In God We Trust?

2 John 5-6 And now I beg you, lady (Cyria), not as if I were issuing a new charge (injunction or command), but [simply recalling to your mind] the one we have had from the beginning, that we love one another. And what this love consists in is this: that we live and walk in accordance with and guided by His commandments (His orders, ordinances, precepts, teaching). This is the commandment, as you have heard from the beginning, that you continue to walk in love [guided by it and following it].

It sounds so simple to obey the command to love. But in reality it’s easy to love the people we like or that love and like us. The difficult people not so much. I’ve been pastoring for over 30 years and I have had the “blessing” of being on the receiving end of all of the above. Practicing this command hasn’t gotten any easier but I can say that the Lord has given me some tools to help cope with the pain that comes from rejection, hurt, criticism and pain. What are some of those tools?

  1. Become like Jesus. That’s a simple but profound truth. It’s been said you can’t become an overcomer till you have been given something to overcome. The same is true of becoming like Jesus. If I am going to “become” then I will need to face the challenges that do not look or sound like Jesus. When I am challenged I am learning to see that as an opportunity to become like Jesus. In other words, I lean into the pain. John 4 states that Jesus had need to go to Samaria. Samaritans hated Jews. Thus you can infer from this passage that Jesus had need to be rejected. He knew He would grow through it.
  2. Pray to see the person or difficult situation as Jesus sees them (or it). In the Book of Genesis God goes looking for Adam and Eve after they had eaten the forbidden fruit. Adam tells the Lord that he had hidden himself because he was afraid; and I was naked. The Lord wisely asks, Who told you that you were naked? The enemy, the accuser of the brothers, is in the full-time business of reminding all of us that we are naked. God on the other hand covers our sins, nakedness, shame, and guilt.
  3. Release the person from your expectations. One of the weirdest passages in the Bible is found in John 2:24: But Jesus [for His part] did not trust Himself to them, because He knew all [men];How can Jesus, Who loves all people perfectly, not trust them? 1 Corinthian 13:7 states that Love always trusts. I asked the Lord about this and He gave me a great answer. He reminded me of my children when they were toddlers. He asked, Robert did you love your children when they were toddlers? I said, Absolutely Lord! He asked, Would you have trusted them to drive your car? I answered, Absolutely not! He asked, Did you love your children less because you didn’t trust them to drive the car? His point was made. Jesus loves, and He always trusts – yet He has realistic expectations of what we are and are not capable of doing and being.

Chuck Swindoll author of, Make Up Your Mind, writes that: In the 1960s a teacher was given a roster showing the actual I.Q. test scores of the students of one class, and for another class a roster in which the I.Q. column had been (mistakenly) filled in with the students’ locker numbers. The teacher assumed that the locker numbers were the actual I.Q.s of the students when the rosters were posted at the beginning of the semester. After a year it was discovered that in the first class the students with high actual I.Q. scores had performed better than those with low ones. But in the second class the students with higher locker numbers scored significantly higher than those with lower locker numbers!

When we shift our focus, and expectations from others onto Jesus, He empowers us to do all the above. Which really is all about trust. Who do you trust? Isn’t it funny that we have trouble trusting Jesus and others? Yet, we trust ourselves – more than them – to protect us from being harmed or hurt. We say we Love Him. If love always trusts then our focus will need to shift from us – onto Him.

Reorienting to God

In 1977 the entire Chesapeake Bay froze over. The U.S. Coast Guard sent vessels to break up the ice in certain places. In an article from the Chesapeake Bay Magazine, titled: Ice Heroes – A Maryland Pilot’s Firsthand Account of the Historic 1977 Bay Freeze, states: The news reported that the Chesapeake Bay was shut down. Except it wasn’t. Not for the Bay Pilots. From Dec. 24, 1976, through Feb. 28, 1977, there were hundreds of ship movements, and cold was the order of the day. From the Bay Bridges south 100 nautical miles…navigational aids were nonexistent or useless. The weight of the ice, plus wind and tidal currents, pushed the buoys underwater or moved them markedly off station…..There was no GPS in 1977. Without buoys, pilots used radar range and bearing off specific points to navigate their ships. Just as importantly, the pilots employed their own ice marks, such as lining up a flagpole with the corner of a house, or a stand of trees with a dip in the land behind. This “old School” method was very effective in enabling the pilots to move ships when other mariners wouldn’t consider it.

The NLT states in Isaiah 40:12 Who else has held the oceans in his hand? Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers? Who else knows the weight of the earth or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale? In other words, our Father – God Almighty, is so big that He holds the oceans in His hands and has measured off the heavens (outer space)…WITH HIS FINGERS?! Scripture clearly states He is Omnipresent. In other words, He is everywhere. Yet, Scripture teaches that all who call on Jesus’ Name to be saved, have the Godhead come to reside within them.

Presently our church has partnered with the Way Church to fast and pray this week. Why do we fast and pray? It’s the same reason that the Bible has over forty different Scripture referencing seeking God to find Him. You fast to position yourself before Him to seek His Presence – to reorient your life to Him. Like the Chesapeake Bay pilots you position yourself to find your bearing, or your mark, in order to navigate the icy waters of this life. But here is a profound question: Since God is everywhere, and He is so enormous, and He lives within us – How big does our ego, pride, and self-centeredness have to be in order to not be connected to Him? How big does our lofty impression of ourselves have to be that we don’t think we need to seek God? It’s an interesting fact that demons long to live life through humans. What is it about living in us that makes them comfortable? What is it about our nature that feels like home? Have the icy mountains of our self-sufficient pride cast such a shadow, and is so immense, that it eclipses the enormity of God?

