
3 Times A Year

Three times a year shall all your males appear before the Lord your God in the place which He chooses: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, at the Feast of Weeks, and at the Feast of Tabernacles or Booths. They shall not appear before the Lord empty-handed (Dt. 16:16 AMPC)

Tomorrow night we are going to celebrate Pentecost which is a holiday, or holy day celebrated by Jews and Christians every year. The Church holiday bases their date of Sunday, May 31 on the Gregorian calendar, whereas the Jewish date of Friday-Saturday, May 29-30 is based on God’s calendar. I say God’s calendar because if we believe the Word of the Lord to be true – from “Kiver to Kiver” (Cover to Cover) – then we also believe that God gave these feasts and festivals to His people for a purpose. Now when I say, His people, I am referring both to Jew, and those who have been ingrafted into the Fig Tree that Israel is through the righteousness of Abraham. We have become the circumcised of the heart and God’s Law has been written upon our hearts. The question is, How does all of this apply to the modern day saint in the 21st century?

Recently I was convicted by the revelation that in two out of the three feasts something significant happened. (I could make an argument for all three but I will spare you the details. Suffice it to say that an argument could be made that Jesus was actually born during the Feast of Tabernacles based on several prophecies regarding Jesus being Immanuel – “the God Who Tabernacles or Dwells with His people“) We know that Jesus was crucified during Passover, and the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Day of Pentecost. It is my opinion that Jesus will return during the Feast of Tabernacles. Again this would take a great deal of time to explain but I’ll leave you with a little tidbit of information to consider: Why did the Jews lay down palm branches when Jesus was entering Jerusalem? (Palm branches were specifically used during the Feast of Tabernacles). My answer would be, that the Jews associated the Palm Branches with Tabernacles, or Sukkot, and with the coming of the Messiah. My conviction expanded into the realization that if God told His people that they had to gather on these three significant holidays, and on two of the three holidays Jesus appeared, then it would behoove us believers to also gather on the three holidays for Inspection (Passover, and Ridding ourselves of the yeast, or leaven of sin); for Dedication and Consecration (Pentecost was an offering of the very best of their first fruits from harvest); and lastly, for Preparation (Tabernacles was preceded by Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement in which the people sought to draw near to God, repent of sin, and prepare for God drawing near to them). Thus, by the Grace of God, and His Spirit our church will celebrate these three readying ourselves for Christ’s Return.

If we are practicing all three then we too will be prepared when the Trumpet Blasts sound from the Heavens and the saints are gathered to meet Him in the air. May the Spirit of Revelation set us free from the powerful delusion that has come upon the mainstream church that does not love the Truth, or know (ginosko) Him. Lord willing I will see you tomorrow night for our Pentecost meal.

Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

There was an old song from the band Chicago Transit Authority back in 1969 titled, “Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?” There’s a line in the lyrics that says: “People runnin’ everywhere, Don’t know where to go, Don’t know where I am, Can’t see past the next step, Don’t have time to think past the last mile, Have no time to look around, Just run around, run around and think why”

I bet if people from 1969 were to visit our world that they would think our life is a blur in comparison. Which begs the question, “Do you have time to know what time it is?” According to God – that is?

The Jewish new year began at sundown, Sunday night and went through sundown Tuesday night. Thus today marks a countdown in what the Jewish people called the “Days of Awe.” You may be tempted to ask, “What business does a Christian have with things that are Jewish?” Do you mean other than Jesus, the 12 Disciples, and the Bible? Obviously there are a whole lot of things we are already doing “business” with. Yet there is still one more thing that many Christians ignore because, mistakenly, they believe that it was done away with the Law. What in particular am I referring to? Why I am referring to God’s Calendar. God’s calendar is portrayed in His holy days. The holy days being Passover, Pentecost, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Hanukah.

IN the beginning God created time and you can rest assured that He intended that events on earth should reflect heavenly realities. The Apostle Paul stated that the events that God put on the Jewish calendar were to be to us as a tutor (Gal. 3:24). In fact he stated that they were a “shadow” of things that were to come or occur (Col. 2:16-17). In Lev. 23:2 God calls the feasts of Israel, His calendared items, His “appointed times.”

From today through sundown September 18 the Jewish people observe a time of fasting, confession of sin, and repentance. Thus you have ten days of seeking God through recognizing your sins, asking for forgiveness and grace to repent. It was more than a New Year’s resolution. It was to be a complete life change.

As I arose early this morning to pray and seek the Lord I pondered why there were 10 days. I wondered how many objects were used to worship God in the Tabernacle and I realized if you count the door (there was only one way in and out of the Tabernacle) that there were only 7. Wanting to ignore the obvious I kept hoping there was something that seemed deeper, but when it was all said and done I could only come up with the 10 Commandments. Then it hit me: “What if I took one commandment for each day, meditating on it, using it to prompt me in my confession?”

The first commandment is “You shall have no other gods before me.” That didn’t hit me that hard until the Spirit of God stirred up Jesus’ teaching on this matter. In Matt. 22:37-38 “And He replied to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (intellect). This is the great (most important, principal) and first commandment.” When I lined my life up against that passage I realized I did have other “gods.” They were things that I loved more than God. Things I had given my whole heart, soul and mind to. Even as I type this I realize that there are some more sins I need to confess. Because even when something is good, like loving my wife or children, I can place them above God. I’ve had times in my life where I loved the martial arts, exercise, scuba diving, and entertainment more than I did God. Also when you think about it, “what is a god?” A god can be anything I place or put my trust in. In fact a god can be anything I serve. What we serve and trust above God, is a god.

God give us these calendared reminders because He knows we all have a tendency to drift off course, especially when our center isn’t His Word and Spirit but our selves. So I wanted to take this time to invite you to join me in seeking God, making an appointment to get on His calendar. Who knows what might happen. Jesus was born according to God’s calendar, crucified according to God’s calendar, raised from the dead on God’s calendar, and His Spirit was poured out on God’s calendar. Guess what else? He’s coming back on God’s calendar. Get on God’s calendar and possibly while you are participating Jesus will show up and you will experience Him in ways you never imagined.