Seeking For the Face of God

Show Me Your Glory

“Fasting is not a tool for gaining discipline or piety. Instead, fasting is the…act of ridding ourselves of fullness to attune our senses to the mysteries that swirl in and around us. Sometimes God shows up. Sometimes he feeds us. And every now and then, He throws His wild glory before us like bursting constellations.” -Dan Allender

Moses said, “Please show me your glory!”, and He said, “I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you My name The Lord…” – Exodus 33:18 (ESV)

I have never had a face to face encounter with Jesus. I have never seen his Shekinah Glory. But in my fastings, He has taken the dimness of my soul away and heaven has become so real. I remember the first fast I ever did. I was mowing lawns in Maryland and on the third day while mowing, His presence swirled around me. I felt as if I could touch the angels. It was a rare ecstasy and from that point I have been ruined for fasting. A hunger came into my life for the Presence. Gravity lost its pull on me and I made my home in rarified air. In ridding my soul of fullness, I was being attuned to the mysteries that swirled around me. The realm of dreams was opened and the whisper of God became more like a roar. And in those dreams I had a glimpse of eternity. In fasting the veil of the soul becomes very thin and it is almost like you can reach out your hand through that thin veneer and taste of the goodness of God like Moses did on his 40 day fast.

Friend, pray with me now. Lord show me your glory! Unveil mysteries, things my natural eyes cannot not see. I ask for dreams and personal encounter with You.  Oh! Let me reach up and touch the face of God.