Acts 17:27 in the AMPC translation states: So that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel after Him and find Him, although He is not far from each one of us. This passage is referring to pagans. People who haven’t even seen their need to trust in Jesus. Yet, American Christians are quite content with ignoring Him. We won’t take the time to seek after Him to find Him failing to recognize we have drifted off course. We have failed to see the landmarks because of the icy bay of our heart.

Revelation 3:19 records the rebuke and exhortation of Jesus to the Laodiceans. Jesus reminds us: Those whom I [dearly and tenderly] love, I tell their faults and convict and convince and reprove and chasten [I discipline and instruct them]. So be enthusiastic and in earnest and burning with zeal and repent [changing your mind and attitude].

Where is the “ship” of your life really? Is it frozen in religious traditions, and spiritual routines, divorced and void of connecting to the Living God? We pray, we fast, we seek – to bring the “Mountain of Me” to bow before the Most High God; to humble ourselves before Him by positioning ourselves to be reoriented, and re-centered in Him. We seek to find Him – not us. We are the generation of Jacob – that seeks His face. (Unless you are not of His born-again generation). The Jacob generation seeks to draw near to God in order to obtain the blessing of knowing Him.

Seeing Jesus

1 John 1:3 What we have seen and [ourselves] heard, we are also telling you, so that you too may realize and enjoy fellowship as partners and partakers with us. And [this] fellowship that we have [which is a distinguishing mark of Christians] is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ (the Messiah).

There are some pretty bold claims in this passage. For one John is saying that they have seen and heard Jesus. Second, he is stating emphatically to this gathering of believers: this fellowship – this experience is available to you. Third, they are not only presently having this kind of relationship with the Ascended Jesus, they are having it with His Father! Those are bold claims.

Jesus made claims like this. In the Gospel of John He makes a bold pronouncement to His disciples when Philip asked to see the Father: Philip said to Him, Lord, show us the Father [cause us to see the Father—that is all we ask]; then we shall be satisfied. Jesus replied, Have I been with all of you for so long a time, and do you not recognize and know Me yet, Philip? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say then, Show us the Father? You could reason, Well, Robert, He is Jesus. Of course He could make that bold claim. But hold on a second. In the letter to the Ephesians Paul prays: May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love,18 That you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints [God’s devoted people, the experience of that love] what is the breadth and length and height and depth [of it];19 [That you may really come] to know [practically, through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]! AMPC Galatians 2:20 echoes these words when Paul emphatically states:  I have been crucified with Christ [in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who live, but Christ (the Messiah) lives in me

Did you catch it? Paul believed Jesus lived inside of him! And if He lived in Paul He also lives in you and me? The implications behind this are far worse than you can imagine. For Paul is saying, If you have seen me – you have seen Jesus. You may be tempted to say that this is not so bad. But wait a minute. If what Paul says is true of himself it is also true of everyone who calls themselves followers of Jesus. I should be able to confidently say: If you have seen me – you have seen Jesus! If you are a follower of Jesus you should be able to confidently say: If you have seen me – you have seen Jesus! Does that cause you to pause? Why? Could it be that the answer is found in Paul’s prayer? May Christ …through YOUR FAITH …[actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts… Maybe the manifest reality of that truth is weak simply because our faith has been weak. We either don’t believe Pauls’ words, or we don’t believe Jesus, or our focus has been stuck on our performance rather than Who Jesus says He is and the Power of His Word. We believe more in the power of the devils lies than the truths of God’s Word. Now that should wake us all up. What are we doing that awakens and reveals Jesus in and through us? What are we cooperating with that causes our faith to grow so big Jesus comes out?

Luke 17:21 states: People will not say, Look God’s Kingdom is here or there it is! No! God’s Kingdom is in you! Is the weakness of our faith predicated upon the immensity of our king? Who is the King in our life?

Where Am I?

Deuteronomy 1:2 It is [only] eleven days’ journey from Horeb by the way of Mount Seir to Kadesh-barnea [on Canaan’s border; yet Israel took forty years to get beyond it]. AMPC

A helicopter was flying around above Seattle when an electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft’s electronic navigation and communications equipment. Due to the clouds and haze, the pilot could not determine the helicopter’s position and course to fly to the airport. The pilot saw a tall building, flew toward it, circled, drew a handwritten sign, and held it in the helicopter’s window. The pilot’s sign said “WHERE AM I?” in large letters. People in the tall building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew a large sign and held it in a building window. Their sign read: “YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER.” The pilot smiled, waved, looked at the map, determined the course to steer to SEATAC airport, and landed safely. After they were on the ground, one of the passengers asked the pilot how the “YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER” sign helped determine their position. The pilot responded “I knew that had to be the Microsoft building because, the response they gave me was technically correct, but completely useless.”

