21 Day Fast – Day 11

Day 11. Hump Day. We are half-way through our 21 day fast. I was doing my Experiencing God study and happened upon this statement by Henry Blackaby:

“What is God’s will for my life? One of my seminary professors, Gaines S. Dobbins, used to say, “If you ask the wrong question, you will get the wrong answer.” Sometimes we assume every question is legitimate. However when we ask the wrong question, we may find an answer but remain disoriented to God and His activity. Always check to see whether you have the right question before you pursue the answer. “What is God’s will for my life?” is not the right question. I think the proper question is, What is God’s will? Once I know God’s will, then I can adjust my life to Him. In other words, what is it God is purposing to accomplish where I am? Once I know what God is doing, then I know what I need to do. The focus needs to be on God, not on my life.”

This morning as I was meditating on Experiencing God I was reminded of a thought I have had for quite some time:

“You can’t have a Pentecost without a resurrection. You can’t have a resurrection with out a crucifixion.”

Mulling over this thought I was reminded of the many people I have known throughout the years of ministry, and another thought occurred to me: “Before there can be a crucifixion you must know God.” The Bible tells us that “fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Yet our perceptions of God are shaped through our experiences, sins of our fathers, lies of the enemy, and the world. The self-centered filter and lens of who we think God is will be distorted, deformed, cloudy, and out of focus at best. All of these like tethering chains pull on us dragging us to everything but God.

Fasting offends our minds (and our stomachs) exposing what’s really in our hearts. Pay close attention and you will notice that you have been tethered to something that has been actually taking you away from God – not closer to Him. Ultimately the solution is to have God as our Center. But it has to be “the Center” found in the whole counsel of God – not just certain passages of Scripture. The whole counsel of God will shine the necessary light to snap the shackles of bondage, and torment. May we all cry out with Braveheart’s William Wallace: “Freedom!”

21 Day Fast – Day 10

How is everyone doing on there fast? Today is day 10 of our 21 day, and the second day of our meditations in Experiencing God. Tomorrow night we have our second prayer meeting.

I began fasting back in the 90’s and was often amazed at how God’s grace would “carry” me through the time of fasting. Yet I would be disappointed more often than not in the results of what I was seeking God for in prayer. If God awarded gold medals for effort I would have a wall full. I’ve been on 40, 30, and 20 day fasts only to suffer disappointment after disappointment. But not this time. This time I combined several aspects into seeking God. And my belief is that as a result of my being called by God to seek Him through this fast, having no other ulterior motives other than to get closer to Him – that He is drawing near to me. I’ve combined praise, thanksgiving, holiness (turning the media slime off), prolonged prayer, and the pure pursuit of simply wanting to be near Him. And He is drawing me into His loving embrace. This morning I awoke at 1:30 and He began answering questions I had been praying about. It took me a while to make the connection but I realized God was working and wanted me to come join Him. When I made that connection from John 5:19: “Jesus gave them this answer: I tell you the truth the Son can do nothing by Himself. He can do only what He sees His Father doing. Because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” – I rolled out of bed and headed to my “prayer tent.” (I have a chair in my study that I like to kneel in front of and pray. But I’ve added a new twist. I’ve been taking a blanket, draping it over it’s back, sliding underneath, and climbing into my “tent.” it takes me back to my childhood when my sister and I made “forts” out of blankets and chairs.)

Under my “tent of meeting” God has told me so many things, and has been so good to me. With each passing day of the fast the commitment level intensifies – the bar being raised higher. But His grace empowers me to do things I can’t do in the flesh. And by that grace His eagles “will mount up” higher and higher.

Are you hearing the call? “Come up here?” Set yourself up a “tent of meeting.” Moses and David did. The friends of God have tents of meeting. You want to be a friend of God?

