
In God We Trust?

2 John 5-6 And now I beg you, lady (Cyria), not as if I were issuing a new charge (injunction or command), but [simply recalling to your mind] the one we have had from the beginning, that we love one another. And what this love consists in is this: that we live and walk in accordance with and guided by His commandments (His orders, ordinances, precepts, teaching). This is the commandment, as you have heard from the beginning, that you continue to walk in love [guided by it and following it].

It sounds so simple to obey the command to love. But in reality it’s easy to love the people we like or that love and like us. The difficult people not so much. I’ve been pastoring for over 30 years and I have had the “blessing” of being on the receiving end of all of the above. Practicing this command hasn’t gotten any easier but I can say that the Lord has given me some tools to help cope with the pain that comes from rejection, hurt, criticism and pain. What are some of those tools?

  1. Become like Jesus. That’s a simple but profound truth. It’s been said you can’t become an overcomer till you have been given something to overcome. The same is true of becoming like Jesus. If I am going to “become” then I will need to face the challenges that do not look or sound like Jesus. When I am challenged I am learning to see that as an opportunity to become like Jesus. In other words, I lean into the pain. John 4 states that Jesus had need to go to Samaria. Samaritans hated Jews. Thus you can infer from this passage that Jesus had need to be rejected. He knew He would grow through it.
  2. Pray to see the person or difficult situation as Jesus sees them (or it). In the Book of Genesis God goes looking for Adam and Eve after they had eaten the forbidden fruit. Adam tells the Lord that he had hidden himself because he was afraid; and I was naked. The Lord wisely asks, Who told you that you were naked? The enemy, the accuser of the brothers, is in the full-time business of reminding all of us that we are naked. God on the other hand covers our sins, nakedness, shame, and guilt.
  3. Release the person from your expectations. One of the weirdest passages in the Bible is found in John 2:24: But Jesus [for His part] did not trust Himself to them, because He knew all [men];How can Jesus, Who loves all people perfectly, not trust them? 1 Corinthian 13:7 states that Love always trusts. I asked the Lord about this and He gave me a great answer. He reminded me of my children when they were toddlers. He asked, Robert did you love your children when they were toddlers? I said, Absolutely Lord! He asked, Would you have trusted them to drive your car? I answered, Absolutely not! He asked, Did you love your children less because you didn’t trust them to drive the car? His point was made. Jesus loves, and He always trusts – yet He has realistic expectations of what we are and are not capable of doing and being.

Chuck Swindoll author of, Make Up Your Mind, writes that: In the 1960s a teacher was given a roster showing the actual I.Q. test scores of the students of one class, and for another class a roster in which the I.Q. column had been (mistakenly) filled in with the students’ locker numbers. The teacher assumed that the locker numbers were the actual I.Q.s of the students when the rosters were posted at the beginning of the semester. After a year it was discovered that in the first class the students with high actual I.Q. scores had performed better than those with low ones. But in the second class the students with higher locker numbers scored significantly higher than those with lower locker numbers!

When we shift our focus, and expectations from others onto Jesus, He empowers us to do all the above. Which really is all about trust. Who do you trust? Isn’t it funny that we have trouble trusting Jesus and others? Yet, we trust ourselves – more than them – to protect us from being harmed or hurt. We say we Love Him. If love always trusts then our focus will need to shift from us – onto Him.

E.T. Phone Home

Mirrors are marvelous contraptions. Since narcissus fell in love with his own image while gazing at his reflection in a pond, the human race has been fascinated by mirrors. Mirrors are the friends magicians, the enemies of aging movie stars. WE have round mirrors and squat mirrors; big mirrors and compact mirrors; bathroom mirrors and rearview mirrors…If a dog is man’s best friend, perhaps his worse enemy is his mirror. Well, maybe his mirror isn’t really is worst enemy; it merely reflects the image of his most formidable opponent. What opponent is more dangerous than the one ho knows our deepest, darkest secrets? What opponent is more lethal than the one who can probe our most vulnerable points? – R.C. Sproul, Man in the Mirror Introduction

In this weeks installment of blogs we will seek to look into the mirror of the lives of Biblical twins to see what it reveals. In the familiar story of Esau and Jacob we are introduced to two brothers, fraternal twins (not to be confused with identical twins) who can teach us a great deal about who and what our spirit man can become. From the beginning of their birth the elder is favored over the younger as a man’s man; a hunter, or man of the outdoors. Tim Allen would depict him as a tool man (Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor), grunts and all. Jacob on the other hand was a homebody, some might ever refer to him as a “Momma’s Boy,” not given to grunts, hairiness, or the great outdoors. Whats’s amazing about these two is how quickly they expose our own spiritual condition; the divide between soul and spirit. Naturally, or soulishly, we would most likely have chosen Esau in a game of kickball, football or baseball. Jacob on the other hand would be the one last chosen; not our first pick. In an interesting twist God actually prefers the younger, and probably the least likely to be voted home coming king, or the most popular, or class president. But why? What is it about Jacob that God loved? What did He see that his earthly Dad couldn’t see?

Jacob valued the birthright, and the patriarchal blessing so much so that he was willing to stoop to any depths to obtain them. Jacob was so hungry for any blessing that he was willing to wrestle through the night to obtain it from an angelic stranger. But what was the big deal about the birthright and blessing? The Birthright was an honor given to the firstborn, bestowing “head of household” status and the right to inherit his father’s estate. The son with the birthright would receive a double portion of whatever was passed down. It’s your inheritance. The Hebrew word for birthright means to “bear new fruit.”  The Blessing on the other hand was prophetic in nature involving the Favor or Grace of God bestowed upon an individual in every area of their lives. (See Deut. 28). Jacob valued these – and he valued them bad. So badly, that we was willing to do whatever it took to get them. There you have it: inheritance and God’s favor or grace. Hopefully you can see what God saw. For in these two values of Jacob we have a foreshadowing of those who are born from above. Those whose hearts belong to Heaven. Alien strangers visiting an even stranger land. But these extra-terrestrial’s (E.T. phone home) have a heart light that must phone home. Col. 3:1-3 states an obvious characteristic of those E.T.’s when he states: If then you have been raised with Christ [to a new life, thus sharing His resurrection from the dead], aim at and seek the [rich, eternal treasures] that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth. For [as far as this world is concerned] you have died, and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God. I used to be puzzled, even offended by the beatitude that stated: blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth until I read Psalm 37. That blessing is repeated 5 times. I noticed a teachable moment so I asked the Lord, What’s the big deal about inheriting the land? His answer surprised me. Romans 8:16-17 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. Everything that Jesus is coming back to possess belongs to His heirs. It should be of value to us because it is of value to Him. Jacob saw the value in the inheritance afforded to him through the birthright. He saw the value in God’s Grace and favor. He saw so much value in them that he was willing to do whatever it took to possess them. All children of the King should be the same way. This sounds really crazy but I long to be home with Jesus. But check this out: our heavenly home is only temporary. Why? Because Jesus is where our Home is and He is coming back to this earth to reign. Isn’t that crazy? Jesus makes Heaven – Heaven, and there’s coming a day when He will make earth like Heaven. Why do we pray, “Thy Kingdom COME!!!???? That’s so amazing. To be with Jesus – face to face; our faces looking into His Beautiful Face! Can you hear the call? E.T. Phone Home!