Horeb is another name for Sinai. The etymology of the Hebrew word for Sinai means “thorn” and its root means “to pierce.” On the other hand Horeb means to “dry up, lay waste, or sword.” How did Mount Sinai, the “piercing” get to be Mount Horeb, to dry up, lay waste, and to be the place of the sword? Israel made some choices along the way that set them on this course of trajectory. What were the choices they made? When God gave them the invitation to have a relationship with Him, they rejected that and asked instead that Moses be their mediator. Through that choice they received the Law. Unfortunately the Law without the Pierced One is simply a sword that cuts and divides. But when you wed the Sword with the Pierced One you not only have direction for your life, you have the Life-Giver Himself. He brings the Sword of God’s Word to Life and as Psalm 2:12 exhorts: Kiss the Son [pay homage to Him in purity], lest He be angry and you perish in the way, for soon shall His wrath be kindled. O blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied) are all those who seek refuge and put their trust in Him! Why is that significant? Revelation 1:16 …and from His mouth there came forth a sharp two-edged sword, and His face was like the sun shining in full power at midday. Day or night, you don’t have to ask for directions – for He is the Light and He is the Way. How can you lose? You can lose by ignoring the Pierced One, the Way, and the Truth of His Sword. That choice turns an eleven day journey into a forty year death march. Over the years I have learned that if it feels I am going around in circles then its time to look up the Way admitting my lostness. Through that moment of clarity I have confessed, I know You are wanting me to learn through this. I know this is a test. So what do I need to do to pass this test and quit going around the mountain? Could that be the answer? We’ve been ignoring the Pierced One and the Sword of His Word and so we have lost our way. Could it be that this is the reason there are over 60 references in the Bible regarding seeking the Lord to find Him? Which is really odd when you think of it. God is everywhere. (Which is a pretty big target) Yet we keep losing sight of Him over and over. Why is that? Could it be that our impressions of ourselves (self-centeredness) is so immense; that the mountain of our ego is so large that it eclipses God in importance? Now that is something to think about. This is why you and I get lost, and lose our way.

The Experiment

2 John 1-2 The elderly elder [of the church addresses this letter] to the elect (chosen) lady (Cyria) and her children, whom I truly love—and not only I but also all who are [progressively] learning to recognize and know and understand the Truth—Because of the Truth which lives and stays on in our hearts and will be with us forever….

As we asked in a previous blog, What is truth?, it helps to have a refresher. How is truth defined? Truth is that which affirms propositionally the nature of reality as it is. This means that when we talk about truth we are not talking about something being subjectively true for me. We’re talking about something that is objectively true and actually real. (Medium, In Defense 315)

Ravi Zacharias, in The Logic of God, stated: Truth by definition is exclusive. Everything cannot be true. If everything is true, then nothing is false. And if nothing is false, then it would also be true to say everything is false. We cannot have it both ways. One should not be surprised at the claims of exclusivity. The reality is that even those who deny truth’s exclusivity, in effect, exclude those who do not deny it. The truth quickly emerges. The law of noncontradiction does apply to reality: two contradictory statements cannot both be true in the same sense. Thus, to deny the law of noncontradiction is to affirm it at the same time.

There are three ways to test Truth. Now think about that. Jesus is the TRUTH. You could say, then, that Jesus can be “tested” to see if Who He is and what He says is TRUTH. Not only does Christianity teach that TRUTH is objective and absolute it also teaches that TRUTH is knowable. WE can know Him – the TRUTH. Hebrews 3:10 in the AMPC verifies this stating: And so I was provoked (displeased and sorely grieved) with that generation, and said, They always err and are led astray in their hearts, and they have not perceived or recognized My ways and become progressively better and more experimentally and intimately acquainted with them. The Greek word that the AMPC translation is drawing this meaning from is ginosko. Ginosko speaks of a knowing on multiple levels. Thus experiment is defined in English as, a test, or investigation, done in order to learn something or to discover if something works or is true.

We come to know Jesus the TRUTH through “testing” Who He is, what He says, and what His followers say. The three ways of testing something to be true are as follows: logical consistency, empirical adequacy, and experiential relevance. Is Jesus, His claims and His Word, logically consistent? Is it rational? Does it make sense in itself? Medium, In Defense 315 blog states: Basic doctrines like God existing, the Incarnation, the Resurrection, and even the Trinity need to be logically consistent. Now this is not to say that we can comprehend the complexity of a thing, but only that it is apprehensible. Can you apprehend Jesus? Can you perceive or grasp Who He is, His words, and His lifestyle – mentally? Can you ask Jesus to allow you to apprehend any of the above and receive an answer? Absolutely! He stands the logical consistency test.

Yet, Its a funny thing about putting something to the test. Eventually, if you are sincere and honest, the test should have a boomerang effect. Namely it should cause you to pause and ask yourself, Do I pass the logical consistency test? Does the life I live – my thinking, language, actions, etc. – match what I say I believe about Jesus? As John encourages the recipients of his letter by stating that they were: [progressively] learning to recognize and know and understand the Truth. This was something that was observable. But not only was it observable it passed the empirical adequacy test. Empirical adequacy correctly represents observable phenomena. For example, When people see your version of Christianity are they simply seeing someone going to church, and being a good person OR are they seeing someone radically following Jesus; doing things only Jesus can do? When you are tested or squeezed by life’s circumstances does Jesus exude through the stench of the difficulty? Which leads to the next test: experiential relevance. If Jesus passes the first two tests then I guarantee He will pass this last test. Experiential Relevance is just a fancy way of saying, Does this work in real life? Does Jesus work in real life, and more importantly does He work in your life? Does He challenge you, change you, and sustain you through good and bad times?