21 Day Fast – Day 8

Today is Day 8 of our church’s 21 Day Fast. How’s everyone holding up? This morning I was questioning the purpose of fasting as I thought about my hunger pains. In the shower I told the Lord that I could seek Him without having to go without food. Basically I was saying to Him, “What’s the point?” My prayers did not go unheard. After arriving at the church, turning on the lights, and cranking up the heat I went into my office to spend time with the Lord. I wrote in my thanksgiving journal, and then verbally acknowledged the things I was thankful for. I reviewed my Scripture memory, and then settled down for some meditation in the word. Usually I have 8 passages of Scripture that I try to meditate on during the week, and today I was meditating on the word “word” in the Scripture. Using my concordance I searched for the Scripture that I was to look up which happened to be Deut. 8:3. And here is what its said:
“And He humbled you and allowed you to hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you recognize and personally know that man does not live by bread only, but man lives by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord.”

I realized the Lord was answering my prayer, reminding me from the rest of the verse and chapter what fasting was all about:
It’s about humbling yourself before the Lord

How was it humbling?
Deut. 8:2 “And you shall [earnestly] remember all the way which the Lord your God led you these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and to prove you, to know what was in your [mind and] heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.”

To see if I will obey God’s Word.
To test and prove what’s in my heart.
To help me see that I don’t live on bread alone. (What really should be making me come to life is God’s Word – His written Word and His spoken, revealed word.)
To not forget the Lord when he prospers me and I start looking to things to satisfy and make me happy.
To cause me to turn back to Him while I’m fasting, knowing that I need Him and His grace to to pray and fast, and to be free of the distractions.
In the end I recognize all of God’s goodness, I experience His grace empowering me to fast and pray, and I see God clearer than I did before I began.

During your fast don’t forget the Word. Remember the Word is a mirror which Jesus- the Word, holds up so that you can see yourself as you truly are. He really will feed you. So go to His banqueting table as your stomach rumbles in protest and ask Daddy God to feed you some fresh baked “manna” from Heaven.

21 Day Fast – Day 7

Day seven of our 21 Day Fast I have been seeking the Lord first of all because I felt that He was inviting me to so. In December I was going through my Scripture memory and my eye just happened to fall on some scripture I had written down that I wanted to memorize. (These Scripture go back about three years ago) My eyes happened to fall on one – Isaiah 55:6 “Seek the Lord while He may be found call upon Him while He is near.” Then I saw several other Scripture: 2 Chronicles 15:12 “Then they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord God of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul.” Job 5:8 “But as for me, I would seek God, and to God I would commit my cause.” As the scriptures seemed to pop up off the page I smiled. I knew the Lord was answering the prayer I had been praying for several months regarding whether I should lead the church in this fast. I felt that this was His answer. A week before the fast began I pressed into seeking Jesus desiring to see Him; desiring for Him to appear before me. In my search the first thing that He drew my attention to was this question: What do I need from God? I wrote down a list: breakthrough in my walk with the Lord; breakthrough in my coming into what He’s purposed for my life; breakthrough in Bethany Church’s ministries, growth and God’s Presence; breakthrough for my son; breaking off of fear; girding up of my faith; what country God wanted out church to be on mission to; reformation of the church; revival, transformation, awakening; and renewal in our church’s life. Those things gave me some extra things to pray. But before I answered this question I had made another list. In this list I had written: “The purpose of this fast would be to seek a dramatic encounter that would transform my relationship with God. My focus would be seeking the Lord’s appearing, His Presence, a transformation. To have a new being. To be “dictated” to by the Spirit. To pray for a movement of the Holy Spirit to be birthed in me and the people of Bethany that will shake our neighborhood, the City of Weddington, Union Co., NC, America and the world. Transformation of the people of Bethany. Awakening of the lost through the people of Bethany. That God would do something only He could do. Pray that God would release grace expectation, and anointing in me and others at Bethany.” 

These were the things that I would seek God to obtain. Is He able? All day long. Is He doing it? I don’t know yet. But my encouragement to you is to write down what He is saying and pay close attention to all that’s going on around you. He loves you and wants you to find Him. He hides, we seek. Join in God’s hide and seek. Remember: “The fire of God, the manifested Presence of God, does not fall on an empty altar.”