Every Tribe and Tongue

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Mat. 24:14
Only a few verses form the axis around which all eschatology orbits, and this is one. In the often contentious debates between various eschatological camps, surely we can all agree that this verse is a sort of bedrock statement, a
compass given to guide our labors toward the fulfillment of redemptive history. In other words, the final chapters of redemptive history can’t be written until every tribe, tongue, and people are represented in a historic crescendo of worship before the Lamb of God. Then and only then can we expect Jesus to return. Then the end will come. By this North Star of Divine Purpose, we set and center the main priority of the church, mobilizing her resources and
laborers unto the fulfillment of that program. Equally, in light of this central, glorious enterprise, many other
competing labors must necessarily shrink away.
Watch Video “The Harvest Truly is Plentiful” On Day 24 of Lou Engle’s Jesus Fast
So tell me, what would happen if a million worldwide took up the prayer of Matthew 9:38 every single day? I tell
you, in a short while we would hear the final trump and the Lord returning with a shout, for the task would be done. John R. Mott said it well, “If added power attends the united prayer of two or three, what mighty triumphs there
will be when hundreds of thousands of consistent members of the church are with one accord day by day making
intercession for the extension of Christ’s kingdom?” JoshuaProject.netWe are seeking to recruit one million people
to become a part of JoshuaProject.net, a worldwide prayer community praying for the unreached people groups.
Visit the site and download the app, then unite in daily prayer with tens of thousands. A different unreached people group is featured every day as the focus of prayer.
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