If He hasn’t, may I suggest that you do some faith experiments with Him today or this week. See if He works in your life. Talk to Him and let Him know that you desire to [progressively] learn to recognize and know and understand the Truth – that you want to know Him better as TRUTH. Ask Him what area of your life He wants you to experiment in and then ask for the GRACE and the Power of the Holy Spirit to step out in faith.

Cycles of God

Numbers 1:1 The Lord spoke to Moses in the Wilderness of Sinai in the Tent of Meeting on the first day of the second month in the second year after they came out of the land of Egypt, saying,

Recently I saw an article entitled: Fasting – What a Blessing! When I was younger I undertook fasting for 40 days and only lasted 30. The next time I was called to fast I went for the full 40 days. Other than the physical weakness, once I surpassed the 2-3 day mark, I was amazed at how His Grace carried me through. I even began to feel better, experiencing clearer thinking. I say all of this to say I am no stranger to fasting and have to admit that when God has called you to it – there is a great grace to make the impossible become possible. It’s quite amazing. But in all my fasting I would be quick to confess that I’ve not been caught up to the Third Heaven with the Apostle Paul, or experienced Throne Room worship with the saints and angels. Actually quite the opposite occurred and I would not have called it a blessing. But thank the Lord for His Grace that has caused me to learn a better approach in what to expect, or what some may call its’ secrets. What are some of those secrets?

Prepare to Enter a Spiritual Wilderness. When I first read books about fasting I was misled to believe it was going to be this glorious mountain top experience. But that was not to be the case. The Bible teaches that God has spiritual cycles that it carries us through (if we are paying attention): Ecclesiastus 3:1-4 There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—A time to give birth and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted. A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to tear down and a time to build up.A time to weep and a time to laugh; A time to mourn and a time to dance.

Studying the life of the children of Israel from the exodus out of Egypt – through the wilderness – to their emerging victorious to enter the Promised Land – you observe three major cycles of God for His people. The Mountaintop Season or Cycle, the Wilderness or Valley Season or Cycle, and the Season or cycle of Warfare. To choose to enter a fast or even to seek after God will automatically default you to the Season or Cycle of the Valley or Wilderness.

Many of the things you lean on for spiritual props are removed during fasting teaching you to get in touch with your spirit. Prayer warrior, Andrew Murray once remarked: Prayer is reaching out after the unseen; fasting is letting go of all that is seen and temporal.  Fasting helps express, deepen, confirm the resolution that we are ready to sacrifice anything, even ourselves to attain what we seek for the kingdom of God. And there it is: fasting is letting go of all that is seen and temporal. It is not to be an emotional high but a walk through the dusty places of your soul in order to get to the wealth and riches of your spirit man. It is a journey of faith – not sight; not emotional highs – but one that can only be taken one day at a time.

Prepare to Listen for His Still, Small Voice. I have learned that through fasting I can count on receiving more revelation from God’s Word. The spiritual wilderness is where the “manna” of His Word falls. Like Israel of old rise early to gather as much as you want and trust and believe God will provide. Position yourself to hear His Spirit unlock the Word of God for you like never before.

Prepare for Offense. Another thing I have observed and experienced is that fasting “kick’s” up the offenses in me. Fasting is a means of humbling yourself not going on some quest to pay penance for your sins (although you can do that). Dt. 8:3 And He humbled you and allowed you to hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you recognize and personally know that man does not live by bread only, but man lives by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord.

Fasting is a means to humble yourself under what the Spirit causes to surface through others. What do I mean? I have learned that while fasting I need to pay special attention to every negative event in my life (for they will surely come). People will make me angry, offend, irritate, and confound me with all their many sins, weaknesses, self-centeredness, and pride. The painful truth is that their so-called weaknesses are really being used by God to expose my own. I’ve learned to not blame others for my offenses and irritations – but that these are the very things God is seeking to eliminate in me. I have learned to turn those issue into prayers of confession and repentance. I have learned to press into more of His Presence through thanksgiving and worship. These are the weapons that fight my battle.

Whatever season or cycle you find yourself in learn to open the DOOR of Laodicea and listen for His call and knock. He’s longing for any one who will take the time to enter His Narrow DOOR.

Everyone’s a Winner?

In the Gospel of John, Pontius Pilate responds to Jesus stance on Truth by asking, “What is Truth?” (Jn. 18:38) Unbeknownst to him he was having a conversation with – the TRUTH. We are all familiar with Jesus’ statement in John 14:6 in which He declares that He is the TRUTH and from that we can rest assured that He is not a truth but the sum total of what that word implies and defines.

Ironically, it appears that Pilate has risen from the dead enlisting his own disciples of what we term relativism. Amy Davison, in her article for Women in Apologetics defines relativism as: the thought that truth is a socially or culturally agreed upon set of beliefs. Adding No one set of beliefs is any more right or wrong than the other, and attempting to argue as such is considered oppressive or bigoted. By denying the existence of objective truth, Post-moderns offered the equivalent of, “Everyone is a winner!” in the form of a tentative, “Everyone is right!” Which is partly why it is so attractive. If truth is subjective then each person is their own lawgiver, judge, and jury. Every culture, every practice, every belief is on the same subjective playing field. There is no longer an objective standard because we no longer have an objective lawgiver, and with no objective standard, morals become, as philosopher A.J. Ayer states, “Mere public opinion…an emotional preference.”

