
Jesus Fast Day 6

Atomic Power
“As the Creator is greater than that which He has created, so is the power wielded by the Christian through fasting and prayer greater than that wielded by the atomic scientist.” – Franklin Hall

The next three devotional days may be review for many of you, but these stories are prophetically and Biblically foundational to everything we will discuss. If you have heard these stories before, bear with me. If this is your first time hearing these stories, you will understand why I am gripped by God to call the global Church into the 40-day fast and extended seasons of fasting and prayer during this pregnant moment and decade.

In 1999, I was approached by a Youth With A Mission (YWAM) leader who asked me to help him call the whole world to a 40-day fast to unleash the harvest of the new Millenium. I thought to myself, “Lord how can I call the world? Nobody knows who I am. But if this is you, have a prophet call me with a dream that I am flying a plane and dropping an atomic bomb.”

There was a reason for this somewhat unreasonable request. At the time, I was reading a book that would be pivotal in my life’s calling: Atomic Power With God Thru Fasting And Prayer by Franklin Hall. That very night, a prophet called me with that exact dream! I was flying a plane and dropping an atomic bomb! Whoa!

It was in 1946 that Franklin Hall released this booklet and it began to fly across the world, moving thousands to enter into long fasts for evangelistic power and harvest breakthrough. It seemed that for an entire season the spirit and grace of fasting rested on the Church. Reports of fasting from around the world began to come forth, with many testifying of God’s supernatural power and salvation.

But I believe much more was happening. I am now convinced that a global season of fasting and prayer precipitated a worldwide miracle harvest. Franklin Hall said that 1946 through 1950 was a fasting era. By 1952, two hundred thousand Atomic Power books and over six million pieces of literature were published and distributed all over the world by Hall and his team.

 Within the year following Hall’s release of Atomic Power, healing evangelists like Oral Roberts and T.L. Osborn launched their ministries with extended fasting. T.L. Osborn read Hall’s book in 1947 and was stirred to enter into long fastings which launched him into one of the most remarkable evangelistic careers. Hundreds of thousands attended his crusades. Miraculous healings and deliverances followed. Osborn thanked Hall for his impact through the book, saying, “Our lives have been revolutionized by fasting and prayer.” Oral Roberts fasted seven months in 1947 and then his renowned healing ministry broke out.

Franklin Hall’s newsletter stated that, “A few of the other (not too well-known then) ministers who had major fasting experiences by our writings in the 1946, 1947 to 1950 fasting era and who also became famous (as healing evangelists) are: Wm. Freeman, Gordon Lindsay, A.A. Allen, O.L. Jaggers, Gayle Jackson, Oral Roberts, David Nunn, Wm. Branham, W.V. Grant, Wm. Hagen, Dale Hanson, and Tommy Hicks” (Don’t Cry For Me Argentina).

Do you see the pattern? Unknown evangelists rediscovered the power of The Jesus Fast (extended fasting without food) and a divine reenactment of Jesus’ power exploded on the earth. That was 70+ years ago. The sick and the dying, the harassed and the helpless, demand a new manifestation of Jesus’ healing power.

And shall not we, the children of these Pentecostal forerunners, turn our hearts back to them and return to the sacrifice of the 40-day fast? What if thousands globally entered into The Jesus Fast? I tell you, stadiums will be filled all over the globe and the world will come flocking to Jesus, who is the Savior, Healer, Baptizer, and Soon-Coming King!

This is not theory, friends. This is what happened when men and women read Atomic Power. And this 40-day devotional series is their testimony. More to come on Tommy Hicks and the rest of these guys later!


God the Mighty One! We cry out to you! Unleash your spiritual atomic power through my life and through your church. Release a worldwide mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit that we may be your witnesses!