Not a Creature Was Stirring, Not Even a Mouse?

1 Timothy 4:1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. NIV

There was a time in the 70’s and 80’s when the Scripture mentioned above would be referenced by a preacher or a popular Christian author and many a response would be: Oh, those days in the future will be filled with lies, deceit and deception. I’m so glad we are not living during those times. Truth be known the deception has already made its way into the minds of the very people who were bracing for the future, cataclysmic deception. Even more startling is the fact that “they” are we.

For example have you ever taken a Christmas quiz regarding the birth of Jesus? Was Jesus born in a stable? How many Magi were present at the birth of Jesus (that’s a trick question)? Did a star lead the wise men to Bethlehem (another trick question)? How many Magi were there?

You may be tempted to say, What’s the big deal? It’s just the Christmas story. What harm can there be? Have you ever made the mistake of pulling an exposed thread from a frayed garment? Pulling the exposed thread only makes the fray worse. Continuing to persist can lead to irreparable damage. Ultimately the garment analogy parallels our handling of the truth. When you “tamper” with the truth ultimately you are tearing at the Person of Jesus – Who is the full embodiment of Truth. Tampering with evidence is a criminal offense that involves altering, concealing, fabricating, or destroying evidence to interfere with an investigation. Evidence in a courtroom usually consists of testimonies, and physical evidence. Jesus’ story consists of testimonies that have been collected into a book comprised of other testimonies regarding the Kingdom of God. All of it has been submitted as evidence to those who are investigating the claims of Jesus and those who know Him (Their not dead. They’re still alive. They’ve just had a change of address). When we flunk the Christmas Quiz it simply demonstrates we didn’t take the time to investigate the claims for our selves and accepted another person’s testimony for what is true, although it was a lie, or poison.

We have swallowed the “medicine” we were told was good for us not even being conscious or aware that the “medicine” was actually poison. How do you kill a rat? One particular way is to use rat poison which is roughly 99% rat food and 1% Brodifacoum. This poison thins the rat’s blood so rapidly it begins to hemorrhage. The poison isn’t what attracts the rat. It’s the promise of food. Not only is the poison deadly, it is slow acting. This insures the other rats will not be alerted to the danger of partaking of the “food.” There are several things we have believed regarding the greatest historic event in the history of the world: the manifestation and arrival of God on earth! The enemy of our souls sees us as vermin he wishes to exterminate. The “poison” he has chosen to use is slow acting and “thins” the truth in our lives creating another Gospel, and ultimately an alternate truth.

Now the question is, What’s poisoning you from drawing closer to the Truth – this Christmas?