Carla Alvarez, in her blog, An Unexpected Journal argues successfully against the moral relativism that has emerged in our culture as a plague far worse than any pandemic. She notes that C.S. Lewis was once approached by a publisher seeking his endorsement: Looking for an endorsement, a publisher sent an elementary grammar textbook to C. S. Lewis for review. (Lewis would later refer to this book as The Green Book) What he read within, based as it was on a relativistic worldview, so disturbed him that it prompted the essay, The Abolition of Man….(Later) Lewis warned his fellow British academics that the acceptance of the ideology in The Green Book would certainly lead to “the destruction of the society which accepts it.”

3 John 3-4 states: In fact, I greatly rejoiced when [some of] the brethren from time to time arrived and spoke [so highly] of the sincerity and fidelity of your life, as indeed you do live in the Truth [the whole Gospel presents].I have no greater joy than this, to hear that my [spiritual] children are living their lives in the Truth. AMPC

What’s really powerful about Jesus being the TRUTH is that He doesn’t take sides. There is no “your truth” and “my truth.” Davison adds: It cannot be ‘absolutely’ true that my truth and the exact opposite of my truth are both equally true, because this violates the law of non-contradiction. Jesus, the Truth, has no contradiction in His nature. He simply IS – the GREAT I AM! For Gaius, the recipient of Johns letter, to be in the TRUTH means that he had joined himself to Jesus; subjective opinions and feelings became irrelevant in the LIGHT of JESUS, the TRUTH. Davison continues: Nor can all truth be subjective because that statement in and of itself isn’t subjective! Something that is subjective is based on personal opinions and feelings rather than on facts.

Relativists, and those who parrot this ideology, believe Everyone is a winner and Everyone is right. The good news? If everyone is a winner then no one is a winner and the concept of winning becomes meaningless – as there is no distinction between those who excelled and those who did not. If everyone is right then no one is right then there is no true standard of right and wrong, effectively making the concept of “right” meaningless because it becomes subjective and relative to each individual. The Champion of ALL – is Lord of ALL – and only through taking the time and effort to daily align yourself with Who He is are you made right, and win for yourself the depths and meanings of ALL that it means to be a winner. Thus if you want to be a winner you must lose the right to being your own champion. How can you achieve that status today? What circumstance are you in that Jesus, the Truth would invite you to die?


We are familiar with the nonsensical word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious used in the Disney movie Mary Poppins. Those born in the 20th century are well aware of the degradation of the English language in which presently elementary age children are taught to simply spell a word based on what they feel. Modern media talking heads, and social elites freely redefine words attaching new meanings to fundamental understandings of the concepts expressed in the word. Unfortunately the same recklessness has been used regarding the word Christian. C.S. Lewis observed: unbelievers,…will no doubt cheerfully use the word [Christian] in the refined sense. It will become in their mouths simply a term of praise. In calling anyone a Christian they will mean that they think him a good man. But that way of using the word will be no enrichment of the language, for we already have the word “Good.” Meanwhile, the word Christian will have been spoiled for any really useful purpose it might have served.

The following words, committed, believer, dedicated, and follower all appear to be very similar in that in our usage of the English language they have become synonymous with the title of Christian. George Orwell once remarked: “The slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts… if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” Truth be known there is a distinct difference between the usage of these words that should warrant our attention because they have corrupted our thought.

Leviticus 1:1-2 The Lord called to Moses out of the Tent of Meeting, and said to him,Say to the Israelites, When any man of you brings an offering to the Lord, you shall bring your offering of [domestic] animals from the herd or from the flock. AMPC

In Exodus 25:1-2,8 the Lord instructs Moses to call Israel to bring offerings to build a sanctuary: And the Lord said to Moses,Speak to the Israelites, that they take for Me an offering. From every man who gives it willingly and ungrudgingly with his heart you shall take My offering.Let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them. Following this Moses receives detailed instructions for building the tabernacle or sanctuary: 21 You shall put the mercy seat on the top of the ark, and in the ark you shall put the Testimony [the Ten Commandments] that I will give you.22 There I will meet with you and, from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim that are upon the ark of the Testimony, I will speak intimately with you of all which I will give you in commandment to the Israelites. AMPC

Leviticus 1:1 reveals the manifestation of Gods’ promise providing specific instruction for sacrifices. After reading you could surmise that in order for God to dwell among them they had to bring willing and ungrudging offerings, and sacrifices from their heart – to build His sanctuary. The Hebrew word for sanctuary implies a place of sacred space; holy, consecrated, offering asylum, or refuge. The root meaning for this word echoes many of the same meaning but adds a few more details: to prepare, dedicate, and separate.

Recently I asked in a service, How many were believers in Jesus? This question was followed by asking, If those who believed were followers of Jesus? Before Christmas I asked a trickier pair of questions: Were those present Committed to Jesus or Dedicated to Jesus? I followed that query with definitions. Commitment being defined as the decision to stick to a course of action regardless of difficulties or obstacles that may arise. A pledge or promise to follow through on a task, often with a stronger sense of obligation involved. Commitment being made with the head.

Dedication, on the other hand – implying a deeper, more passionate devotion to a course or goal; personal passion, devotion, and enthusiasm for a goal – pursuing it with excellence and quality regardless of reward or recognition; involving enthusiasm and faithfulness. Dedication, thus comes from the heart.

