

We are familiar with the nonsensical word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious used in the Disney movie Mary Poppins. Those born in the 20th century are well aware of the degradation of the English language in which presently elementary age children are taught to simply spell a word based on what they feel. Modern media talking heads, and social elites freely redefine words attaching new meanings to fundamental understandings of the concepts expressed in the word. Unfortunately the same recklessness has been used regarding the word Christian. C.S. Lewis observed: unbelievers,…will no doubt cheerfully use the word [Christian] in the refined sense. It will become in their mouths simply a term of praise. In calling anyone a Christian they will mean that they think him a good man. But that way of using the word will be no enrichment of the language, for we already have the word “Good.” Meanwhile, the word Christian will have been spoiled for any really useful purpose it might have served.

The following words, committed, believer, dedicated, and follower all appear to be very similar in that in our usage of the English language they have become synonymous with the title of Christian. George Orwell once remarked: “The slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts… if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” Truth be known there is a distinct difference between the usage of these words that should warrant our attention because they have corrupted our thought.

Leviticus 1:1-2 The Lord called to Moses out of the Tent of Meeting, and said to him,Say to the Israelites, When any man of you brings an offering to the Lord, you shall bring your offering of [domestic] animals from the herd or from the flock. AMPC

In Exodus 25:1-2,8 the Lord instructs Moses to call Israel to bring offerings to build a sanctuary: And the Lord said to Moses,Speak to the Israelites, that they take for Me an offering. From every man who gives it willingly and ungrudgingly with his heart you shall take My offering.Let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them. Following this Moses receives detailed instructions for building the tabernacle or sanctuary: 21 You shall put the mercy seat on the top of the ark, and in the ark you shall put the Testimony [the Ten Commandments] that I will give you.22 There I will meet with you and, from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim that are upon the ark of the Testimony, I will speak intimately with you of all which I will give you in commandment to the Israelites. AMPC

Leviticus 1:1 reveals the manifestation of Gods’ promise providing specific instruction for sacrifices. After reading you could surmise that in order for God to dwell among them they had to bring willing and ungrudging offerings, and sacrifices from their heart – to build His sanctuary. The Hebrew word for sanctuary implies a place of sacred space; holy, consecrated, offering asylum, or refuge. The root meaning for this word echoes many of the same meaning but adds a few more details: to prepare, dedicate, and separate.

Recently I asked in a service, How many were believers in Jesus? This question was followed by asking, If those who believed were followers of Jesus? Before Christmas I asked a trickier pair of questions: Were those present Committed to Jesus or Dedicated to Jesus? I followed that query with definitions. Commitment being defined as the decision to stick to a course of action regardless of difficulties or obstacles that may arise. A pledge or promise to follow through on a task, often with a stronger sense of obligation involved. Commitment being made with the head.

Dedication, on the other hand – implying a deeper, more passionate devotion to a course or goal; personal passion, devotion, and enthusiasm for a goal – pursuing it with excellence and quality regardless of reward or recognition; involving enthusiasm and faithfulness. Dedication, thus comes from the heart.

What’s the point?Believers” in Jesus are often committed to Jesus but lack the dedication of “Followers” of Jesus. “Believers“, without a dedication of their heart, will simply attend church, as a spectator in the sanctuary. “Followers”of Jesus, dedicated to Jesus from their heart, build the sanctuary, the sacred space – where Jesus dwells and speaks. “Believers“, who are simply committed to the idea of Church, and worship – miss meeting with Jesus by 18”. 18″ being the distance between the mind and the heart. What enjoyment and experience committed “Believers” in Jesus have is created by the heart “Followers” and lovers of Jesus. The “Dedicated” – “Followers”, willingly, and ungrudgingly bring their offerings, and sacrifices to meet with the Lord. They prepare, separate, and dedicate themselves to the Lover of their soul. They become His sanctuary, His meeting place. Taking all of that into account, How would you categorize those who “visit” church, and worship infrequently, and half-heartedly? They are neither the “Committed” or “Dedicated” often having the attitude of being a consumer rather than a giver – often joining in with the other spectators. The “Givers” are the “Lovers” who respond to His calling, and His wooing – they are not spectating. Obviously this raises a whole lot of questions. Are you preparing, dedicating, and separating yourself to worship and meet with Jesus? Are you responding to His calling, and wooing? Are you bringing the sacrifices and offerings willing, and ungrudgingly?

