
Confession & Declaration 23

Romans 8:9 But you are not living the life of the flesh, you are living the life of the Spirit, if the [Holy] Spirit of God [really] dwells within you [directs and controls you]. But if anyone does not possess the [Holy] Spirit of Christ, he is none of His [he does not belong to Christ, is not truly a child of God].

The point I want you to see from this passage is that you are Jesus’ purchased possession. You can know that you belong to Jesus because of the indwelling Holy Spirit. How can we know for sure that we have the Indwelling Holy Spirit? The internet site, Got Questions, gives us a list of 12 things the Holy Spirit does for a believer:

As the Holy Spirit lives in the believer, He brings about some life-changing results:

1) The indwelling Spirit comes to a soul dead in sin and creates new life (Titus 3:5). This is the new birth Jesus spoke of in John 3:1–8.

2) The indwelling Spirit confirms to the believer that he belongs to the Lord and is an heir of God and fellow-heir with Christ (Romans 8:15–17).

3) The indwelling Spirit gives spiritual gifts (God-given abilities for service) to the believer to edify the church and serve the Lord effectively for His glory (1 Corinthians 12:11).

4) The indwelling Spirit helps the believer understand and apply the Scripture to his daily life (1 Corinthians 2:12).

5) The indwelling Spirit enriches the believer’s prayer life and intercedes for him in prayer (Romans 8:26–27).

6) The indwelling Holy Spirit empowers the yielded believer to live for Christ to do His will (Galatians 5:16). The Spirit leads the believer in paths of righteousness (Romans 8:14).

7) The indwelling Spirit gives evidence of new life by producing the fruit of the Spirit in the believer’s life (Galatians 5:22–23).

8) The indwelling Spirit is grieved when the believer sins (Ephesians 4:30), and He convicts the believer to confess his sin to the Lord so that fellowship is restored (1 John 1:9).

9) The indwelling Spirit seals the believer unto the day of redemption so that the believer’s arrival in the Lord’s presence is guaranteed after this life (Ephesians 1:13–14).

10) The indwelling Holy Spirit reminds the believer of things that Jesus has said, and teaches them all things (John 14:26)

11) The indwelling Holy Spirit testifies about Jesus to the believer (John 15:26)

12) The indwelling Holy Spirit will guides the believer into all truth, telling them of things that will happen in the future. (John 16:13, 14)

When you accept Christ as your Savior (Romans 10:9–13), the Holy Spirit takes up residence in your heart, bringing with Him an entirely new life of love, relationship, and service to the Lord.

Because you belong to Jesus the Holy Spirit builds God’s Home in You and fills it with Him – the Spirit of Truth!

Declaration 23: I thank You Jesus that I overcome the accuser of the brothers through Your Blood and the Indwelling Holy Spirit. Because of His Indwelling Presence I know that I belong to You. Through Him new life has been created in me, and I have died to sin. Through Him I have His Inner Witness that I belong to Jesus and He belongs to me. Through the Holy Spirit I have access to the Gifts of the Spirit resident in Him. Through Him I know I belong to Jesus because He prays through me. I know that I belong to Jesus because the Holy Spirit leads me to righteousness, empowering me to yield my life to daily surrender to Jesus. I know that I belong to Jesus because the fruits of the Spirit manifest through my life, especially when I desperately need them. I know that I belong to Jesus because the Spirit reminds me of things that Jesus has said, and teaches me the meaning of God’s Word. I know that I belong to Jesus because the Holy Spirit helps me to know Who Jesus is, leading me into all truth and even revealing to me things that will happen in the future. Thank You Jesus! I am Yours and You are mine! Thank You that we belong together!

Who’s Your One? Day 19, Friday, January 31