What’s the point?Believers” in Jesus are often committed to Jesus but lack the dedication of “Followers” of Jesus. “Believers“, without a dedication of their heart, will simply attend church, as a spectator in the sanctuary. “Followers”of Jesus, dedicated to Jesus from their heart, build the sanctuary, the sacred space – where Jesus dwells and speaks. “Believers“, who are simply committed to the idea of Church, and worship – miss meeting with Jesus by 18”. 18″ being the distance between the mind and the heart. What enjoyment and experience committed “Believers” in Jesus have is created by the heart “Followers” and lovers of Jesus. The “Dedicated” – “Followers”, willingly, and ungrudgingly bring their offerings, and sacrifices to meet with the Lord. They prepare, separate, and dedicate themselves to the Lover of their soul. They become His sanctuary, His meeting place. Taking all of that into account, How would you categorize those who “visit” church, and worship infrequently, and half-heartedly? They are neither the “Committed” or “Dedicated” often having the attitude of being a consumer rather than a giver – often joining in with the other spectators. The “Givers” are the “Lovers” who respond to His calling, and His wooing – they are not spectating. Obviously this raises a whole lot of questions. Are you preparing, dedicating, and separating yourself to worship and meet with Jesus? Are you responding to His calling, and wooing? Are you bringing the sacrifices and offerings willing, and ungrudgingly?


Exodus 1:12 But the more [the Egyptians] oppressed them, the more they multiplied and expanded, so that [the Egyptians] were vexed and alarmed because of the Israelites. AMPC

Amit Chaturvedi, of NDTV defined Quitters Day in the following way: Quitter’s Day, observed on the second Friday in January in the US and several countries, marks the point when some begin to re-evaluate their New Year’s resolutions. Coined by data analysts studying fitness app usage patterns, this day highlights a common trend where enthusiasm for new goals starts to wane. This year, the day falls on Friday, January 10, 2025.

But what does the Truth (Jesus) have to say about this? Romans 8:31-39 What then shall we say to [all] this? If God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?] 32 He who did not withhold or spare [even] His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He not also with Him freely and graciously give us all [other] things? 33 Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect [when it is] God Who justifies [that is, Who puts us in right relation to Himself? Who shall come forward and accuse or impeach those whom God has chosen? Will God, Who acquits us?] 34 Who is there to condemn [us]? Will Christ Jesus (the Messiah), Who died, or rather Who was raised from the dead, Who is at the right hand of God actually pleading as He intercedes for us? 35 Who shall ever separate us from Christ’s love? Shall suffering and affliction and tribulation? Or calamity and distress? Or persecution or hunger or destitution or peril or sword? 36 Even as it is written, For Thy sake we are put to death all the day long; we are regarded and counted as sheep for the slaughter.37 Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers,39 Nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The Christian Group, Audio Adrenaline penned the lyrics to a song that I used to call my theme song. It sums up what Paul is talking about and what many of you have felt from time to time: I am so weak and I’m so tired. It’s hard for me to find enough strength to feed the fires that fuel my ego. And consequently all my pride has all but died which leaves me down on my knees, back to the place I should have started from. Been beat up! Been broken down! Nowhere but up when you’re face down on the ground. I’m in last place if I place at all but there’s hope for this underdog! That’s the way, we like it! You can call me the underdog. I’m in this race to win a prize – the odds against me. The world has plans for my demise. What they don’t see is that a winner is not judged by his small size but by the Substitute he picks to run the race and mine’s already won!

Did you catch that last part? When the devil comes to knocking on Quitters Day and he reminds you of your failures, or he tempts you to throw in the towel to the plans you’ve made with the Lord – just sing him this song, or read him Romans 8:31-39. And thank him. Thank the devil? Absolutely. Why? For reminding you that you may be an underdog but you have chosen your Substitute Who Runs His Race through you and has already won the prize. The more the enemy oppresses you like an Egyptian the more you multiply and expand. Hallelujah!!

Lost and Found – Fitness?

The New York Times: At its core, the secret to a healthy fitness routine is simple: Find ways to move. There are limitless options these days, but the best exercise is whatever you enjoy enough to keep doing it.Exercise to ease pain. Take a walk. Get your butt in shape. Find the right balance. Exercise to help boost your mood. Improve your sleep.

PBS NewsHour: It’s been well known for many decades that exercise provides many benefits to our health. But a new scientific consortium is revealing new insights into just how profound exercise can be for the human body.

Covenant Health: A new year is a chance for a fresh start and a great time to set goals for healthier habits. 2025 can be the year your fitness resolutions last a lifetime.…Here are a few pointers: 1. Reframe Fitness Resolutions as Intentions. 2. Embrace “Micro-Habits”. 3. Focus on Attitude Rather Than Outcomes. 4. Choose Self-Compassion Over Self-Criticism. 5. Anchor Resolutions in Gratitude.

When it comes to a new year resolution involving fitness many people groan, and moan rolling over to hit the snooze button. It has been said that we shouldn’t go on a diet. Instead we should choose to make the way we eat a new lifestyle. Truth be known physical truth often points to greater spiritual truth. Interestingly the language used for physical fitness can also apply to spiritual fitness. The Apostle Paul stated in 1 Tim. 4:8 For physical training is of some value (useful for a little), but godliness (spiritual training) is useful and of value in everything and in every way, for it holds promise for the present life and also for the life which is to come. AMPC

Notice that he says physical training is of some value. How you are physically can often affect how you are spiritually. Jude, a half-brother, of Jesus provides us with a few things we can utilize to improve our spiritual fitness. What are some ways we can begin?