Confession & Declaration 19

Just as a review. We have learned how we overcome satan the accuser, through the Blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony. This testimony of what the Blood has done reveals how we overcome satan as the devil, dragon, serpent, seducer, and accuser. 

Next we have been learning how the Blood secures for us cleansing – which is continually washing away your sins – past, present and future; propitiation, and atonement, having been brought near to the Mercy Seat of Jesus; justified – made as if you’ve never sinned, guiltless, innocent, and you’ve been freed from the power of sin; fellowship with the Godhead, and a co-sharing with all They are; you’ve been brought into the Eternal Now where your past and future have been severed by the Now of the Blood of Jesus; redeemed, ransomed, and purchased back from satan, death, hell, sin and the grave. You’ve been let go from imprisonment, and your debt has been paid; brought near and into His embrace reconciling you to do the good works Jesus does, brought into Israel’s covenant promises, tearing down the dividing wall between you and Him; Peace, and harmony have been restored between God the Father and you. You have  been reconciled to God, and now have entered God’s Shalom and Rest; your conscience has been cleansed and purified. All your guilt, shame and condemnation has been washed away; you have entered into a covenant with Jesus which has been sealed by His Blood, a new creation, and a living scroll or letter of the covenant you’ve made; you enter the Father’s Presence through holding fast your confession about the Blood; you are being saved (sozo) in mind, body, will and emotions; and you have been made complete – strengthened, perfected, and the way you ought to be. 

Now let me introduce you to a new thing which has happened as a result of Jesus’ Precious Blood: Hebrews 13:12 Therefore Jesus also suffered and died outside the [city’s] gate in order that He might purify and consecrate the people through [the shedding of] His own blood and set them apart as holy [for God]. 

At this point we need to be reminded you of two things: we are to be transformed in our thinking, and overcome the enemy through our confessing. The two things: transformed thinking and communication. Proverbs 23:7 states: For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. And that is our problem. What we think in our heart comes out of our mouths sealing the deal. What’s even scarier is the devil and his demons believe this more than you and I. You and I have to get our thinker and feeler to coincide with the Truth. Remember Truth is a Person! His Name is Jesus.

My goal has been to write these confessions, and declarations in order that you might reset your thinking, and talking. To get you back to the Garden. Back to who God made you to be in the first place. You were made for more and you haven’t understood the treasure you are to Christ. We need to begin fighting forward to the Victory that has already been secured by Christ and His Blood.

Thus along with all the other riches found in our salvation – you have been made sanctified or holy. This is really amazing you’ve been rendered sacred, hallowed, and consecrated to God. You and I have been separated from the common things and have been dedicated to Jesus – for His purposes. Involved in this meaning is the word reformed. You have not only been reborn – you have been reformed, cleansed, washed clean and made holy. You are holy. I dare you to say that out loud. Say: I am holy by the Blood of Jesus!  Doesn’t that feel weird in your mouth? Let’s declare it.

Declaration 19: Almighty God, and Righteous Savior, again I stand amazed. How could you love me this much? Yet, You went to the cross for me to make me appear before You holy. I am holy by the Blood of Jesus – my Lamb, and my God. I am holy. It sounds so weird to say it but yet you are transforming me even as we speak. You are “metamorpho- sizing” me. You are changing me into Your image. Thank You Jesus! You have sanctified, consecrated, hallowed and made me sacred to You, for your purposes. I overcome the accuser of the brothers through this fact that I belong to Jesus, and He is using me for His purposes. I’ve been separated from all that is common and ordinary – dedicated to Jesus. I am holy by the Precious Blood of the Lamb! And Lord Jesus I rededicate my self to You. Grant me Your Grace and the Power of Your Spirit to rise above the ordinary, and mundane; to be uniquely different from all that is average, ordinary, and plain. I don’t want to go through the motions any more. I don’t want to be a casual Christian. Baptize me afresh, and anew in Your Spirit so that I burn with Holy Fire. Be the Fuel to my flame. I love You Jesus. Thank You so much. Again, and again, thank You!

Who’s Your One: Day 15 Monday, January 27