
The Pain-Pleasure Worldview

2 Chronicles 1:5-7 Moreover, the bronze altar that Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, had made was there before the tabernacle of the Lord, and Solomon and the assembly sought [the Lord].Solomon went up there to the bronze altar before the Lord at the Tent of Meeting and offered 1,000 burnt offerings on it.That night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, Ask what I shall give you.

I searched the internet attempting to attach a modern day, monetary equivalent to Solomon’s sacrifice. One article suggested that the animals used for sacrifice would cost roughly one month wages of an average worker. Thus, Solomon sacrificed roughly 84 months of wages to seek God. That’s approximately seven years wages – in one day.

A western Christian would look at the cost of Solomon’s sacrifice and be highly offended. Offended at the sacrifice being an animal, and offended at the pain to see it through. Why is sacrifice offensive to Modern Christians?

Matthew Pickering, in his online article titled, THE CHALLENGE AND OPPORTUNITIES OF THE PAIN-PLEASURE WORLDVIEW, addresses this issue writing: Missiologist David Williams writes, “We are seeing the demise of guilt-innocence as the dominant worldview in Western cultures. I suggest that guilt-innocence is a fading paradigm. I think we are moving from being a guilt-innocence culture to becoming a pain-pleasure culture.” Our culture has changed. The new way of being in the world means all the following propositions and more. ‘I exist to pursue pleasure by becoming my true uninhibited self which can be anything I want it to be. Pleasure is good and therefore anything that limits or threatens my pleasure is bad. Pain is bad and anything that causes it is therefore also bad and should be avoided or even punished. If my pursuit is challenged, if it causes anxiety, if it is not working, I need therapy not correction.’

Pain and Pleasure participants, and adherents judge and dismiss Solomon’s Sacrifice as “over the top.” Interestingly, the person who wrote the book of 2 Chronicles took the time to count the number of animals sacrificed and record it. What’s sad is that the Pain-Pleasure Worldview has crept into the Church. Its’ members now count the number of songs sung, calculate the time spent traveling to and from church, and the number of minutes it takes for the sermon to be delivered. We’ve gone from picking up crosses, dying to ourselves, to wearing fashionable, miniature facsimiles.

Regarding this issue the writer of Hebrews states: Heb. 13:15 Through Him, therefore, let us constantly and at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name. AMPC Pain and Pleasure adherents moan and groan over such a thought: let us constantly and at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise??? Pain and Pleasure participants challenge this thinking disregarding its truths exposing who and what is the center of their worldview. (And it’s not Jesus). Psalm 50:23 states: He who brings an offering of praise and thanksgiving honors and glorifies Me; and he who orders his way aright [who prepares the way that I may show him], to him I will demonstrate the salvation of God. The real Jesus, not the velvet Jesus, or the hip, and cool, reimagined Jesus – points you to Someone and Something bigger than your pleasure-seeking, pain-avoiding SELF. Psalm 50 above compares sacrificial offerings of praise and thanksgiving as the means to order your way aright. The greater indictment is implied, Those who don’t order their lives around sacrificial thanksgiving and praise, aren’t glorifying Jesus. If we are not glorifying Jesus then who has taken His place? Glorifying something implies making something larger than anything else in comparison. Is our Western Culture making the Temple of Pleasure bigger than Jesus? Bigger than His crucifixion? Bigger than His Resurrection? Bigger than His Ascension? Bigger than His offer of salvation from an eternity of suffering in hell?

I’m reminded of the 2012 Marvel Movie, The Avengers, in which a character by the name of Loki – half brother to Thor states: ENOUGH! You are, all of you, beneath me! I am a god, you dull creature, and I shall not be bullied by–[Hulk grabs Loki by the legs and slams him around like a rag doll, then leaves him face-up on the floor in a crater]. Hulk: Puny god. [Walks off]

Maybe our culture needs to trade places with Jesus and restore to Him the only attribute that sums up Who He is: God Alone! But as Bobby Conner has stated, We have become too familiar with an unfamiliar God. Solomon wisely stated: Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. Guess Who Wisdom is in the Proverbs? That’s where we begin knowing Him.


Have you ever been hiking through the woods and couldn’t wait to get to the next clearing? Have you ever seen a mountain you just had to climb? Then you may have been experiencing what some would call “wanderlust.” Wanderlust is defined as a strong desire to wander or travel the world and can be expressed through an intense urge for self-development by experiencing the unknown, confronting unforeseen challenges, getting to know unfamiliar cultures, and ways of life or behaviors.

Hebrews 11:8-10 [Urged on] by faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed and went forth to a place which he was destined to receive as an inheritance; and he went, although he did not know or trouble his mind about where he was to go.[Prompted] by faith he dwelt as a temporary resident in the land which was designated in the promise [of God, though he was like a stranger] in a strange country, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, fellow heirs with him of the same promise.10 For he was [waiting expectantly and confidently] looking forward to the city which has fixed and firm foundations, whose Architect and Builder is God.

What would have happened if Abram had of disobeyed God and remained where he was, and as he was? We would be missing the greatest event ever to intersect human history – Jesus!

This morning Oswald Chambers stated: Are you thirsty, or complacent and indifferent— so satisfied with your own experience that you want nothing more of God? Experience is a doorway, not a final goal. (My Utmost For His Highest)

Imagine going to the base of Mount Everest and ignoring it, or traveling to the Grand Canyon, and taking a nap. Imagine someone traveling all the way to the beaches of the Great Barrier Reef only to remain on its shores building sand castles. Imagine being brought to the feet of Jesus only to say “I’m satisfied with my own experience and I want nothing more of You?” But, unfortunately that’s what many choose to do remaining tethered to the dock of their salvation experience, refusing to wade out into the depths of the River and Ocean of God’s Holy Spirit.

That day you surrendered to Jesus should have been the scariest event in your life. (Have you ever really, surrendered?) In that moment you made a commitment to let go of the keel of your life’s ship, and let Him take you out into the depths of the unknown. You did it then – who snuck up behind you and tethered you back to the dock? It’s time to unfurl the sails of your life, loose the ropes of familiarity and comfort, and let the wind of God’s Spirit blow you to worlds unknown.