Evaluation and Assessment: Jude 1:19 It is these who are [agitators] setting up distinctions and causing divisions—merely sensual [creatures, carnal, worldly-minded people], devoid of the [Holy] Spirit and destitute of any higher spiritual life. Evaluate how you have grown spiritually (NOT how you have failed). Can you recognize the activity of the Holy Spirit in your life? Ask yourself have you achieved a higher spiritual life? Sunday before last I handed out a checklist to recognize some of the characteristics of the Holy Spirit’s activity in your life. (If you need me to send you a copy email me)

Build Yourself Up Spiritually: Jude 1:20 But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit;…Jude and the Apostle Paul both had private, regular, committed times to praying in the Spirit. (1 Cor. 14:18) Have you been baptized in the Spirit? Have you received a prayer language? (1 Cor. 14:14-15) If you have prayed for it without a manifestation simply begin thanking Him that it is already there (and keep thanking Him).

Commit to Loving Like Jesus: Jude 1:21 Guard and keep yourselves in the love of God;…Let’s all make a fresh commitment to guard everything we say and do in Jesus’ Love. Ask yourself, Am I seeing others the way Jesus sees them? Have I asked? Have you thanked Him for the difficult people in your life that are helping you to become more like Jesus? Are you utilizing those times to lean into the difficulties and become more like Jesus?

Commit to Sharing Your Faith in Public: Jude 1:3 Beloved, my whole concern was to write to you in regard to our common salvation. [But] I found it necessary and was impelled to write you and urgently appeal to and exhort [you] to contend for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints [the faith which is that sum of Christian belief which was delivered verbally to the holy people of God]. Commend for the faith by simply being available to share the good news with everyone you meet. Jude adds, Jude 1:23 [Strive to] save others, snatching [them] out of [the] fire; on others take pity…

Let us be those who look for what’s lost and find it. Pray the Lord will reveal to you those who are lost and need to be found by Jesus. Pray He will make you sensitive to those who are lost without knowing Jesus and those who have simply fallen away from following Him. Let us make Revelation 7:9 our vision: After this I looked and a vast host appeared which no one could count, [gathered out] of every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages. These stood before the throne and before the Lamb; they were attired in white robes, with palm branches in their hands. AMPC

The Last!

Revelation 1:10-12 I was in the Spirit [rapt in His power] on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a great voice like the calling of a war trumpet,11 Saying, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last. Write promptly what you see (your vision) in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia—to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea.12 Then I turned to see [whose was] the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands,

Natasha Bedingfield penned the lyrics to the song, Unwritten. Here are the lyrics: I am unwritten – Can’t read my mind – I’m undefined – I’m just beginning – The pen’s in my hand – Ending unplanned. Staring at the blank page before you – Open up the dirty window – Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find. Reaching for something in the distance – So close you can almost taste it – Release your inhibitions – Feel the rain on your skin – No one else can feel it for you – Only you can let it in. No one else, no one else – Can speak the words on your lips – Drench yourself in words unspoken – Live your life with arms wide open – Today is where your book begins – The rest is still unwritten. I break tradition Sometimes my tries are outside the lines – We’ve been conditioned to not make mistakes – But I can’t live that way.

Only there are a couple of things I would disagree with: The pen’s in my hand? Mother Teresa once said: I am a little pencil in God’s hands. He does the thinking. He does the writing. He does everything and sometimes it is really hard because it is a broken pencil and He has to sharpen it a little more. In 2 Cor. 3:3 the Apostle Paul reminds us: You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. NIV

Ending unplanned? Your ending is planned. There’s a curious Scripture passage which states: And all the inhabitants of the earth will fall down in adoration and pay him homage, everyone whose name has not been recorded in the Book of Life of the Lamb that was slain [in sacrifice] from the foundation of the world. (Revelation 13:8 AMPC) Jesus was crucified before the foundation of the world? Your life has been planned. Take part in His Plans.

As Natasha reminds us: We’ve been conditioned to not make mistakes. Stop it. Drench yourself in His Words and release you inhibitions. Try outside the lines of your comfort zones and break your tradition. Quit living that way. Reach for the One in the “Distance” that according to Acts 17:27 really isn’t that far away. And don’t just open a dirty window (your limited vision) but open up the Door you have been commanded to open (Rev. 3:20). You are the one with the handle. He’s knocking on the other side waiting for you to make room for Him; to open the Door. Walk with Him in the Light of the Lampstands, or Menorahs of His Holy Spirit.

No King But Caesar?

In the Book of Exodus 7:10-12 Moses records the following: So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did as the Lord had commanded; Aaron threw down his rod before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent.11 Then Pharaoh called for the wise men [skilled in magic and divination] and the sorcerers (wizards and jugglers). And they also, these magicians of Egypt, did similar things with their enchantments and secret arts.12 For they cast down every man his rod and they became serpents; but Aaron’s rod swallowed up their rods. Interestingly enough in Exodus 3 Moses’ shepherds rod becomes a serpent. When taking the account regarding Aaron, Pharaohs magicians, and the showdown of the serpent rods one could deduce that the “King Snake” swallowed up all the other snakes. Also, you must add that the Shepherd became a King – this is true regarding Moses and Jesus.

I was curious about the etymology of our English word king and wondered where it all derived. The online etymology dictionary provides the following: a late Old English contraction of cyning “king, ruler” (also used as a title), from Proto-Germanic *kuningaz (source also of Dutch koning, Old Norse konungr, Danish konge, Old Saxon and Old High German kuning, Middle High German künic, German König). It proceeds to state that the word implied a leader of the people, noble birth, a chief, or ruler.

