Each was holding a harp (lute or guitar), and they had golden bowls full of incense (fragrant spices and gums for burning), which are the prayers of God’s people (the saints).

This scene occurs in Heaven’s Throne Room. What’s phenomenal to me is the last part of verse 8: golden bowls full of incense (fragrant spices and gums for burning), which are the prayers of God’s people (the saints).

Think on that: Golden bowls of incense which are the prayers of the saints. We have no idea how precious we are to God. Yet here in this passage it is so beautifully illustrated. Your prayers, and my prayers are mingled with the prayers of all the saints, from all the ages. Can you imagine? Your prayers are mingled with Noah’s, Abraham’s, Isaac’s, Jacob’s, Joseph’s, Moses’, and Joshua’s. They are mingled with the prayers of the prophets, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel. Crazier still? Our prayers have been mingled with the prayers of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. That should cause you to pause.

Now you might ask, What does this have to do with overcoming the enemy? The answers are varied but ultimately you should be getting a picture of what a treasure you are to God. The enemy wants to remind you of your frailties, and failures. He wants to accuse and condemn you. What you need to see is that there’s a reason why that is. Do you remember the meditation regarding being co-heirs with Christ? Do you remember that all things that belong to Jesus – belong to us? Well guess who Jesus owns? All the angels and demons. And Jesus shares that ownership with you. The devil hates you because Jesus Christ so valued mankind that He chose to share the stewardship of the entire universe with us. In comparison to angels we are frail, puny, weak men, and women. Yet God shares the stewardship of the universe with us – entrusting us – through our prayers. Prayers which move the heart and hand of God. Prayers, which are led by the Spirit of God, lifted before the Father, through Jesus. Your prayers shape world events. Your prayers move through the universe ushering in the Kingdom of God. Thus, you overcome the accuser through the prayers of the Spirit lifted before your Intercessor Jesus. And God the Father? He answers with thunder, power and wonder.

Declaration 27: Holy Father I stand amazed and awed by Your great love and the mystery of choosing man to co-labor along side of You. Thank You for including us in the stewardship of the world. Thank You for choosing me to know You. Thank You for praying through me – intermingling my intercessions with those of the Spirit, Jesus, and the saints. Thank You that I am a co-heir with Jesus, through Jesus’ conquering resurrection. Through Your Resurrection and Ascension Satan is defeated, and death has lost its sting! Thank You Jesus that Your coming back and that I will reign with You! Grant me Grace and the Power of Your Spirit to add more and more prayers to the golden bowls before Your Return. Grant me Grace and the Power of Your Spirit to pray in Your Spirit, from my spirit, as I abide in Your Word – let Your Words abide in me. Hallelujah I thank You Jesus that the Living Word of God dwells in me and that I am seated in heavenly realms with You!

Who’s Your One? Wednesday, February 5, Day 24