What I found interesting was the late Old English contraction cyning. When I seek to sound it out at first it sounds like I am saying, sinning. Which calls us back to the accounts in Exodus 3, and 7. Were you aware that Pharaoh wore a headdress which bore the symbol of a cobra? Incidentally you will see that symbol on King Tuts burial mask. The cobra symbol is called the uraeus, which is an upright or rearing cobra. It derives from the worship of the goddess Widget – the patroness and protector of the Nile Delta and all of Lower Egypt. Uraeus was a symbol of royalty, divine authority, and sovereignty. Pharaohs wore the uraeus as part of their crown, and it was often depicted with a golden sun-disk on top. The pharaohs thought they were gods and it was only fitting that their “priests” were able to perform supernatural feats.

What many Christians and Jews fail to realize is that Moses and Aaron were sent by God for a showdown with the “so-called” gods of Egypt, and to force all of these idols to bow before the feet of the True Shepherd-King – Jesus! It’s interesting to note that even in Herod’s day (1445 years from the reign of Pharaoh) it was a crime, (whose punishment was immediate death) to say you were a king – as there was no king except Caesar. Which sadly during Jesus’ trial before Pilate the chief priests stated, “We have no king but Caesar” (John 19:15). (The chief priests would not even acknowledge that only God was their King).

In 2025 you need to ask are you “cyning making anything other than Jesus your Leader, King, Ruler, or Chief? Jesus is the King Snake who has come to swallow up all other so-called gods, or rulers and He rewards those who make that distinction with a crown of their own. But His crown will not have the depiction of the serpent, satan. No, Jesus’ crown, will only fit on the heads of those who have made Jesus their Crown. In 2025 why not surrender and bow your thoughts and actions to the King of all kings, and the Lord of all lords? Will He be your King? Will you allow Him to swallow up all that has ruled your life?

Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise Dhuit!

Genesis 1:1-3 In the beginning God (prepared, formed, fashioned, and) created the heavens and the earth.The earth was without form and an empty waste, and darkness was upon the face of the very great deep. The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters.And God said, Let there be light; and there was light.

At the beginning of the first books of the Bible there was a beginning. The title of this first book of the Bible originates from the Greek word “ginomai” which means to begin to be, or begin to be in a certain state or condition. It’s often used to mean to be born, but also to become something, start bearing fruit or the coming about of day or night. It may be used to mean to cause to begin, and thus to create or to perform, or even simply as to happen or to occur. (Abarim Publications, Etymology of Genesis) There was darkness but God spoke Light into existence and there was Light!

In the middle of the Bible, at the beginning of the dawning of a New Covenant – there was a New Beginning. There was still darkness, but God let there be Light and let there be His Word. His Word and His Light was there at the beginning and the middle. John 1:1-5 In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.He was present originally with God.All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being.In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men.And the Light shines on in the darkness, for the darkness has never overpowered it [put it out or absorbed it or appropriated it, and is unreceptive to it].

At the end of the Bible there was the Alpha and the Omega – the Beginning, the Middle and the Ending. There was no more darkness only the Word, the Light, and the Living Water. Revelation 21:5-6,22-25 And He Who is seated on the throne said, See! I make all things new. Also He said, Record this, for these sayings are faithful (accurate, incorruptible, and trustworthy) and true (genuine).And He [further] said to me, It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I [Myself] will give water without price from the fountain (springs) of the water of Life….I saw no temple in the city, for the Lord God Omnipotent [Himself] and the Lamb [Himself] are its temple.23 And the city has no need of the sun nor of the moon to give light to it, for the splendor and radiance (glory) of God illuminate it, and the Lamb is its lamp.24 The nations shall walk by its light and the rulers and leaders of the earth shall bring into it their glory.25 And its gates shall never be closed by day, and there shall be no night there.

Isn’t it curious that God’s beginning had an ending – but His Ending has a New Beginning in Jesus? You are a new beginning. There was darkness in your beginning – probably some darkness in your middle – but in the ending there is a new beginning waiting. In Jesus He writes our book. He is the Author and you are His letter. He is the A to Z, the Beginning and the Ending. Your life, and time on this earth is simply another chapter being written, and added to His Book. Question is what are you going to do with this new chapter being written? This new year – 2025?

There’s an interesting Irish New Year’s tradition involving people opening the back door of their house just before midnight to “let the Old Year out” and opening the front door to “let the New Year in”. While opening the front door at midnight, people would greet their neighbors and wish them a Happy New Year! Revelation 12:11 promises we overcome the accuser of the brothers through the Blood of Jesus and the Testimony that blood brings. Through His Blood we can let the old year out and close the door on it. Through His Blood we can open the DOOR and welcome the new year in. Why? Through His Blood we have overcome. Through His Blood we are forgiven, cleansed, healed and made new. Through His Blood we can forget what’s behind and strain towards what’s ahead – His New Beginning. Let’s join Jesus – Who is the Door – opening ourselves up to begin writing a new chapter with our Author. Let’s begin again anew. Let’s become something new, and start bearing the fruit of His Light in the darkness – til the Dawning of His New Day. He makes all things new!

Athbhliain faoi mhaise dhuit! Pronounced: ath leen fui washa ditch = Happy New Year to You!